Kosmos postal code rendering rules/uk

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See Kosmos Rendering Help for help. You will need to download the latest version of Kosmos (1.10 or above) to use these rules since they are not compatible with previous versions.


These are rendering rules for Kosmos interpreting postal_code=*. Contact user:Bahnpirat for question on these rules.

Update: 2008-07-03
  • Only existing UK postal codes for regions will be rendered. (24 different colours)
  • way Ways and area areas will be rendered.
  • Displaying may also work for other countries with the same values.
  • openGeoDB:postal_codes=* will not be rendered for technical reasons of Kosmos. (':' in tagname is not supported)
  • amenity=post_office is shown.
  • Highway = motorway, motorway_link, trunk, primary, secondary will be rendered in gray. Runway and taxiway will be rendered.
  • border=* with admin_level=* (2,4,8) and place=* are rendered.

Water Features

Rule Name Targets Selector Template Options Comment
Coastline way natural=coastline Polyline (MinZoom=1, Color=#8BCCE5, Width=11:1;17:5, Curved=true)
Water area natural=water Polygon (Color=lightblue)
River way waterway=river Polyline (MinZoom=5, Color=lightblue, Width=5:1;10:2;17:14, Curved=true)
Drain way waterway=drain Polyline (MinZoom=13, Color=lightblue, Width=13:1;17:6, Curved=true)
Stream way waterway=stream Polyline (MinZoom=13, Color=lightblue, Width=13:1;17:6, Curved=true)
Canal way waterway=canal Polyline (MinZoom=5, Color=lightblue, Width=5:1;10:1;17:10, Curved=true)
Riverbank area waterway=riverbank Polygon (Color=lightblue)
Land area natural=land Polygon (Color=white)
Border way boundary=administrative
.level2 admin_level=2 Polyline (MinZoom=1, Color=red, DashStyle=DashDot, Width=1:1;9:1.5;17:6)
.level4 admin_level=4 Polyline (MinZoom=10, Color=black, DashStyle=DashDot, Width=1:1;9:1.5;17:6)
.level8 admin_level=8 Polyline (MinZoom=12, Color=#A4A4A4, DashStyle=Dot, Width=1:1;9:1.5;5:5))
.* Polyline (MinZoom=12, Color=black, DashStyle=DashDot, Width=1:1;9:1.5;17:6)


Rule Name Targets Selector Template Options Comment
PostOffice node amenity=post_office Icon (MinZoom=11.5, IconUrl=http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/images/b/b4/GCR_COMM_POSTO.png, Width=11:10;13:20;15:20)
Text (MinZoom=13, Color=black, TagToUse=name;ref, FontName=Trebuchet MS, FontStyle=Italic, FontSize=14:6;17:10, TextLineOffset=-200%)
postal_codeText node amenity=postal_code Text (MinZoom=10, Color=green, TagToUse=postal_code, FontName=Arial, FontSize=10:6;15:10, TextLineOffset=-200%)
openGeoDBpostal_codesText node amenity=is_in Text (MinZoom=10, Color=green, TagToUse=openGeoDB:postal_codes, FontName=Arial, FontSize=10:6;15:10, TextLineOffset=-200%)


