Automated edits/Avinet ua

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User is used sometimes to perform semi-automated edits to increase map quality and integrity using various methods and tools.


Mainly all edits are located in Ukraine and some sibling countries which I am familiar with.


To change map and make it better.


Names, main "name" and "name:uk" tags are filled both.

All names in Ukraine must be and are due to the law in Ukrainian language, no other languages are supported officially and no other languages can be used to make signs/captions etc. If such happens - this is breaking of law and is administrative disruption that can be treated as vandalism so semi-automated edits check correctness of names and fix them using internal (validated manually by me) dictionary to translated any wrong changes to real name. If local mapper finds a mistake - I can be easily discussed in comments to changesets.

Streets names

All street names have only and exact only one name - Ukrainian and so can be available only in this languages, other names in "name" and/or "name:uk" tags are forbidden and will be replaced by translated dictionary.


If available all Wikipedia links will be replaced to Ukrainian analogs if not Ukrainian articles will be found.

Other countries

For some countries can be added names in "name:uk" tag for easier navigation.