API v0.4
Historical Interest Only. Version 0.4 no longer in use
This document describes OSM API v0.4 which is no longer in use. We stopped using version 0.4 in October 2007. See the API page for a link to the currently active protocol specifications.
OSM API Version 0.4
In order to keep the specification unambiguous, this specification uses terms shall, may and can in line with the IEEE Style Guide.
The OSM API is based on the HTTP-Protocol. Please have a look at the corresponding OSM document HTTP Protocol Specification.
This Protocol is based on the ideas of the RESTful API. For more information on RESTful APIs see wikipedia's Representational State Transfer page.
As this protocol described below, the REST APIs uses HTTP-Methods like GET_request, PUT and DELETE in conjunction with XML payload send to URLs.
Protocol Roles
This OSM Protocol currently has two different protocol protocol roles.
OSM Protocol role client
The OSM client sends request messages to the OSM server.
Examples of OSM clients are:
- Potlatch and the old Java Applet
- Tiles@home client (read-only)
- Coastline import script (write-only)
OSM Protocol role server
Upon reception of a request from the OSM client, the OSM server shall answer with a response message.
Examples of OSM servers are:
The OSM Protocol Version 0.4 uses the URL of the HTTP-request to transport data from the OSM client to the OSM server. It uses HTTP/1.1 commands to transfer data between the OSM client and the OSM server.
General HTTP-Transport format
According to RFC 2616 the HTTP URLs have the following format:
http_URL = "http:" "//" host [ ":" port ] [ abs_path ["?" query ]]
Where the content with brackets [ ] is optional.
OSM specific HTTP-Transport format configuration
When the HTTP-Transport is used in conjunction with the OSM-Protocol, the absolute path ('abs_path') is split into an identifier of the OSM Protocol Version e.g. "api/0.3" or "api/0.4" and the OSM_Protocol_Command separated by a slash "/".
When HTTP is used as transport for the OSM protocol, the URL is shall be created from the OSM_Protocol_Version, the OSM_Protocol_Command and the optional OSM_Command_Parameters as following:
http_URL = OSM_Protocol_Version OSM_Protocol_Command ["?" OSM_Command_Parameters]
Where: OSM_Protocol_Version: Specifies the used OSM Protocol Version and shall for the OSM Protocol Version 0.4 always be defined as "/api/0.4".
OSM_Protocol_Command: Specifies the OSM Command to be executed at the OSM Server.
OSM_Command_Parameters: Specifies the OSM Command Parameters to be passed with the OSM Command to the OSM Server. If OSM_Command_Parameters is empty, they shall just be left away. If OSM_Command_Parameters is not empty, the parameters shall become preceded with a "?".
For the OSM Protocol Version 0.4 all applicable commands and their parameters are defined in the following sections.
Used HTTP Methods
The OSM protocol uses the following methods provided by the lower HTTP-protocol layer:
Additionally are prvovided by lower HTTP-protocol layer:
HTTP GET-Method based commands
The following OSM-protocol commands use the HTTP-Method GET provided by the lower HTTP-protocol layer.
Get node by NodeID
If the OSM server receives the GET_request message containing:
Method | OSM_Protocol_Command | OSM_Command_Parameters |
GET_request | /node/NodeID |
upon successful command execution, the OSM server shall respond with a GET_response message containing:
Method | get_response_body |
GET_response | XML DTD Schema:
Where NodeID identifies a node and shall be of the type OSMIdentifierType.