Rule Name Targets Selector Template Options Comment
HighwayMotorway way highway=motorway Polyline (MinZoom=8, Color=gray, Width=6:1;17:6)
HighwayMotorwayLink way highway=motorway_link Polyline (MinZoom=10, Color=gray, Width=6:1;17:4)
trunk highway=trunk Polyline (MinZoom=5, Color=gray, Width=8:2;10:2;17:3)
primary highway=primary Polyline (MinZoom=5, Color=gray, Width=8:2;10:2;17:3)
secondary highway=secondary Polyline (MinZoom=5, Color=gray, Width=8:2;10:2;17:3)
Postal_code way postal_code=* Polyline (MinZoom=5, Width=12:1;15:2)
.B1 postal_code=B1 - .B2 postal_code=B2 - .B3 postal_code=B3 - .B4 postal_code=B4 - .B5 postal_code=B5 - .B6 postal_code=B6 - .B7 postal_code=B7 - .B8 postal_code=B8 - .B9 postal_code=B9 - .B10 postal_code=B10 - .B11 postal_code=B11 - .B12 postal_code=B12 - .B13 postal_code=B13 - .B14 postal_code=B14 - .B15 postal_code=B15 - .B16 postal_code=B16 - .B17 postal_code=B17 - .B18 postal_code=B18 - .B19 postal_code=B19 - .B20 postal_code=B20 - .B21 postal_code=B21 - .B22 postal_code=B22 - .B23 postal_code=B23 - .B24 postal_code=B24 - .B25 postal_code=B25 - .B26 postal_code=B26 - .B27 postal_code=B27 - .B28 postal_code=B28 - .B29 postal_code=B29 - .B30 postal_code=B30 - .B31 postal_code=B31 - .B32 postal_code=B32 - .B33 postal_code=B33 - .B34 postal_code=B34 - .B35 postal_code=B35 - .B36 postal_code=B36 - .B37 postal_code=B37 - .B38 postal_code=B38 - .B39 postal_code=B39 - .B40 postal_code=B40 - .B41 postal_code=B41 - .B42 postal_code=B42 - .B43 postal_code=B43 - .B44 postal_code=B44 - .B45 postal_code=B45 - .B46 postal_code=B46 - .B47 postal_code=B47 - .B48 postal_code=B48 - .B49 postal_code=B49 - .B50 postal_code=B50 - .B51 postal_code=B51 - .B52 postal_code=B52 - .B53 postal_code=B53 - .B54 postal_code=B54 - .B55 postal_code=B55 - .B56 postal_code=B56 - .B57 postal_code=B57 - .B58 postal_code=B58 - .B59 postal_code=B59 - .B60 postal_code=B60 - .B61 postal_code=B61 - .B62 postal_code=B62 - .B63 postal_code=B63 - .B64 postal_code=B64 - .B65 postal_code=B65 - .B66 postal_code=B66 - .B67 postal_code=B67 - .B68 postal_code=B68 - .B69 postal_code=B69 - .B70 postal_code=B70 - .B71 postal_code=B71 - .B72 postal_code=B72 - .B73 postal_code=B73 - .B74 postal_code=B74 - .B75 postal_code=B75 - .B76 postal_code=B76 - .BS1 postal_code=BS1 - .BS2 postal_code=BS2 - .BS3 postal_code=BS3 - .BS4 postal_code=BS4 - .BS5 postal_code=BS5 - .BS6 postal_code=BS6 - .BS7 postal_code=BS7 - .BS8 postal_code=BS8 - .BS9 postal_code=BS9 - .BS10 postal_code=BS10 - .BS11 postal_code=BS11 - .BS12 postal_code=BS12 - .BS13 postal_code=BS13 - .BS14 postal_code=BS14 - .BS15 postal_code=BS15 - .BS16 postal_code=BS16 - .E1 postal_code=E1 - .E2 postal_code=E2 - .E3 postal_code=E3 - .E4 postal_code=E4 - .E5 postal_code=E5 - .E6 postal_code=E6 - .E7 postal_code=E7 - .E8 postal_code=E8 - .E9 postal_code=E9 - .E10 postal_code=E10 - .E11 postal_code=E11 - .E12 postal_code=E12 - .E13 postal_code=E13 - .E14 postal_code=E14 - .E15 postal_code=E15 - .EC1 postal_code=EC1 - .EC2 postal_code=EC2 - .EC3 postal_code=EC3 - .L1 postal_code=L1 - .L2 postal_code=L2 - .L3 postal_code=L3 - .L4 postal_code=L4 - .L5 postal_code=L5 - .L6 postal_code=L6 - .L7 postal_code=L7 - .L8 postal_code=L8 - .L9 postal_code=L9 - .L10 postal_code=L10 - .L11 postal_code=L11 - .L12 postal_code=L12 - .L13 postal_code=L13 - .L14 postal_code=L14 - .L15 postal_code=L15 - .L16 postal_code=L16 - .L17 postal_code=L17 - .L18 postal_code=L18 - .L19 postal_code=L19 - .L20 postal_code=L20 - .L21 postal_code=L21 - .L22 postal_code=L22 - .L23 postal_code=L23 - .L24 postal_code=L24 - .L25 postal_code=L25 - .L26 postal_code=L26 - .L27 postal_code=L27 - .L28 postal_code=L28 - .L29 postal_code=L29 - .L30 postal_code=L30 - .LS1 postal_code=LS1 - .LS2 postal_code=LS2 - .LS3 postal_code=LS3 - .LS4 postal_code=LS4 - .LS5 postal_code=LS5 - .LS6 postal_code=LS6 - .LS7 postal_code=LS7 - .LS8 postal_code=LS8 - .LS9 postal_code=LS9 - .LS10 postal_code=LS10 - .LS11 postal_code=LS11 - .LS12 