DE:Proposed features/Healthcare 2.0/Specialties

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Hinweis: In diesem Artikel wird mit specialty die amerikanische Schreibweise verwendet. Standard ist aber die britische Schreibweise mit speciality.

Fachrichtungen/Spezialisierungen für das westliche medizinische System

ärztliche Fachrichtungen

Das sind hauptsächlich Arztfachrichtungen sowie ein paar für Labore, sie aber natürlich nicht auf diese beschränkt.


Key/Schlüssel Value/Wert Beschreibung Bild
health_specialty:anatomy yes/no/
Anatomie. tries to understand the inner structure of living organisms
health_specialty:anaesthesiology Anästhesie. blocking pain on surgeries, also by making the patient temporarily unresponsive
health_specialty:biochemistry Biochemie. untersucht checmische Prozesse in lebenden Organismen
health_specialty:public_health öffentliches Gesundheitswesen/Community medicine. preventing diseases and make informed choices affecting the overall health of a community, based on population health analysis
health_specialty:dentistry Zahnmedizin/Zahnheilkunde/Stomatologie. Behandlung von Störungen der Zähnen und im Mundinnenraum
health_specialty:dermatology Dermatologie/Hautarzt. Behandlung von Hauterkrankungen
health_specialty:disaster_medicine Katastrophenmedizin. beschäftigt sich mit der Abmindereung medizinischer Katastropenschäden und der Wiederherstellung des Ausgangszustandes
health_specialty:ear_nose_throat Hals-Nasen-Ohren-Heilkunde/Oto-Rhino-Laryngologie. Behandlung von Hals, Nase und Ohren.
health_specialty:emergency_medicine Notfallmedizin/Traumatologie. Behandlung akuter Erkankungen und Verletzungen, welche sofortige medizische Maßnahmen erfordern
health_specialty:environmental_medicine Umweltmedizin. studying the interactions between environment and human health, and the role of the environment in causing or mediating disease
health_specialty:family_medicine Allgemeinmedizin. primary health care providing continuing, comprehensive care to individuals across all ages, sexes, diseases, and parts of the body
health_specialty:intensive_care_medicine Intensivmedizin. life support of patients who are critically ill
health_specialty:internal_medicine innere Medizin. laboratory supported diagnosis and treatment, especially of undifferentiated or multi-system inside body diseases
health_specialty:medical_genetics Humangenetik. diagnosis and management of hereditary disorders
health_specialty:medical_microbiology medizinische Mikrobiologie. untersucht medizinisch wichtige Mirkroorganismen einschließlich Bakterien, Viren, Pilze and Parasiten
health_specialty:neurology Neurologie. Behandlung von Erkrankungen des Nervensystemes
health_specialty:nuclear_medicine Nuklearmedizin. uses radionuclides for diagnosis and treatment of disease
health_specialty:occupational_medicine Arbeitsmedizin. health of people engaged in work or employment
health_specialty:ophthalmology Augenheilkunde/Ophthalmologie. medicine and diseases of the eyes
health_specialty:optometry Optometrie. non-surgical treatment of diseases affecting vision
health_specialty:paediatrics Kinder- und Jugendmedizin/Pädiatrie. medizinische Versorgung von Kleinkindern, Kindern und Jugendlichen
health_specialty:pain_medicine Schmerzmedizin/Algiatrie. Medizin der Schmerzreduktion
health_specialty:palliative_medicine Palliativmedizin. Behandlung zur Reduktion der Schwere von Krankheitssymptomen anstelle der Ursachenbehandlung, da sich die Krankheit nicht mehr heilen, aufhalten oder die Fortentwicklung umkehren läßt
health_specialty:pathology Pathologie. beschäftigt sich mit der Erkennung, definition und Kategoriesierung von Krankheiten
health_specialty:pharmacology Pharmakologie. untersucht Arzneimittelwirkungen in Menschen
health_specialty:physiatry Physikalische und Rehabilitative Medizin/Physiatrie. aims to enhance and restore functional ability and quality of life to those with physical impairments or disabilities
health_specialty:physiology Physiologie. science of the mechanical, physical, and biochemical functions of organism in good health, their organs, and the cells of which they are composed
health_specialty:psychiatry Psychiatrie. Behandlung von metalen Störungen bei Kindern und Erwachsenen. Dieser generische Fachrichtungs-Tag beihaltet health_specialty:child_psychiatry=* und health_specialty:adult_psychiatry=*
health_specialty:radiology Radiologie. medical imaging or treatment of the interior of the human body using various forms of radiation
health_specialty:reproductive_medicine Reproduktionsmedizin. medical prevention, diagnosis and management of reproductive problems
health_specialty:sleep_medicine Schlafmedizin. diagnosis and therapy of sleep disturbances and disorders
health_specialty:sports_medicine Sportmedizin. treatment of injuries related to sport
health_specialty:surgery Chirurgie. benutzt operative Techniken an Patienten, um Krankheiten oder Verletzungen zu untersuchen und/oder zu behandeln
health_specialty:transfusion_medicine Transfusionsmedizin/Transfusiologie. beschäftigt sich mit der Übertragung von Blut bzw. Blutkomponenten
health_specialty:unknown Das ist ein spezialisiertes Objekt mit Bezug zum Gesundheitswesen, z.B. eine Klinik oder ein Krankenhaus, aber die Fachrichtung ist unbekannt.