Applicable Status Codes of the GET_response message are:
Status Code | Description |
OK | The requested node identified by the given NodeID could be successfully be retrieved. |
Bad Request | Not applicable. |
Unauthorized | User authentication of HTTP Protocol failed. |
Not Found | The node identified by NodeID had never existed. |
Gone | The node identified by NodeID had existed, however does no longer exist. |
Precondition Failed | Not applicable. |
Internal Server Error | The server encountered an unexpected problem. |
Example GET_request message:
Example GET_response message:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <osm version="0.4" generator="OpenStreetMap server"> <node id="156804" lat="61.8083953857422" lon="10.8497076034546" visible="true" timestamp="2005-07-30T14:27:12+01:00"/> </osm>
Get segment by SegmentID
If the OSM server receives the GET_request message containing:
Method | OSM_Protocol_Command | OSM_Command_Parameters |
GET_request | /segment/SegmentID |
upon successful command execution, the OSM server shall respond with a GET_response message containing:
Method | get_response_body |
GET_response | XML DTD Schema:
<!ELEMENT osm (segment)> <!ATTLIST osm version CDATA #REQUIRED> <!ATTLIST osm generator CDATA #REQUIRED> <!ELEMENT segment (tag*)> <!ATTLIST segment id CDATA #REQUIRED> <!ATTLIST segment from CDATA #REQUIRED> <!ATTLIST segment to CDATA #REQUIRED> <!ATTLIST segment user CDATA #IMPLIED> <!ATTLIST segment visible CDATA #IMPLIED> <!ATTLIST segment timestamp CDATA #REQUIRED> <!ELEMENT tag EMPTY> <!ATTLIST tag k CDATA #REQUIRED> <!ATTLIST tag v CDATA #REQUIRED> |
Where SegemntID identifies a segment and shall be of the type OSMIdentifierType.
Applicable Status Codes of the GET_response message are:
Status Code | Description |
OK | The requested segment identified by the given SegementID could be successfully be retrieved. |
Bad Request | Not applicable. |
Unauthorized | User authentication of HTTP Protocol failed. |
Not Found | The segment identified by SegmentID had never existed. |
Gone | The segment identified by SegmentID had existed, however does no longer exist. |
Precondition Failed | Not applicable. |
Internal Server Error | The server encountered an unexpected problem. |
Example GET_request message:
Example GET_response message:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <osm version="0.4" generator="OpenStreetMap server"> <segment id="156804" from="200542" to="200550" user="blackadder" visible="true" timestamp="2005-11-08T17:28:52+00:00"> <tag k="name" v="Fire Route"/> </segment> </osm>
Get way history by ID
If the OSM server receives the GET_request message containing:
Method | OSM_Protocol_Command | OSM_Command_Parameters |
GET_request | /way/WayID/history |
upon successful command execution, the OSM server shall respond with a GET_response message containing:
Method | get_response_body |
GET_response | XML DTD Schema:
Where WayID identifies a way and shall be of the type OSMIdentifierType.
Applicable Status Codes of the GET_response message are:
Status Code | Description |
OK | The requested history of the way identifed by the given WayID could be successfully be retrieved. |
Bad Request | Not applicable. |
Unauthorized | User authentication of HTTP Protocol failed. |
Not Found | The way identified by WayID had never existed. |
Gone | Not applicable. |
Precondition Failed | Not applicable. |
Internal Server Error | The server encountered an unexpected problem. |
Example GET_request message:
Example GET_response message:
<osm version="0.4" generator="OpenStreetMap server"> <way id="35" visible="true" timestamp="2006-03-14T10:07:23+00:00" user="blackadder"> <seg id="156804"/> <seg id="156805"/> <seg id="156806"/> <tag k="created_by" v="JOSM"/> </way> <way id="35" visible="true" timestamp="2006-03-14T10:10:44+00:00" user="blackadder"> <seg id="156804"/> <seg id="156805"/> <seg id="156806"/> <tag k="created_by" v="aj.robinson@blueyonder.co.uk - JOSM"/> <tag k="construction" v="paved"/> <tag k="type" v="Footway"/> </way> <way id="35" visible="true" timestamp="2006-03-14T10:17:44+00:00" user="blackadder"> <seg id="156804"/> <seg id="156805"/> <seg id="156806"/> <tag k="created_by" v="aj.robinson@blueyonder.co.uk - JOSM"/> <tag k="id" v="AJR000002"/> <tag k="construction" v="paved"/> <tag k="type" v="Footway"/> </way>
Get way by ID
If the OSM server receives the GET_request message containing:
Method | OSM_Protocol_Command | OSM_Command_Parameters |
GET_request | /way/WayID |
upon successful command execution, the OSM server shall respond with a GET_response message containing:
Method | get_response_body |
GET_response | XML DTD Schema:
Where WayID identifies a way and shall be of the type OSMIdentifierType.
