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Public-images-osm logo.svg maxweightrating
Maxweightrating collage.svg
Legal access restriction for vehicles with a max allowed weight above the specified weight in metric tonnes. Show/edit corresponding data item.
Group: restrictions
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should not be used on nodesmay be used on waysmay be used on areas (and multipolygon relations)use on relations unspecified
Useful combination
See also
Status: in usePage for proposal

Legal access restriction for vehicles with a  max allowed weight above the specified weight in metric tonnes.

The maximum allowed weight, also known as the gross vehicle weight rating (GVWR), gross vehicle mass (GVM), Permissible maximum mass or max gross weight (MGW) is the maximum permitted weight of the vehicle at full load, as specified by the manufacturer. For example, in most countries, heavy goods vehicles on Wikipedia are defined as goods vehicles with a GVWR above 3.5 tonnes.

Note that such restrictions often, though not always, apply only to certain classes of vehicles (e.g. HGVs) and may have exceptions. See below for example signs where the relevant highway should be tagged maxweightrating:hgv=* or maxweightrating:goods=*, as well as maxweightrating:conditional=*.

For restrictions based on the actual weight see maxweight=*.

Difference to maxweight=*

The definition may be confusing, but it is really rather simple. Here is an example:

Sign Tag Meaning
Vorschriftszeichen 9c.svg maxweight=5.5 Vehicles that currently weight above 5.5 t are prohibited on this road.
Vorschriftszeichen 7a Gewicht.svg maxweightrating:hgv=5.5 Lorries that are legally permitted to weigh (i.e., at full load) more than 5.5 t are prohibited on this road.

So the latter sign is a more precise way for the road traffic authority to say that access for "big lorries" is prohibited and has nothing to do with the vehicle's current actual weight. A similar mechanism is the "Unladen mass" (Chap. 1, Art. 1 (x) Vienna Convention on Road Traffic); e.g., in the United States the "empty weight" restriction, for which maxunladenweight=* has been proposed.

For example, an empty truck that weighs 5 t and can carry 10 t has

  • current weight of 5 t
  • max permitted weight of 15 t

It means that it may pass through a road signed with maxweight=10 but not through one signed with maxweightrating=10

Example signs

with signs around the world:

maxweightrating sign

maxweightrating:hgv sign

maxweightrating:bus sign

Related tags

Legal references

Vienna Convention on Road Traffic (Nov 8, 1968)

This property relates to Chapter 1, Art. 1 (w) "Permissible maximum mass means the maximum mass of the laden vehicle declared permissible by the competent authority of the State in which the vehicle is registered;"

See also


  1. Unless specified otherwise value defaults to 3.5 tons, technically maxweightrating:hgv=3.5 may be used but meaning of hgv=no is the same and that tagging is simpler - in Poland, like most countries trucks are defined as goods vehicles with maximum allowed weight above 3.5 tonnes.
  2. Sign that prohibits vehicles intended for/or carrying goods. Additionally, a sign may be present prohibiting vehicles whose laden mass is higher than the mass indicated on the sign. In that case, use: goods:conditional=no @ (weight>*) and hgv:conditional=no @ (weight>*)