Import/amber international portugal

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The Amber International project includes the Amber Barrier Atlas. This is an "inventory of barriers within European rivers— a Pan-European Atlas of In-Stream Barriers". It consists of 2 data sets; A curated dataset from 2020 and a second set based on reports collected by citizens via the the Amber Barrier Tracker app.


The initial target would be to import barriers for the country of Portugal as a test case. The goal would be to find and work through the technical requirements and import as much of viable data into OSM for Portugal with the longer term goals of importing the complete set for the rest of the mapped regions.


Start Date Target End Date Description Status
2024-06-14 2024-07-01 Flesh out this document Started
2024-06-14 2024-07-14 Engage with Amber International and obtain appropriate permission Started
2024-07-14 2024-08-14 Build out PoC on viability of the data and include data proposal in this document Pending
2024-08-14 2024-09-14 Engage with community for RFC Pending
2024-09-14 2024-10-14 Build dataset and import Pending

Import Data


Provide links to your sources.

Data source site:
Data license: No specific licensing listed. I have engaged with Amber International to check licensing.
Link to permission (if required): TBC
OSM attribution (if required):
ODbL Compliance verified: yes/no

OSM Data Files


Import Type

TBC: Identify if this is a one-time or recurring import and whether you'll be doing it with automated scripts, etc.

TBC: Identify what method will be used for entering the imported data into the OSM database - e.g. API, JOSM, MapRoulette, etc.

Data Preparation

Data Reduction & Simplification

Describe your plans, if any, to reduce the amount of data you'll need to import.

Examples of this include removing information that is already contained in OSM or simplifying shapefiles.

Tagging Plans

Describe your plan for mapping source attributes to OSM tags.

Changeset Tags

Fill in the values your changesets will use.

Key Value
import yes
source name of the source dataset
source:url dataset link
source:date age of dataset at time of import, if known.
import:page link to this wiki page
source:license license of source dataset, using this format.

Data Transformation

Describe the transformations you'll need to conduct, the tools you're using, and any specific configurations or code that will be used in the transformation.

Data Transformation Results

Post a link to your OSM XML files.

Data Merge Workflow

Team Approach

Describe if you'll be doing this solo or as a team.


List all factors that will be evaluated in the import.


Detail the steps you'll take during the actual import.

Information to include:

  • Step by step instructions
  • Changeset size policy
  • Revert plans


Identify your approach to conflation here.


Add your QA plan here.

See also

The post to the community forum was sent on YYYY-MM-DD and can be found here