Applicable Status Codes of the GET_response message are:
Status Code | Description |
OK | The requested way identified by the given WayID could be successfully be retrieved. |
Bad Request | Not applicable. |
Unauthorized | User authentication of HTTP Protocol failed. |
Not Found | The way identified by WayID had never existed. |
Gone | The way identified by WayID had existed, however does no longer exist. |
Precondition Failed | Not applicable. |
Internal Server Error | The server encountered an unexpected problem. |
Example GET_request message:
Example GET_response message:
<osm version="0.4" generator="OpenStreetMap server"> <way id="35" visible="true" timestamp="2006-03-22T21:55:13+00:00" user="blackadder"> <seg id="156804"/> <seg id="156805"/> <seg id="156806"/> <tag k="place_name" v="Sutton Coldfield"/> <tag k="highway" v="footway"/> <tag k="surface" v="paved"/> <tag k="note" v="fire access route"/> <tag k="created_by" v="JOSM"/> </way> </osm>
Get ways
If the OSM server receives the GET_request message containing:
Method | OSM_Protocol_Command | OSM_Command_Parameters |
GET_request | /ways | ?ways=id1,id2,id3... |
upon successful command execution, the OSM server shall respond with a GET_response message containing:
Method | get_response_body |
Where WayID identifies a way and shall be of the type OSMIdentifierType.
Applicable Status Codes of the GET_response message are:
Status Code | Description |
OK | The requested ways identfied by the given list of WayIDs could be successfully be retrieved.
Bad Request | No wayIDs were provided. |
Unauthorized | User authentication of HTTP Protocol failed. |
Not Found | Not applicable. |
Gone | Not applicable. |
Precondition Failed | Not applicable. |
Internal Server Error | The server encountered an unexpected problem. |
Example GET_request message:
Example GET_response message:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <osm version="0.4" generator="OpenStreetMap server"> <way id="35" visible="true" timestamp="2006-03-22T21:55:13+00:00" user="blackadder"> <seg id="156804"/> <seg id="156805"/> <seg id="156806"/> <tag k="place_name" v="Sutton Coldfield"/> <tag k="highway" v="footway"/> <tag k="surface" v="paved"/> <tag k="note" v="fire access route"/> <tag k="created_by" v="JOSM"/> </way> <way id="38" visible="true" timestamp="2006-03-16T09:50:36+00:00" user="blackadder"> <seg id="230688"/> <seg id="230689"/> <seg id="230690"/> <seg id="230691"/> <seg id="230693"/> <seg id="230694"/> <seg id="230696"/> <tag k="created_by" v="JOSM"/> <tag k="construction" v="paved"/> <tag k="place" v="Sutton Coldfield"/> <tag k="highway" v="footway"/> <tag k="id" v="AJR000003"/> </way> </osm>
Get map
Map is the heart of things here. It will provide a bundle of nodes, line segments, and ways given some bounding box. The XML returned will give you the ways that any of the segments within that bounding box belong to, and (as opposed to protocol version 0.3) will also give you all the segments that those ways own and their nodes, even if these lie outside the given bounding box.
The bounding box is specified in one parameter, bbox, giving the longitude and latitude of the bottom left corner first, then the longitude and latitude of the top right corner.
Note: In the interests of keeping the API snappy, it is restricted to providing data for only moderately sized areas (currently 0.25 deg). If you don't need the very latest data, or if you need lots of data, you should use Planet.osm instead.