Key/Schlüssel Value/Wert üblicherweise Teilgebiet von Beschreibung Bild
health_specialty:epidemiology yes/no/
public_health Epidemiologie. study of patterns of health and illness and associated factors at population level
health_specialty:social_medicine public_health Sozialmedizin. seeks to understand how social and economic conditions impact health, disease and the practice of medicine
health_specialty:endodontics dentistry Endodontie. treatment of the dental pulp
health_specialty:oral_surgery dentistry Oralchirurgie. surgery of the mouth, teeth, gums, jaws; it does not include the whole head
health_specialty:orthodontics dentistry Orthodontie/Kieferorthopädie. therapy of improper bites
health_specialty:periodontology dentistry Parodontologie. treatment of teeth supporting structures
health_specialty:prosthodontics dentistry prothetische Zahnheilkunde
health_specialty:audiology ear_nose_throat Audiologie. treatment of hearing and balance disorders
health_specialty:phoniatrics ear_nose_throat Phoniatrie/Sprach-, Stimm-, und kindliche Hörstörungen. treatment of organs involved with speech production
health_specialty:andrology internal_medicine Andrologie. health of the male reproductive system
health_specialty:angiology internal_medicine Angiologie/Gefäßmedizin. treatment of diseases of the circulatory system
health_specialty:cardiology internal_medicine Kardiologie. deals with disorders of the heart
health_specialty:endocrinology internal_medicine Endokrinologie. treatment of illnesses of the hormone secreting glands
health_specialty:gastroenterology internal_medicine Gastroenterologie. treatment of the digestive system/gastrointestinal tract
health_specialty:geriatrics internal_medicine Geriatrie. supporting health of old adults
health_specialty:gynaecology internal_medicine Gynäkologie/Frauenheilkunde. health of the female reproductive system
health_specialty:haematology internal_medicine Hämatologie. diagnosis and treatment of blood diseases
health_specialty:infectiology internal_medicine Infektiologie/Infektionskrankheiten. treatment of illnesses resulting from the presence of pathogenic biological agents
health_specialty:nephrology internal_medicine Nephrologie. treatment of diseases of the kidney
health_specialty:oncology internal_medicine Onkologie. treatment of tumours
health_specialty:pulmonology internal_medicine Pulmonologie/Pulmonologie/Respiratorische Medizin. treatment of diseases of the respiratory system
health_specialty:rheumatology internal_medicine Rheumatologie. treatment of diseases affecting the joints, muscles, and bones
health_specialty:immunology medical_microbiology Immunologie. deals with malfunctions of the immune system in immunological disorders
health_specialty:aviation_medicine occupational_medicine Flugmedizin/Aviationsmedizin/Raumfahrtmedizine. treat or prevent conditions to which aircrews are particularly susceptible
health_specialty:neonatology paediatrics Neonatologie. care of ill or premature newborn infants
health_specialty:paediatric_cardiology paediatrics Cardiology done on children and adolescents
health_specialty:paediatric_diabetology paediatrics Diabetology done on children and adolescents
health_specialty:paediatric_endocrinology paediatrics Endocrinology done on children and adolescents
health_specialty:paediatric_gastroenterology paediatrics Gastroenterology done on children and adolescents
health_specialty:paediatric_haematology paediatrics Haematology done on children and adolescents
health_specialty:paediatric_nephrology paediatrics Nephrology done on children and adolescents
health_specialty:paediatric_neurology paediatrics Neurology/Neuropaediatrics done on children and adolescents
health_specialty:paediatric_oncology paediatrics Oncology done on children and adolescents
health_specialty:paediatric_ophthalmology paediatrics Ophthalmology done on children and adolescents
health_specialty:paediatric_orthopaedics paediatrics Orthopaedics done on children and adolescents
health_specialty:paediatric_pulmonology paediatrics Pulmonology done on children and adolescents
health_specialty:paediatric_rheumatology paediatrics Rheumatology done on children and adolescents
health_specialty:social_paediatrics paediatrics Sozialpädiatrie whole-family and whole-community approach to child medical problems and prevention
health_specialty:clinical_pathology pathology Laboratoriumsmedizin/klinische Pathologie diagnosis of disease based on the laboratory analysis of bodily fluids
health_specialty:forensic_pathology pathology Rechtsmedizin/forensische Pathologie. determining the cause of death by doing an autopsy
health_specialty:neuropathology pathology Neuropathologie. deals with the origin of diseases of the nervous system
health_specialty:toxicology pathology Toxikologie. study of harmful or toxic effects of drugs
health_specialty:clinical_pharmacology pharmacology klinische Pharmakologie. studies how clinical drugs affecting the human metabolism
health_specialty:addiction_medicine psychiatry Suchtmedizin. treatment of addiction such as detoxification and rehabilitation
health_specialty:adult_psychiatry psychiatry Erwachsenenpsychiatrie. Behandlung von Geistesstörungen bei Erwachsenen.
health_specialty:child_psychiatry psychiatry Kinder- und Jugendpsychiatrie/KJP. treatment of psychopathological disorders of children and adolescents
health_specialty:forensic_psychiatry psychiatry forensische Psychiatrie. den Gesetzesvollzug unterstützende Pschyiatrie
health_specialty:neuropsychiatry psychiatry Neuropsychiatrie. Erkrankungen des Nervensystemes, welche Geistesstörungen hervorrufen
health_specialty:psychosomatic_medicine psychiatry psychosomatische Medizin. studies the relationships of social, psychological and behavioural factors on body processes and well-being
health_specialty:diagnostic_radiology radiology diagnostische Radiologie. creates medical images of the human body for clinical purposes e.g. diagnosis
health_specialty:neuroradiology radiology Neuroradiologie. diagnosis and characterization of abnormalities of the central and peripheral nervous system
health_specialty:paediatric_radiology radiology pädiatrische Radiologie. Bildgebung bei Fötusen, Säuglingen, Kindern, Jugendlichen und jungen Erwachsenen
health_specialty:radiotherapy radiology Strahlentherapie/Strahlenheilkunde/Radiotherapie/Radioonkologie. use of ionising radiation for treating cancer
health_specialty:cardiothoracic_surgery surgery Thorax- und Herzchirurgie. Behandlung von, den Bruskorbtinnenraum/Thorax betreffenden. Erkrankungen
health_specialty:colorectal_surgery surgery Proktologie/Enddarmchirurgie. surgery of the colon, rectum and anal canal
health_specialty:general_surgery surgery allgemeine Chirurgie/Viszeralchirurgie. surgery of abdominal organs, e.g. esophagus, intestine, stomach,
liver, pancreas, gallbladder
health_specialty:hand_surgery surgery Handchirurgie. treatment of conditions and problems that may take place in the hand or upper extremity
health_specialty:maxillofacial_surgery surgery Mund-, Kiefer- und Gesichtschirurgie/MKG/Kranio-Maxillo-Faziale Chirurgie. surgery of the head, neck, face
health_specialty:neurosurgery surgery Neurochirurgie. Behandlung von das Störungen, die das Nervensystem betreffen
health_specialty:obstetrics surgery Geburtshilfe/Obstetrik/Tokologie. care of women and their children during pregnancy, childbirth and the postnatal period
health_specialty:orthopaedics surgery Orthopädie. Behandlung des Muskel- und Skelettsystems
health_specialty:paediatric_surgery surgery Kinderchirurgie/pädiatrische Chirurgie. surgery of foetuses, infants, children, adolescents and young adults
health_specialty:plastic_surgery surgery plastische Chirurgie. surgical correction or restoration of form and function of organs
health_specialty:podiatry surgery Podiatrie/Fußheilkunde. Diagnose und Behandlung von Störungen des Fußes, Knöchels, und des unteren Knies
health_specialty:transplant_surgery surgery Transplantationsmedizin/Transplantationschirurgie. chirurgische Transplantation/Verpflanzung von Organen
health_specialty:trauma_surgery surgery Unfallchirurgie. Behandlung von durch Unfälle vervorgerufenen körpelichen Verletzungen
health_specialty:urology surgery Urologie. Chirurgie des Urinaltrakts
health_specialty:vascular_surgery surgery Gefäßchirurgie. surgery of the vascular system (arteries and veins)


