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Public-images-osm logo.svg traffic_calming = rumble_strip
North Luzon Expressway Rumble Strips.jpg
Multiple consecutive short and low bumps spanning the entire width of the road. Show/edit corresponding data item.
Group: highways
Used on these elements
may be used on nodesmay be used on waysshould not be used on areasshould not be used on relations (except multipolygon relations)
See also
Status: approvedPage for proposal

Multiple consecutive short and low bumps (a few cm at most; smaller than traffic_calming=bump would be) spanning the entire width of the road. The bumps would be spaced from a few times their own dimension to a few meters apart. The rumble strip causes noise and vibration intended to alert a vehicle driver about something beyond the rumble strip, not to cause the driver to slow the vehicle to negotiate the feature itself.

Do not confuse with longitudinally placed rumble strips to alert drivers that they are leaving their lane, which are generally not mapped by OSM.

How to map

Add a point node over the way, in the exact position of the rumble strip and tag it with traffic_calming=rumble_strip. In longer stretches, add or select the way way corresponding to the entire length of the rumble strip and add the tag traffic_calming=rumble_strip.


On highways that are not one-ways, add direction=forward or direction=backward to each mapped point with traffic_calming=rumble_strip to indicate the affected direction.

If the tag was added to a way, tag it with traffic_calming:forward=rumble_strip or traffic_calming:backward=rumble_strip to indicate the affected direction.


See also