Lane assist/Examples/Destination
- Main article: Lane_assist
This example shows how to specify the destination information of signposts. Proposed tags are written in italic.
On a motorway the following two signposts are present:
Simple variant
This variant only provides the most important information by tagging the information from the last signpost before the split of the roads onto the OSM way after the split of the OSM ways. The position of the signposts can not be determined with this tagging. This tagging variant is usually sufficient except on complex interchanges.
- On the OSM way representing the left three lanes in the second picture, right after the junction node:
destination=Salzburg;Graz;Passau;Ansfelden;Flughafen destination:ref=A1 destination:int_ref=E 55;E 60 destination:country=SI;DE destination:symbol=airport
- On the OSM way representing the right two lanes in the second picture, right after the junction node:
destination=Praha;Freistadt;Linz destination:ref=A7 destination:int_ref=E 55 destination:country=CZ
Note: In some countries like Austria, Czech or Australia the reference is written without a space, for example "A1". In other countries like Sweden, Germany, Russia or USA the reference is written with a space, e.g. "A 1". In Spain the reference is written with a hyphen, e.g. "A-1".
Sophisticated variant
This variant also provides the position of the individual signposts and the different information present on each of them as well as the lane-specific destination information. This tagging variant is usually only necessary on complex interchanges.
- On the OSM way starting right at the position of the first signpost:
destination:lanes=Salzburg;Graz|Salzburg;Graz;Passau;Ansfelden;Flughafen|Passau;Ansfelden;Flughafen;Praha;Freistadt;Linz|Praha;Freistadt;Linz destination:ref:lanes=A1|A1|A1;A7|A7 destination:int_ref:lanes=E 55;E 60|E 55;E 60|E 55;E 60| destination:country:lanes=SI|DE;SI|DE|CZ destination:symbol:lanes=none|airport|airport|none
- As the second signpost is right at the split of the roads, the second signpost needs no additional tagging before its position.
- On the left and right OSM ways after the junction node, apply the tagging from the simple variant which is based on the information from the second signpost.
Note: In some countries like Austria, Czech or Australia the reference is written without a space, for example "A1". In other countries like Sweden, Germany, Russia or USA the reference is written with a space, e.g. "A 1". In Spain the reference is written with a hyphen, e.g. "A-1".