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This page contains BNF for MapCSS 0.2. This grammar is SLR. Note that it requires a tokeniser that only produces a whitespace token immediately following an object.
ruleset ::= rule | ruleset rule; rule ::= selectors declarations | import; import ::= AT "import" "url" "(" QUOTED ")" ID ";"; selectors ::= uSelectors | uSelectors ","; uSelectors ::= selector | uSelectors "," selector; selector ::= subselector | selector subselector; subselector ::= object SPACE | object zoom | object zoom tests | maybeClass; zoom ::= PIPE "z" range | ; range ::= NUMBER | NUMBER "-" NUMBER | NUMBER "-" | "-" NUMBER; tests ::= test | tests test; test ::= "[" condition "]"; condition ::= tag binary value | unary tag | tag; tag ::= key | tag ":" key; key ::= ID; value ::= ID | REGEX | NUMBER; binary ::= "=" | "!=" | "=~" | "<" | ">" | "<=" | ">="; unary ::= "-" | "!"; maybeClass ::= class | "!" class; class ::= "." ID | ":" ID; object ::= "node" | "way" | "relation" | "area" | "line" | "canvas" | "*" | ; declarations ::= declaration | declarations declaration; declaration ::= "{" styleset "}" | "{" "}"; styleset ::= uStyleset | uStyleset ";" ; uStyleset ::= style | uStyleset ";" style; style ::= key ":" specifier; specifier ::= named | sizes | colour | url | eval; named ::= ID; sizes ::= size | sizes "," size; size ::= NUMBER units; colour ::= HASHCOLOUR | "rgb" "(" NUMBER "," NUMBER "," NUMBER ")" | "rgba" "(" NUMBER "," NUMBER "," NUMBER "," NUMBER ")"; url ::= "url" "(" urlContent ")"; urlContent ::= QUOTED | eval; units ::= "px" | "pt" | "%" | ; eval ::= "eval" "(" QUOTED ")";
Compatibility issues
- With Potlatch 2
- Potlatch 2 uses the :area pseudo-class to detect areas. This grammar will trip here because area is a keyword not an identifier. The wiki page on 0.2 seems to suggest that :closed should be used here instead.
- Potlatch 2 does not expect URLs to be surrounded by url('blah'), this grammar does.
- With Kothic
- Kothic does not expect URLs to be surrounded by url('blah'), this grammar does.
- Kothic does not expect eval expressions to have quotes inside, this grammar does.