If the OSM server receives the GET_request message containing:
Method | OSM_Protocol_Command | OSM_Command_Parameters |
GET_request | /map | ?bbox=bllon,bllat,trlon,trlat |
Upon successful command execution, the OSM server shall respond with a GET_response message containing:
Method | get_response_body |
GET_response | XML DTD Schema:
<!ELEMENT osm (node+, segment*, way*)> <!ATTLIST osm version CDATA #REQUIRED> <!ATTLIST osm generator CDATA #REQUIRED> <!ELEMENT node (tag*)> <!ATTLIST node id CDATA #REQUIRED> <!ATTLIST node lat CDATA #REQUIRED> <!ATTLIST node lon CDATA #REQUIRED> <!ATTLIST node timestamp CDATA #REQUIRED> <!ATTLIST node user CDATA #IMPLIED> <!ATTLIST node visible CDATA #IMPLIED> <!ELEMENT segment (tag*)> <!ATTLIST segment id CDATA #REQUIRED> <!ATTLIST segment from CDATA #REQUIRED> <!ATTLIST segment to CDATA #REQUIRED> <!ATTLIST segment user CDATA #IMPLIED> <!ATTLIST segment visible CDATA #IMPLIED> <!ATTLIST segment timestamp CDATA #REQUIRED> <!ELEMENT way (seg+,tag*)> <!ATTLIST way id CDATA #REQUIRED> <!ATTLIST way visible CDATA #IMPLIED> <!ATTLIST way timestamp CDATA #REQUIRED> <!ATTLIST way user CDATA #IMPLIED> <!ELEMENT seg EMPTY> <!ATTLIST seg id CDATA #REQUIRED> <!ELEMENT tag EMPTY> <!ATTLIST tag k CDATA #IMPLIED> <!ATTLIST tag v CDATA #REQUIRED> |
Method | status_code |
GET_response | Bad Request |
Parameter | Type Definition | Description |
bllon | OSMlonType | longitude of the bottom left corner of the bounding box (minimum longitude) |
bllat | OSMlatType | latitude of the bottom left corner of the bounding box (minimum latitude) |
trlon | OSMlonType | longitude of the top right corner of the bounding box (maximum longitude) |
trlat | OSMlatType | latitude of the top right corner of the bounding box (maximum latitude) |
GMT_Time | OSMDateType | optional, the time to fetch the data for (default is latest data) |
Applicable Status Codes of the GET_response message are:
Status Code | Description |
OK | The map data of the requested bounding box has successfully been retrieved. |
Bad Request | If the requested area is too large. The area limit is currently ~0.1 square degrees. If a larger area is needed, please use Planet.osm. |
Unauthorized | User authentication of HTTP Protocol failed. |
Not Found | applicable? please help fixing!!! |
Gone | applicable? please help fixing!!! |
Precondition Failed | Not applicable. |
Internal Server Error | The server encountered an unexpected problem. |
Get map trace examples are found here: Get map trace example
Example GET_request message:
Example GET_response message:
GET_response message
Search objects (ways, segments and nodes)
You can search by type, value, or both. This will search the tags on all the objects (nodes, segments and ways)
If the OSM server receives the GET_request message containing:
Method | OSM_Protocol_Command | OSM_Command_Parameters |
GET_request | search | type=keyA
value=keyB or type=keyA&value=keyB |
upon successful command execution, the OSM server shall respond with a GET_response message containing:
Method | OSM_Protocol_Command | OSM_Command_Parameters |
GET_response | tbd. | tbd. |
The URL to GET is /search and the parameters are type and value
- /search?type=highway
- /search?value=Cambridge
- /search?type=railway&value=rail
The response is all the matching nodes, segments and ways
Applicable Status Codes of the GET_response message are:
Status Code | Description |
OK | Provide description here. Please help fixing!!! |
Bad Request | applicable? please help fixing!!! |
Unauthorized | User authentication of HTTP Protocol failed. |
Not Found | applicable? please help fixing!!! |
Gone | applicable? please help fixing!!! |
Precondition Failed | applicable? please help fixing!!! |
Internal Server Error | The server encountered an unexpected problem. |
Search nodes
This command is used to search by node type, node value, or both.
If the OSM server receives the GET_request message containing:
Method | OSM_Protocol_Command | OSM_Command_Parameters |
GET_request | /nodes/search | type=keyA
value=keyB or type=keyA&value=keyB |
The URL to GET is /nodes/search and the parameters are type and value.
- /nodes/search?type=highway
- /nodes/search?value=Oxford
- /nodes/search?type=place&value=town
If matching nodes are found the OSM server shall respond with a GET_response message containing:
Method | OSM_Protocol_Command | OSM_Command_Parameters |
GET_response | tbd. | tbd. |
Applicable Status Codes of the GET_response message are:
Status Code | Description |
OK | Provide description here. Please help fixing!!! |
Bad Request | applicable? please help fixing!!! |
Unauthorized | User authentication of HTTP Protocol failed. |
Not Found | applicable? please help fixing!!! |
Gone | applicable? please help fixing!!! |
Precondition Failed | Not applicable. |
Internal Server Error | The server encountered an unexpected problem. |
Search segments
You can search by segment type, segment value, or both
This command might be incorrect. Please help fixing it. If the OSM server receives the GET_request message containing:
Method | OSM_Protocol_Command | OSM_Command_Parameters |
GET_request | /segments/search | type=keyA
value=keyB or type=keyA&value=keyB |
upon successful command execution, the OSM server shall respond with a GET_response message containing:
Method | OSM_Protocol_Command | OSM_Command_Parameters |
GET_response | tbd. | tbd. |
The URL to GET is /segments/search and the parameters are type and value
- /segments/search?type=highway
- /segments/search?value=Oxford Street
- /segments/search?type=highway&value=secondary
The response contains the segments that match.
