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This is an identifier prefix that serves as base for my imports of house numbers from Getxo town open data.
I use it only to document how I imported some of the house numbers from the Getxo town:
The data originates from .
Download source
I downloaded from the section "TERRITORIO Y ELEMENTOS GEOPOSICI" the "Portales" data in KML format. The GeoJSON file seems to have wrong coordinates, they all point into the see.
I transformed the file with the following Python script :
import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET
import xml.dom.minidom
from collections import defaultdict
def parse_kml(file_path):
tree = ET.parse(file_path)
root = tree.getroot()
return tree, root
def extract_points(root):
namespace = {'kml': ''}
placemarks = root.findall('.//kml:Placemark', namespace)
points = defaultdict(list)
for placemark in placemarks:
coordinates = placemark.find('.//kml:coordinates', namespace).text.strip()
extended_data = placemark.find('.//kml:ExtendedData', namespace)
props = {}
if extended_data is not None:
schema_data = extended_data.find('.//kml:SchemaData', namespace)
if schema_data is not None:
for simple_data in schema_data.findall('.//kml:SimpleData', namespace):
key = simple_data.attrib['name']
value = simple_data.text
if value is not None:
props[key] = value
return points
def merge_properties(points):
merged_points = {}
for coord, props_list in points.items():
merged_props = defaultdict(set)
for props in props_list:
for key, value in props.items():
if value is not None:
# Concatenate values for each property, handling None values
merged_props = {k: ', '.join(v) for k, v in merged_props.items() if v}
merged_points[coord] = merged_props
return merged_points
def format_street_name(name):
return ' '.join(word.capitalize() for word in name.lower().split())
def map_to_osm_tags(props):
if False:
tipo_via_mapping = {
'CR': 'Carretera',
'CL': 'Calle',
'AV': 'Avenida',
'PL': 'Plaza',
'PS': 'Paseo',
'CT': 'Camino',
'RD': 'Ronda',
'BJ': 'Bajada',
'TR': 'Travesía',
'UR': 'Urbanización',
'PT': 'Puente',
'GL': 'Glorieta',
'BG': 'Bajada',
'PQ': 'Parque',
'AL': 'Alameda',
'CA': 'Carrera',
'CM': 'Camino',
'CU': 'Cuesta',
'RB': 'Rambla',
'CH': 'Chaussee'#,
#'CL': 'Callejón'
tipo_via_mapping = {
'CR': 'errepidea', # Carretera
'CL': 'kalea', # Calle
'AV': 'avenida', # Avenida
'PL': 'plaza', # Plaza
'PS': 'pasealekua', # Paseo
'CT': 'bidea', # Camino
'RD': 'erronda', # Ronda
'BJ': 'jaitsiera', # Bajada
'TR': 'zehaerra', # Travesía
'UR': 'hirigunea', # Urbanización
'PT': 'zubia', # Puente
'GL': 'biribilgune' # Glorieta
tags = {}
if 'id' in props:
tags['ref:EUS:getxo:id'] = props['id']
if 'cod_via' in props:
tags['ref:EUS:getxo:cod_via'] = props['cod_via']
if 'tipo_via' in props:
tags['ref:EUS:getxo:tipo_via'] = props['tipo_via']
if 'via' in props:
street_name = format_street_name(props['via'])
if 'tipo_via' in props and props['tipo_via'] in tipo_via_mapping:
street_name = f"{tipo_via_mapping[props['tipo_via']]} {street_name}"
tags['addr:street'] = street_name
if 'portal' in props:
tags['addr:housenumber'] = props['portal']
if 'duplicado' in props:
tags['addr:housenumber'] += props['duplicado']
if 'distrito' in props:
tags['ref:EUS:getxo:distrito'] = props['distrito']
if 'seccion' in props:
tags['ref:EUS:getxo:seccion'] = props['seccion']
if 'vivienda_en_lonja' in props:
tags['ref:EUS:getxo:vivienda_en_lonja'] = props['vivienda_en_lonja']
if 'no_tiene_viviendas' in props:
tags['ref:EUS:getxo:no_tiene_viviendas'] = props['no_tiene_viviendas']
tags['source_ref'] = ""
tags['addr:city'] = "Getxo"
return tags
def create_kml(merged_points, output_path):
kml = ET.Element('kml', xmlns='')
document = ET.SubElement(kml, 'Document')
for coord, props in merged_points.items():
placemark = ET.SubElement(document, 'Placemark')
# Create new ExtendedData with OSM tags only
extended_data = ET.SubElement(placemark, 'ExtendedData')
schema_data = ET.SubElement(extended_data, 'SchemaData', schemaUrl="#getxo_opendata_est_callejero")
osm_tags = map_to_osm_tags(props)
for key, value in osm_tags.items():
simple_data = ET.SubElement(schema_data, 'SimpleData', name=key)
simple_data.text = value
point = ET.SubElement(placemark, 'Point')
coordinates = ET.SubElement(point, 'coordinates')
coordinates.text = coord
if False:
# No pretty print
tree = ET.ElementTree(kml)
tree.write(output_path, encoding='utf-8', xml_declaration=True)
# With pretty print
# Convert the ElementTree to a string
rough_string = ET.tostring(kml, encoding='utf-8')
# Parse the string into a minidom object
reparsed = xml.dom.minidom.parseString(rough_string)
# Pretty print the minidom object to the output file
with open(output_path, 'w', encoding='utf-8') as f:
f.write(reparsed.toprettyxml(indent=" "))
def main(input_path, output_path):
tree, root = parse_kml(input_path)
points = extract_points(root)
merged_points = merge_properties(points)
create_kml(merged_points, output_path)
input_kml = 'TerritorioyElementosGeoposicionadosPortales140720241145878.kml' # <== change input file path here
output_kml = 'gexto-portales-converted.kml' # <== change output file path here
main(input_kml, output_kml)
You need python 3, pip and geopy library to be installed with pip:
pip install geopy
I opened the result file in the Openstreetmap ID editor .
Then I created by hand points nearby the displayed points and copy pasted all properties.