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Public-images-osm logo.svg not:brand:wikidata
Indicates that specific ID of the Wikidata item is not about feature's brand. Show/edit corresponding data item.
Group: annotations
Used on these elements
may be used on nodesmay be used on waysmay be used on areas (and multipolygon relations)may be used on relations
See also
Status: de facto

This key emphasizes that the feature does not belong to a certain brand, which is indicated by its Wikidata entity ID. A not:brand:wikidata=* tag prevents an incorrect brand:wikidata=* tag from being added by mistake, particularly by a mapper who responds to a quality assurance tool in a hurry or without access to street-level imagery or local knowledge.

This is one of the most common keys under the not:*=* namespace.

Software support

iD normally warns you when the selected feature's tags are suspiciously similar to an entry in the Name Suggestion Index but don't quite match. The warning comes with the option "Tag as not the same"; clicking it adds a not:brand:wikidata=* tag to prevent the warning from appearing in the future.

If a not:brand:wikidata=* value has become common but does not seem like a likely source of confusion among mappers, it might be because of an issue in the Name Suggestion Index, for example:

  • Multiple brands share the same name, but NSI has only one of them. The other brands should be added to the index too.
  • A brand in NSI is scoped to the entire world, but in reality it only appears in one or two countries, appearing as a false positive elsewhere. An accurate list of countries should be added to the index.
  • The NSI entry has an incorrect name or Wikidata entity ID, so when a mapper is asked to confirm the brand, they see the wrong name or logo and "Tag as not the same", even though the ID is correct. [1]

For these and other problems, open an issue in the NSI issue tracker to fix the problem at the source.


See also

External links