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Public-images-osm logo.svg overgrown
Overgrown path (2) - - 5828223.jpg
Indicates that a feature, usually a highway, is overgrown with vegetation. Show/edit corresponding data item.
Group: properties
Used on these elements
may be used on nodesmay be used on waysmay be used on areas (and multipolygon relations)may be used on relations
See also
Status: in use

The overgrown=* tag is used to indicate that a feature, usually a highway but sometimes an amenity such as a bench, is overgrown with vegetation. This may mean that accessibility is reduced or impossible at the time of survey.

Note that this tag may be temporary in nature. For example, some vegetation may be seasonal and so an overgrown highway may become accessible at other times of the year (e.g., winter). Alternatively, an overgrown path may have subsequently been cleared after being tagged as overgrown.


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Currently used values are positive, in that they indicate a feature is overgrown (i.e., there is no usage of overgrown=no which is presumed to be the default value). Some mappers have indicated how overgrown the feature is using specific values. However, these may introduce issues with verifiability as there is no clear definition of these values.

Alternative/complimentary tagging

Alternative tagging has also been suggested, for example using trail_visibility=* and lifecycle tagging, e.g., abandoned:highway=*.

The overgrown=* key could be used in conjunction with the above. For example, one might tag an abandoned footpath that has no trail visibility due to overgrown vegetation with:

Another (significantly more popular) alternative tag is obstacle=vegetation which indicates travel on a route is made harder by the presence of vegetation.