Applicable Status Codes of the GET_response message are:
Status Code | Description |
OK | Provide description here. Please help fixing!!! |
Bad Request | applicable? please help fixing!!! |
Unauthorized | User authentication of HTTP Protocol failed. |
Not Found | applicable? please help fixing!!! |
Gone | applicable? please help fixing!!! |
Precondition Failed | Not applicable. |
Internal Server Error | The server encountered an unexpected problem. |
Search ways
You can search by way type, node value, or both
If the OSM server receives the GET_request message containing:
Method | OSM_Protocol_Command | OSM_Command_Parameters |
GET_request | /ways/search | type=keyA
value=keyB or type=keyA&value=keyB |
upon successful command execution, the OSM server shall respond with a GET_response message containing:
Method | OSM_Protocol_Command | OSM_Command_Parameters |
GET_response | tbd. | tbd. |
The URL to GET is /ways/search and the parameters are type and value
- /ways/search?type=highway
- /ways/search?value=M1
- /ways/search?type=highway&value=motorway
The response contains all matching ways.
Applicable Status Codes of the GET_response message are:
Status Code | Description |
OK | Provide description here. Please help fixing!!! |
Bad Request | applicable? please help fixing!!! |
Unauthorized | User authentication of HTTP Protocol failed. |
Not Found | applicable? please help fixing!!! |
Gone | applicable? please help fixing!!! |
Precondition Failed | Not applicable. |
Internal Server Error | The server encountered an unexpected problem. |
Get gpx files of the user
If the OSM server receives the GET_request message containing:
Method | OSM_Protocol_Command | OSM_Command_Parameters |
GET_request | /user/gpx_files |
upon successful command execution, the OSM server shall respond with a GET_response message containing:
Method | OSM_Protocol_Command | OSM_Command_Parameters |
GET_response | tbd. | tbd. |
Applicable Status Codes of the GET_response message are:
Status Code | Description |
OK | Provide description here. Please help fixing!!! |
Bad Request | applicable? please help fixing!!! |
Unauthorized | User authentication of HTTP Protocol failed. |
Not Found | applicable? please help fixing!!! |
Gone | applicable? please help fixing!!! |
Precondition Failed | Not applicable. |
Internal Server Error | The server encountered an unexpected problem. |
Create gpx file
Operation purpose is unclear. Is this GET or PUT procedure used for this method. Please fix! If the OSM server receives a POST_request message containing:
Method | OSM_Protocol_Command | OSM_Command_Parameters |
POST_request | /gpx/create | description, tags, public, file |
upon successful command execution, the OSM server shall respond with a POST_response message containing:
Method | OSM_Protocol_Command | OSM_Command_Parameters |
POST_response | tbd. | tbd. |
Parameter | Type Definition | Description |
description | OSMTextStringType | Description for GPX file. |
tags | OSMTextStringType | Tags to associate with GPX file. |
public | OSMTextStringType | Boolean flag to indicate whether file is public or not. |
file | OSMTextStringType | GPX file contents. |
Applicable Status Codes of the GET_response message are:
Status Code | Description |
OK | Provide description here. Please help fixing!!! |
Bad Request | The supplied arguments were not acceptable. |
Unauthorized | User authentication of HTTP Protocol failed. |
Not Found | Not applicable. |
Gone | Not applicable. |
Precondition Failed | Not applicable. |
Internal Server Error | The server encountered an unexpected problem. |
Get GPX file details by ID
This command might be incorrect. Please help fixing it. If the OSM server receives the GET_request message containing:
Method | OSM_Protocol_Command | OSM_Command_Parameters |
GET_request | /gpx/NameID/details |
upon successful command execution, the OSM server shall respond with a GET_response message containing:
Method | OSM_Protocol_Command | OSM_Command_Parameters |
GET_response | tbd. | tbd. |
Where NameID identifies a filename and shall be of the type OSMIdentifierType
Applicable Status Codes of the GET_response message are:
Status Code | Description |
OK | Provide description here. Please help fixing!!! |
Bad Request | applicable? please help fixing!!! |
Unauthorized | User authentication of HTTP Protocol failed. |
Not Found | If the gpx file identified by NameID has not been found? for all or for this user? please help fixing!!! |
Gone | If the gpx file identified by NameID had existed, however does no longer exist? for all or for this user? please help fixing!!! |
Precondition Failed | Not applicable. |
Internal Server Error | The server encountered an unexpected problem. |
Get Trackpoints
The XML returned will give you a page of uploaded track points within the bounding box. Newer points are returned first.
