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This entry samples errors by the Grab mapping team, categorized under headings. The purpose is to create categories of mapping errors that can be systematically rectified. If the error is fixed please do not remove entry but use Strikethrough.

The format of the entries are temporary until something more suitable is established.

When describing the issues please use the form "Should ..." to describe what a corrected edit looks like in order to avoid ambiguity. For example "links to the way x" could mean that this link is an error, or there is a link to x otherwise it is assumed that the Description is a description of the issue.

It seems to be useful to use the graphview plugin in JOSM to visualize data quality issues.

Geometry errors

Changeset Way ID Location Description
63079582 -- 13.746881,100.546036 Bridge tagged where there's no bridge
630137482, 630137481, 630155931 13.735101,100.5370541 These service roads should not link to the RBSC road to the north of it.
628737803, 628737810 13.7438876,100.532651 This doesn't seem to resemble anything on the ground.
637021353 13.7828701,100.3923308 Service way in the middle of a basketball court, also sloppy geometry
629399960 13.6452883,100.49995515 Should not link to residential road to the south.
62334593 623367619 Segment crossing the railtrack should not exist, the rest is unknown
62268233 622603722, 622603715 13.8668856, 100.4582286 Line unnecessarily split into two parts, unnecessary snaking where a straight line would suffice and goes through trees.
62266775 622578777 13.8678211, 100.4589328 Way going through trees, unnecessary curves.
62367648 623774603 13.8720829, 100.4519151 Way most likely going througha wall
62366507 623766003, 623766005 Unnecessarily complex geometry, a blob when a rectangle would suffice.
62367648 291772192 Way clearly going through a house
62367648 623774621 Russ had done the right thing with Way ID 159631225 but the way ID 623774621 was added unnecessarily.

Tagging errors

Changeset Way ID Location Description
31973318, 31973447 13.73417085,100.5341925 secondary_link retagged to service
637021354 13.7833507,100.3922 residential road tagged in park
246208560 secondary_link retagged to secondary