CanVec: Transportation (TR) Road

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For the features listed as 'Is in GeoBase – do not use' see Geobase NRN - OSM Map Feature

See CanVec: Transportation (TR):Road segment for the detailed listing of the CanVec Roads features.

See CanVec: Transportation (TR) Air for the detailed listing of the air transportation features.

See CanVec: Transportation (TR) Rail for the detailed listing of the rail transportation features.

See CanVec: Transportation (TR) Water for the detailed listing of the water transportation features.

POINT Mf node.png LINE way AREA area

CanVec Feature Generic Code Geometry Attribute Value Attribute Description Attribute Code OSM Tag(s)
35- Junction - (Jonction) 1770009 Mf node.png Ferry - ( Transbordement ) A specific junction that indicates that a road segment continues as a ferry connection segment. 1770030 route=ferry
3- Blocked passage - (Passage obstrué) 1780009 Mf node.png Blocked passage - ( Passage obstrué ) A structure intentionally placed across a road to prevent or control further access. 1780010 barrier=retaining_wall

Is in GeoBase – do not use see???

61- Road segment - (Segment routier) 1760009 way Road segment - ( Segment routier ) A road is a linear section of the earth designed for or the result of vehicular movement. A road segment is the specific representation of a portion of a road with uniform characteristics. When crossing roads are separated by grades, the bisecting road segments do not share a junction. Grade separated crossings between road segments involve road structure objects, that is, either bridges or tunnels. If a junction occurs at a grade separation, it is either connected to the lower set of road segments or to the higher, but never to both. Proposed roads are not represented. 1760011 Is in GeoBase – do not use See Geobase NRN - OSM Map Feature

see CanVec:_Transportation_(TR):Road segment

74- Toll point - (Poste de péage) 1790009 Mf node.png Toll point - ( Poste de péage ) Place where a right-of-way is charged to gain access to a motorway, a bridge, etc. 1790010 Is in GeoBase – do not use see???
35- Junction - (Jonction) 1770009 Mf node.png Dead end - ( Cul-de-sac ) 1770020 Is in GeoBase – do not use

GeoBase Import CanVec OSM Map Features