The bounding box is specified in one parameter, bbox, giving the longitude and latitude of the bottom left corner first, then the longitude and latitude of the top right corner.
Results are divided into pages of 5000 points. The zero based page parameter specifies which page of results is required.
If the OSM server receives the GET_request message containing:
Method | OSM_Protocol_Command | OSM_Command_Parameters |
GET_request | /trackpoints | ?bbox=bllon,bllat,trlon,trlat&page=pagenumber |
Upon successful command execution, the OSM server shall respond with a GET_response message containing:
Method | get_response_body |
GET_response |
<!ELEMENT gpx (trk)> <!ATTLIST gpx version CDATA #REQUIRED> <!ATTLIST gpx creator CDATA #REQUIRED> <!ELEMENT trk (trkseg)> <!ELEMENT trkseg (trkpt*)> <!ELEMENT trkpt EMPTY> <!ATTLIST node lat CDATA #REQUIRED> <!ATTLIST node lon CDATA #REQUIRED> |
Parameter | Type Definition | Description |
bllon | OSMlonType | longitude of the bottom left corner of the bounding box (minimum longitude) |
bllat | OSMlatType | latitude of the bottom left corner of the bounding box (minimum latitude) |
trlon | OSMlonType | longitude of the top right corner of the bounding box (maximum longitude) |
trlat | OSMlatType | latitude of the top right corner of the bounding box (maximum latitude) |
page | OSMTrackpointPageType | The zero based page parameter indicating which page of 5000 points required |
Example GET_request message:
Example GET_response message:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <gpx version="1.0" creator="OpenStreetMap.org" xmlns="http://www.topografix.com/GPX/1/0/"> <trk> <trkseg> <trkpt lat="51.896232" lon="-1.148553"/> <trkpt lat="51.896255" lon="-1.148459"/> <trkpt lat="51.896275" lon="-1.148361"/> </trkseg> </trk> </gpx>
Applicable Status Codes of the GET_response message are:
Status Code | Description |
OK | The page of track points within the requested bounding box has successfully been retrieved. |
Bad Request |
Unauthorized | User authentication of HTTP Protocol failed. |
Internal Server Error | The server encountered an unexpected problem. |
HTTP PUT-Method based commands
The following OSM-protocol commands use the HTTP-Method PUT provided by the lower HTTP-protocol layer.
Create new node
Method | OSM_Protocol_Command | OSM_Command_Parameters | put_request_body |
PUT_request | /node/create | node_payload |
upon successful command execution, the OSM server shall respond with a PUT_response message containing:
HTTP Method | HTTP Message-Body |
PUT_response | tbd. |
Applicable Status Codes of the PUT_response message are:
Status Code | Description |
OK | Provide description here. Please help fixing!!! |
Bad Request | applicable? please help fixing!!! |
Unauthorized | User authentication of HTTP Protocol failed. |
Not Found | Not applicable. |
Gone | Not applicable. |
Precondition Failed | The XML data transported as node_payload contained a NodeID. |
Internal Server Error | The server encountered an unexpected problem. |
Create new node trace examples are found here: Create new node trace example
Create new segment
Method | OSM_Protocol_Command | OSM_Command_Parameters | put_request_body |
PUT_request | /segment/create | segment_payload |
upon successful command execution, the OSM server shall respond with a PUT_response message containing:
HTTP Method | HTTP Message-Body |
PUT_response | tbd. |
Applicable Status Codes of the PUT_response message are:
Status Code | Description |
OK | Provide description here. Please help fixing!!! |
Bad Request | applicable? please help fixing!!! |
Unauthorized | User authentication of HTTP Protocol failed. |
Not Found | Not applicable. |
Gone | Not applicable. |
Precondition Failed |
Internal Server Error | The server encountered an unexpected problem. |
Create new segment trace examples are found here: Create new segment trace example
Create new way
Method | OSM_Protocol_Command | OSM_Command_Parameters | put_request_body |
PUT_request | /way/create | way_payload |
upon successful command execution, the OSM server shall respond with a PUT_response message containing:
HTTP Method | HTTP Message-Body |
PUT_response | tbd. |
Applicable Status Codes of the PUT_response message are:
Status Code | Description |
OK | Provide description here. Please help fixing!!! |
Bad Request | applicable? please help fixing!!! |
Unauthorized | User authentication of HTTP Protocol failed. |
Not Found | Not applicable. |
Gone | Not applicable. |
Precondition Failed |
Internal Server Error | The server encountered an unexpected problem. |
Create new way trace examples are found here: Create new way trace example
Store node by ID
Method | OSM_Protocol_Command | OSM_Command_Parameters | put_request_body |
PUT_request | /node/NodeID | node_payload |
upon successful command execution, the OSM server shall respond with a PUT_response message containing:
HTTP Method | HTTP Message-Body |
PUT_response | tbd. |
Where NodeID identifies a node and shall be of the type OSMIdentifierType.
