Kerala/Grants/HOTBoosterGrant2023/Proposal/Improving Map Kerala Portal (2023)

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Improving Map Kerala Portal
Improving Map Kerala Portal and release the new version with enhanced features and code base
budget (INR)100000 INR
contact(s)• Akshay S Dinesh• Manoj Karingamadathil
organization (if applicable)• Open Data Kerala

Your project

Map Kerala is a community initiative to increase the engagement of open mapping contributors in Kerala by Linking OSM and Wikipedia (Wikidata). It works to increase the visibility of the impact of open mapping, reduces pain points in mapping contributions, and highlight the importance of community building. A geospatial gateway platform was launched in 2021 as a demonstration of the possibilities of linked open data in addressing climate change, disaster management, and sustainable development goals.

Describe the local challenge your project is addressing

Kerala is one of the leading communities in open street map in India with huge amount of geospatial data. But the community, researchers, policymakers, and government are not able to effectively utilize this to create further value additions. Some local self governing bodies in Kerala (eg: Pudussery, Koorachund) have been able to standardize and ensure high quality map data is available through open street map for planning and service delivery. This level of community engagement is growing to enable and empower other such initiatives and efforts by academia, administrators, planners, and others.

There are some documented request from community

Describe your project

This initiative was started in 2021 by long term contributors of open street map and open data kerala. We continue to find voluntary and paid contribution opportunities through our body of work and networks. We will continue to improve and create new features and collaborations through the platform to keep the effort sustainable.

Describe your sustainability plan

In this section please describe how your activities will continue post-funding. If you are applying for funding to purchase equipment, explain who will store/use the equipment you purchase, and if you have long term sustainability plans for your community's development. We recommend your response be a minimum of 200 words and a maximum of 400 words. When Code become open sources, more public contributions will came and maintenance can do with the help of ODK Community.

What are your community-defined project goals, and how do you define project success?

Release of the new version of the dataset (lsg kerala) with data cleanup and Launch Portal with More Features. More Data Reusing from OSM. More Partnership with Civic and academic communities.

List the tools you intend to use during your project and why

JOSM, Wikidata, OpenRefine, Git

Explain how you plan to share your stories

Blog Posts and Media Outreach + presentations in Online/Offline events


Describe who will use your data

It is important that the data you generate during the project is useful, and that it will be used to advance humanitarian and/or development challenges locally. In this section, please include: if the data you will be collecting has been requested by a partnering organisation, if there is an established formal relationship with the partnering organisation, if there is an existing MoU between you and the partnering organisation, and how long have you been working with the partnering organisation. If your organisation or community is going to be the data user, please describe how you will use the data, and how it ties in with your organisation's work. We recommend your response be a minimum of 200 words and a maximum of 400 words. Researchers, Journalists, Data visualization and Analysis and other OSM Based services.

Describe any other partnerships and collaborations you plan to mobilise or establish for the purpose of the project

In this section, please describe any additional partners you might be working with. If there are no additional partners (beyond the data user) this must be stated here. We recommend your response be a minimum of 200 words and a maximum of 400 words.


Successful applications will show how communities intend to grow community engagement. This includes a practical approach to how many new mappers you aim to recruit and how they will be involved in community activities. Priority will be given to communities that also include a plan for ongoing engagement beyond the grant period. If this is not relevant to your project, please explain why.

Project plan and budget

Priority will be given to applications that collaborate with other OSM communities in the region. This can be country-specific or regional and can include collaboration with Youth Mappers Chapters, or members of the HOT community to help with training, validation (as examples). For support in sourcing collaborators, email

Budget breakdown

Sl.No Item Total cost for budget item (in INR) Details
1 Programing (Technical) 40000 Development of the basics features currently documented in github repo and release with suitable licence.
2 Documentation 40000 Initial Resarch, Documentation of the Workflow, Data Checking and Project Managing
3 User Interface 20000 Improve the User Experince

Project plan

Give your project plan here. If you would like to present your project plan in a tabular format, you can use this tool to convert your spreadsheet into a wikitable and paste the code below here

Sl No: Activity Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec
1 Online Discussion
2 Documentation
3 Development
4 Feed Back
5 Release


By submitting this form to OpenStreetMap Kerala Team, you certify the information contained in this application is correct, and that if you are awarded a grant, you will use it only for the purposes described above. You will provide written documentation and receipts for all of your expenses to Humanitarian OpenStreetMap Team to demonstrate this. You understand that the decisions made by the Booster Grant facilitation committee are final.

Akshay S Dinesh, asdofindia - Asdofindia (talk) 04:35, 13 June 2023 (UTC)


Community members are encouraged to endorse your project request here!


New Features Added

  • Support for Tangram engine towards Malayalam rendering
  • Redesigned landing page with OSM style left sidebar
  • URL based state management (for sharing the current view user is on)
  • Better search box and autocomp support
  • WebComponents for Wikidata, Wikipedia

General Improvements

  • New Architecture
  • Open source
  • Documentation