postal_code=LS12 - .LS13 postal_code=LS13 - .LS14 postal_code=LS14 - .LS15 postal_code=LS15 - .LS16 postal_code=LS16 - .LS17 postal_code=LS17 - .LS18 postal_code=LS18 - .LS19 postal_code=LS19 - .LS20 postal_code=LS20 - .LS21 postal_code=LS21 - .LS22 postal_code=LS22 - .LS23 postal_code=LS23 - .LS24 postal_code=LS24 - .LS25 postal_code=LS25 - .LS26 postal_code=LS26 - .LS27 postal_code=LS27 - .LS28 postal_code=LS28 - .LS29 postal_code=LS29 - .LS30 postal_code=LS30 - .LS31 postal_code=LS31 - .SE1 postal_code=SE1 - .SE2 postal_code=SE2 - .SE3 postal_code=SE3 - .SE4 postal_code=SE4 - .SE5 postal_code=SE5 - .SE6 postal_code=SE6 - .SE7 postal_code=SE7 - .SE8 postal_code=SE8 - .SE9 postal_code=SE9 - .SE10 postal_code=SE10 - .SE11 postal_code=SE11 - .SE12 postal_code=SE12 - .SE13 postal_code=SE13 - .SE14 postal_code=SE14 - .SE15 postal_code=SE15 - .SE16 postal_code=SE16 - .SE17 postal_code=SE17 - .SE18 postal_code=SE18 - .SE19 postal_code=SE19 - .SW1 postal_code=SW1 - .SW2 postal_code=SW2 - .SW3 postal_code=SW3 - .SW4 postal_code=SW4 - .SW5 postal_code=SW5 - .SW6 postal_code=SW6 - .SW7 postal_code=SW7 - .SW8 postal_code=SW8 - .SW9 postal_code=SW9 - .SW10 postal_code=SW10 - .SW11 postal_code=SW11 - .SW12 postal_code=SW12 - .SW13 postal_code=SW13 - .SW14 postal_code=SW14 - .SW15 postal_code=SW15 - .SW16 postal_code=SW16 - .SW17 postal_code=SW17 - .SW18 postal_code=SW18 - .SW19 postal_code=SW19 - .SW20 postal_code=SW20 - .W1 postal_code=W1 - .W2 postal_code=W2 - .W3 postal_code=W3 - .W4 postal_code=W4 - .W5 postal_code=W5 - .W6 postal_code=W6 - .W7 postal_code=W7 - .W8 postal_code=W8 - .W9 postal_code=W9 - .W10 postal_code=W10 - .W11 postal_code=W11 - .WC1 postal_code=WC1 - .WC2 postal_code=WC2 - .WC3 postal_code=WC3 - .WC4 postal_code=WC4 - .WC5 postal_code=WC5 - .WC6 postal_code=WC6 - .WC7 postal_code=WC7 - .WC8 postal_code=WC8 - .WC9 postal_code=WC9 - .WC10 postal_code=WC10 - .WC11 postal_code=WC11 - .WC12 postal_code=WC12 - .WC13 postal_code=WC13 -
.pcany postal_code=* Polyline (Color=black)
Postal_code area postal_code=* Polygon (MinZoom=5, Width=12:1;15:2)
.UKB1 postal_code=B1 - .UKB2 postal_code=B2 - .UKB3 postal_code=B3 - .UKB4 postal_code=B4 - .UKB5 postal_code=B5 - .UKB6 postal_code=B6 - .UKB7 postal_code=B7 - .UKB8 postal_code=B8 - .UKB9 postal_code=B9 - .UKB10 postal_code=B10 - .UKB11 postal_code=B11 - .UKB12 postal_code=B12 - .UKB13 postal_code=B13 - .UKB14 postal_code=B14 - .UKB15 postal_code=B15 - .UKB16 postal_code=B16 - .UKB17 postal_code=B17 - .UKB18 postal_code=B18 - .UKB19 postal_code=B19 - .UKB20 postal_code=B20 - .UKB21 postal_code=B21 - .UKB22 postal_code=B22 - .UKB23 postal_code=B23 - .UKB24 postal_code=B24 - .UKB25 postal_code=B25 - .UKB26 postal_code=B26 - .UKB27 postal_code=B27 - .UKB28 postal_code=B28 - .UKB29 postal_code=B29 - .UKB30 postal_code=B30 - .UKB31 postal_code=B31 - .UKB32 postal_code=B32 - .UKB33 postal_code=B33 - .UKB34 postal_code=B34 - .UKB35 postal_code=B35 - .UKB36 postal_code=B36 - .UKB37 postal_code=B37 - .UKB38 postal_code=B38 - .UKB39 postal_code=B39 - .UKB40 postal_code=B40 - .UKB41 postal_code=B41 - .UKB42 postal_code=B42 - .UKB43 postal_code=B43 - .UKB44 postal_code=B44 - .UKB45 postal_code=B45 - .UKB46 postal_code=B46 - .UKB47 postal_code=B47 - .UKB48 postal_code=B48 - .UKB49 postal_code=B49 - .UKB50 postal_code=B50 - .UKB51 postal_code=B51 - .UKB52 postal_code=B52 - .UKB53 postal_code=B53 - .UKB54 postal_code=B54 - .UKB55 postal_code=B55 - .UKB56 postal_code=B56 - .UKB57 postal_code=B57 - .UKB58 postal_code=B58 - .UKB59 postal_code=B59 - .UKB60 postal_code=B60 - .UKB61 postal_code=B61 - .UKB62 postal_code=B62 - .UKB63 postal_code=B63 - .UKB64 postal_code=B64 - .UKB65 postal_code=B65 - .UKB66 postal_code=B66 - .UKB67 postal_code=B67 - .UKB68 postal_code=B68 - .UKB69 postal_code=B69 - .UKB70 postal_code=B70 - .UKB71 postal_code=B71 - .UKB72 postal_code=B72 - .UKB73 postal_code=B73 - .UKB74 postal_code=B74 - .UKB75 postal_code=B75 - .UKB76 postal_code=B76 - .UKBS1 postal_code=BS1 - .UKBS2 postal_code=BS2 - .UKBS3 postal_code=BS3 - .UKBS4 postal_code=BS4 - .UKBS5 postal_code=BS5 - .UKBS6 postal_code=BS6 - .UKBS7 postal_code=BS7 - .UKBS8 postal_code=BS8 - .UKBS9 postal_code=BS9 - .UKBS10 postal_code=BS10 - .UKBS11 postal_code=BS11 - .UKBS12 postal_code=BS12 - .UKBS13 postal_code=BS13 - .UKBS14 postal_code=BS14 - .UKBS15 postal_code=BS15 - .UKBS16 postal_code=BS16 - .UKE1 postal_code=E1 - .UKE2 postal_code=E2 - .UKE3 postal_code=E3 - .UKE4 postal_code=E4 - .UKE5 postal_code=E5 - .UKE6 postal_code=E6 - .UKE7 postal_code=E7 - .UKE8 postal_code=E8 - .UKE9 postal_code=E9 - .UKE10 postal_code=E10 - .UKE11 postal_code=E11 - .UKE12 postal_code=E12 - .UKE13 postal_code=E13 - .UKE14 postal_code=E14 - .UKE15 postal_code=E15 - .UKEC1 postal_code=EC1 - .UKEC2 postal_code=EC2 - .UKEC3 postal_code=EC3 - .UKL1 postal_code=L1 - .UKL2 postal_code=L2 - .UKL3 postal_code=L3 - .UKL4 postal_code=L4 - .UKL5 postal_code=L5 - .UKL6 postal_code=L6 - .UKL7 postal_code=L7 - .UKL8 postal_code=L8 - .UKL9 postal_code=L9 - .UKL10 postal_code=L10 - .UKL11 postal_code=L11 - .UKL12 postal_code=L12 - .UKL13 postal_code=L13 - .UKL14 postal_code=L14 - .UKL15 postal_code=L15 - .UKL16 postal_code=L16 - .UKL17 postal_code=L17 - .UKL18 postal_code=L18 - .UKL19 postal_code=L19 - .UKL20 postal_code=L20 - .UKL21 postal_code=L21 - .UKL22 postal_code=L22 - .UKL23 postal_code=L23 - .UKL24 postal_code=L24 - .UKL25 postal_code=L25 - .UKL26 postal_code=L26 - .UKL27 postal_code=L27 - .UKL28 postal_code=L28 - .UKL29 postal_code=L29 - .UKL30 postal_code=L30 - .UKLS1 postal_code=LS1 - .UKLS2 postal_code=LS2 - .UKLS3 postal_code=LS3 - .UKLS4 postal_code=LS4 - .UKLS5 postal_code=LS5 - .UKLS6 postal_code=LS6 - .UKLS7 postal_code=LS7 - .UKLS8 postal_code=LS8 - .UKLS9 postal_code=LS9 - .UKLS10 postal_code=LS10 - .UKLS11 postal_code=LS11 - .UKLS12 postal_code=LS12 - .UKLS13 postal_code=LS13 - .UKLS14 postal_code=LS14 - .UKLS15 postal_code=LS15 - .UKLS16 postal_code=LS16 - .UKLS17 postal_code=LS17 - .UKLS18 postal_code=LS18 - .UKLS19 postal_code=LS19 - .UKLS20 postal_code=LS20 - .UKLS21 postal_code=LS21 - .UKLS22 postal_code=LS22 - .UKLS23 postal_code=LS23 - .UKLS24 postal_code=LS24 - .UKLS25 postal_code=LS25 - .UKLS26 postal_code=LS26 - .UKLS27 postal_code=LS27 - .UKLS28 postal_code=LS28 - .UKLS29 postal_code=LS29 - .UKLS30 postal_code=LS30 - .UKLS31 postal_code=LS31 - .UKSE1 postal_code=SE1 - .UKSE2 postal_code=SE2 - .UKSE3 postal_code=SE3 - .UKSE4 postal_code=SE4 - .UKSE5 postal_code=SE5 - .UKSE6 postal_code=SE6 - .UKSE7 postal_code=SE7 - .UKSE8 postal_code=SE8 - .UKSE9 postal_code=SE9 - .UKSE10 postal_code=SE10 - .UKSE11 postal_code=SE11 - .UKSE12 postal_code=SE12 - .UKSE13 postal_code=SE13 - .UKSE14 postal_code=SE14 - .UKSE15 postal_code=SE15 - .UKSE16 postal_code=SE16 - .UKSE17 postal_code=SE17 - .UKSE18 postal_code=SE18 - .UKSE19 postal_code=SE19 - .UKSW1 postal_code=SW1 - .UKSW2 postal_code=SW2 - .UKSW3 postal_code=SW3 - .UKSW4 postal_code=SW4 - .UKSW5 postal_code=SW5 - .UKSW6 postal_code=SW6 - .UKSW7 postal_code=SW7 - .UKSW8 postal_code=SW8 - .UKSW9 postal_code=SW9 - .UKSW10 postal_code=SW10 - .UKSW11 postal_code=SW11 - .UKSW12 postal_code=SW12 - .UKSW13 postal_code=SW13 - .UKSW14 postal_code=SW14 - .UKSW15 postal_code=SW15 - .UKSW16 postal_code=SW16 - .UKSW17 postal_code=SW17 - .UKSW18 postal_code=SW18 - .UKSW19 postal_code=SW19 - .UKSW20 postal_code=SW20 - .UKW1 postal_code=W1 - .UKW2 postal_code=W2 - .UKW3 postal_code=W3 - .UKW4 postal_code=W4 - .UKW5 postal_code=W5 - .UKW6 postal_code=W6 - .UKW7 postal_code=W7 - .UKW8 postal_code=W8 - .UKW9 postal_code=W9 - .UKW10 postal_code=W10 - .UKW11 postal_code=W11 - .UKWC1 postal_code=WC1 - .UKWC2 postal_code=WC2 - .UKWC3 postal_code=WC3 - .UKWC4 postal_code=WC4 - .UKWC5 postal_code=WC5 - .UKWC6 postal_code=WC6 - .UKWC7 postal_code=WC7 - .UKWC8 postal_code=WC8 - .UKWC9 postal_code=WC9 - .UKWC10 postal_code=WC10 - .UKWC11 postal_code=WC11 - .UKWC12 postal_code=WC12 - .UKWC13 postal_code=WC13 -