Applicable Status Codes of the PUT_response message are:
Status Code | Description |
OK | Provide description here. Please help fixing!!! |
Bad Request | ID in XML didn't match ID in request |
Unauthorized | User authentication of HTTP Protocol failed. |
Not Found | Node to update did not exist |
Gone | Node to update has been deleted (resurrection is not possible this way) |
Precondition Failed |
The XML data transported as node_payload contained a NodeID. |
Internal Server Error | The server encountered an unexpected problem. |
Store segment by ID
Method | OSM_Protocol_Command | OSM_Command_Parameters | put_request_body |
PUT_request | /segment/SegmentID | segment_payload |
upon successful command execution, the OSM server shall respond with a PUT_response message containing:
HTTP Method | HTTP Message-Body |
PUT_response | tbd. |
Where SegmentID identifies a segment and shall be of the type OSMIdentifierType.
Applicable Status Codes of the PUT_response message are:
Status Code | Description |
OK | Provide description here. Please help fixing!!! |
Bad Request | applicable? please help fixing!!! |
Unauthorized | User authentication of HTTP Protocol failed. |
Not Found | Not applicable. |
Gone | Not applicable. |
Precondition Failed |
Internal Server Error | The server encountered an unexpected problem. |
Store way by ID
Method | OSM_Protocol_Command | OSM_Command_Parameters | put_request_body |
PUT_request | /way/WayID | way_payload |
upon successful command execution, the OSM server shall respond with a PUT_response message containing:
HTTP Method | HTTP Message-Body |
PUT_response | tbd. |
Where WayID identifies a way and shall be of the type OSMIdentifierType.
Applicable Status Codes of the PUT_response message are:
Status Code | Description |
OK | Provide description here. Please help fixing!!! |
Bad Request | applicable? please help fixing!!! |
Unauthorized | User authentication of HTTP Protocol failed. |
Not Found | Not applicable. |
Gone | Not applicable. |
Precondition Failed |
Internal Server Error | The server encountered an unexpected problem. |
HTTP DELETE-Method based commands
The following OSM-protocol commands use the HTTP-Method DELETE provided by the lower HTTP-protocol layer.
Delete node by ID
Method | OSM_Protocol_Command | OSM_Command_Parameters | |
DELETE_response | /node/NodeID |
upon successful command execution, the OSM server shall respond with a DELETE_response message containing:
HTTP Method | HTTP Message-Body |
DELETE_response | tbd. |
Applicable Status Codes of the DELETE_response message are:
Status Code | Description |
OK | The node identified by NodeID had been successfully deleted. |
Bad Request | applicable? please help fixing!!! |
Unauthorized | User authentication of HTTP Protocol failed. |
Not Found | The node identified by NodeID had never existed. |
Gone | The node identified by NodeID had existed, however does not longer exist. |
Precondition Failed | The node could not be deleted because it is in use by a segment. |
Internal Server Error | The server encountered an unexpected problem. |
Delete node by ID trace examples are found here: Delete node by ID trace example
Delete segment by ID
Method | OSM_Protocol_Command | OSM_Command_Parameters | |
DELETE_response | /segment/SegmentID |
upon successful command execution, the OSM server shall respond with a DELETE_response message containing:
HTTP Method | HTTP Message-Body |
DELETE_response | tbd. |
Applicable Status Codes of the DELETE_response message are:
Status Code | Description |
OK | The segment identified by SegmentID had been successfully deleted. |
Bad Request | applicable? please help fixing!!! |
Unauthorized | User authentication of HTTP Protocol failed. |
Not Found | The segment identified by SegmentID had never existed. |
Gone | The segment identified by SegmentID had existed, however does not longer exist. |
Precondition Failed | The segmnet could not be deleted because it is in use by a way. |
Internal Server Error | The server encountered an unexpected problem. |
Delete segment by ID trace examples are found here: Delete segment by ID trace example. Please help by providing a suitable trace file!!!!
