HOT Research Topics
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- Understanding contributor experiences, e.g., engaging and sustaining new members
- Training and education of contributors: e.g., in what ways can this be improved?
- Trace the impact of a mapathon
- Evaluating/understanding local community models and community growth
- Impact of UX on mapping activities
- HOT organizational study
- Quality control during emergency situations
- Legal issues in OSM: data & usage, collection in conflict situations
- Impact of the map on the lives of affected communities
- Understanding contributor progressions: how active are they? How quickly do they get up to speed? Etc (“business intelligence”)
- Policy recommendations: “lessons learned” for government agencies
- Validation and reputation mapping - Could HOT use the blockchain to improve the experience and credibility?
- Compare HOT with other open source projects. How have we evolved? what is different? How has HOT influenced the whole OSM project?
- HOT as a Digital Humanitarian project. Leading up to the World Humanitarian Summit, How has HOT contribution changed since Haiti and how might HOT learn from the consultations?
- How to better connect with communities around the globe?
- Geovisualization: mapping contributor information
- Geoinformation: measuring and evaluating geotagged content or entities
- Geolocation: measuring and evaluating accuracy of place names
- Crowdsourcing (or Volunteered Geographic Information - VGI): measuring and evaluating the merit and/or quality of collaboratively derived content such as geoinformation and geolocation
- Credibility: is VGI data trustworthy and accurate?
- Folksomies: examining the implications of "bottom-up" community derived and driven labeling or tagging systems
- Community based research/participatory design: implementing and evaluating techniques that utilize knowledge of local experts who are not necessarily training in research methods or design
- Volunteer Mapping Collaboration: mechanism to support the co-production of new knowledge, knowledge-building and progressive discourse (e.g. threaded message forum embedded in map)
- Decision making: how VGI content is used to aid decision makers/policy and/or in what ways can this be improved?
- Crisis mapping/disaster management
- Machine learning: using automated techniques for mapping of aerial imagery
- Open data in the context of HOT
If you want to study HOT then please also refer to our guide for HOT Academic Partnerships.