Other Ways

Rule Name Targets Selector Template Options Comment
Runway way aeroway=runway Polyline (MinZoom=11, Color=#BBBBCC, Width=11:1;17:30)
Taxiway way aeroway=taxiway Polyline (MinZoom=12, Color=#BBBBCC, Width=12:1;17:10)


Rule Name Targets Selector Template Options Comment
PlaceVillage node place=village Text (MinZoom=12, MaxZoom=16, Color=black, TagToUse=name, FontName=Trebuchet MS, FontStyle=bold, FontSize=12:10;17:20)
PlaceIsland node place=island Text (MinZoom=12, MaxZoom=16, Color=black, TagToUse=name, FontName=Trebuchet MS, FontStyle=bold, FontSize=12:10;17:20)
PlaceSuburb node place=suburb Text (MinZoom=13, MaxZoom=16, Color=black, TagToUse=name, FontName=Trebuchet MS, FontStyle=bold, FontSize=13:10;17:20)
PlaceHamlet node place=hamlet Text (MinZoom=14, MaxZoom=17, Color=black, TagToUse=name, FontName=Trebuchet MS, FontStyle=bold, FontSize=14:8;17:14)
PlaceLocality node place=locality Text (MinZoom=14, MaxZoom=17, Color=black, TagToUse=name, FontName=Trebuchet MS, FontStyle=bold, FontSize=14:8;17:14)