Delete way by ID
Method | OSM_Protocol_Command | OSM_Command_Parameters | |
DELETE_response | /way/WayID |
upon successful command execution, the OSM server shall respond with a DELETE_response message containing:
HTTP Method | HTTP Message-Body |
DELETE_response | tbd. |
Applicable Status Codes of the DELETE_response message are:
Status Code | Description |
OK | The way identified by WayID |
Bad Request | applicable? please help fixing!!! |
Unauthorized | User authentication of HTTP Protocol failed. |
Not Found | The way identified by WayID had never existed. |
Gone | The way identified by WayID had existed, however does not longer exist. |
Precondition Failed | Not applicable. |
Internal Server Error | The server encountered an unexpected problem. |
Delete way by ID trace examples are found here: Delete way by ID trace example. Please help by providing a suitable trace file!!!!
Error Text
In the event of an error, the OSM server response will have a status_code set to bad request. In some cases, it will also include an additional HTTP header, Error. Where the HTTP header Error is present, the Error header provides a textual description of the failure.
HTTP/1.1 400 Bad Request Cache-Control: no-cache Connection: Keep-Alive Error: The maximum bbox size is 0.25, and your request was too large. Either request a smaller area, or use planet.osm Date: Sun, 29 Apr 2007 09:31:51 GMT Content-Type: text/xml; charset=utf-8 Server: WEBrick/1.3.1 (Ruby/1.8.5/2006-08-25) Content-Length: 1
Error handling
The OSM Protocol uses the Error Handling of the low HTTP Layer. For more information on Error Handling, please see HTTP Protocol Specification.
Type definitions
The status codes are defined by the HTTP Protocol Specification
The OSMIdentifierType shall be a unsigned 64-Bit Integer.
Encoding (as part of an OSM command):
- As decimal number [1 .. ((2^64)-1)]
- Leading zeros may be omitted.
Please verify that the above statement is correct!!!
The OSMTextStringTyp shall be a sequence of UTF-8 characters.
Is UTF-8 characters correct or should it be ASCII characters? Please help fixing it.
The OSMlonType shall be an integer number in the range of -180 to +180 degrees.
'Please provide more info below. How many digits after the comma or dot?' E.g. XXX.YYYY -XXX.YYYY +XXX.YYYY
Where: - the "." and YYYY may be left away if "YYYY" is equal to "0000" - tailing "0" of YYYY may be left away - leading "0"s of XXX may be left away - the "+" may be left away Are the following accepted?
179. instead of 179 or 179.0 .4 instead of 0.4
The OSMlonType shall be an integer number in the range of -90 to +90.
'Please provide more info below. How many digits after the comma or dot?' E.g. XXX.YYYY -XXX.YYYY +XXX.YYYY
Where: - the "." and YYYY may be left away if "YYYY" is equal to "0000" - tailing "0" of YYYY may be left away - leading "0"s of XXX may be left away - the "+" may be left away Are the following accepted?
179. instead of 179 or 179.0 .4 instead of 0.4
This should be either of the form YYYY-MM-DD or YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss (Don't forget to encode the space as %20)
The OSMTrackpointPageType shall be an integer number greater than or equal to 0.
Status Codes
The OSM Database Access Protocol shall use the status_codes defined by HTTP Protocol Specification.
Encoding of Error Text
Please help fixing this part.
Encoding of error_text parameter shall be ???ASCII or UTF-8 text string???
Please provide input on the text string type!!!