Key/Schlüssel Value/Wert üblicherweise Teilgebiet von Beschreibung Bild
health_specialty:cardiovascular_surgery yes/no/
cardiothoracic_surgery Herzchirurgie. surgery of the heart and the great vessels
health_specialty:thoracic_surgery cardiothoracic_surgery Thoraxchirurgie. Chirurgie an Organnen des Brustinnenraum, außer dem Herzen
health_specialty:phlebotomy vascular_surgery Phlebotomie/Aderlass. Einschnitte in die Vene machen, z.B. um Blut abzunehmen
health_specialty:diabetology endocrinology Diabetologie. clinical science of diabetes mellitus, its diagnosis, treatment and follow-up
health_specialty:hepatology gastroenterology Hepatologie. treatment of disorders of the liver, gallbladder, biliary tree, and pancreas
health_specialty:allergology immunology Allergologie. treatment of hypersensitive disorders of the immune system
health_specialty:tropical_medicine infectiology Tropenmedizin. treatment of health problems that occur uniquely, are more widespread, or prove more difficult to control in tropical and subtropical regions
health_specialty:venereology infectiology Venerologie/Geschlechtskrankheiten. treatment of sexually transmitted diseases
health_specialty:urogynaecology urology Urogynäkologie. Behandlung von Harninkontinenz und Störungen des weiblichen Beckenbodens