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This page contains proposed MapCSS eval() syntax.

Data types

EIAS: Everything is a string.

When used in different contexts, it may be considered as:

  • string
String is enclosed in "quotation marks". It can be:
  • concatenated using . operator.
  • checked for being a number using num() function. In case it can't be converted, "" (empty string) is returned.
  • converted to a number using metric() or zmetric() function. These functions should return (heuristically?) parsed width/height in map units. E.g. on "2 meters in 1 pixel" scale metric("3m") should return 1.5. zmetric() does the same for elevations. In the case it can't be converted, "" (empty string) should be returned.
  • number. May be enclosed in "quotation marks".
Can be:
  • converted to string using str() function (actually does nothing, as any number is a string)
  • multiplied/divided/substracted/added using usual *, /, -, +
  • square-rooted using sqrt()
  • integer part is returned using int() (ceil/floor/round? - no, what it says – integer part) function
  • "2" + 4 == 6;
  • "2" == 2;
  • But:
    2/0 == "";
  • none / "" (empty string)
  • none is a constant equal to empty string
  • in any number operation on none, it's equal to 0.
  • if none is the final evaluation result, it's considered that a property isn't applied at all.
  • 2."" == 2;
  • 2+"" == 2;
  • 2/"" == "";
  • none == "";
  • boolean
  • expression is considered "false" if it equals to "0", "no", "false" or "" (empty string);
  • expression is considered "true" otherwise.
  • can be turned to a canonical form using boolean() function
  • canonical form for "true" is "true", canonical form for "false" is "false"
  • boolean("yes") == boolean("true")


  • Comparison operators: ==, <>, !=, <, >, <=, >=. Perform canonization for numbers prior to comparison, so "2" == "02". Implicit canonization doesn't convert numeric value to boolean and vice versa, however.
  • String comparison operators: eq, ne: "2" ne "02", "2" eq "2".



Operator Description Example JOSM pgm
== Equal comparison "2" == "2" => "true", "3" == "2" => "false", "a" == "a" => "true" + +
== Equal comparison with canonization for numbers "2" == "02" => "true", "3" == "2" => "false", "a" == "a" => "true" - +
!= Not equal comparison "2" != "02" => "false", "3" != "2" => "true", "a" != "a" => "false" + +
!= Not equal comparison with canonization for numbers "2" != "02" => "false", "3" != "2" => "true", "a" != "a" => "false" - +
<> Not equal comparison with canonization for numbers "2" <> "02" => "false", "3" <> "2" => "true" + +
<, <=, >, >= Numeric greater / lower comparison "3" > "2" => "true" + +
eq String equality "2" eq "02" => "false", "3" eq "2" => "false", "a" eq "a" => "true" - +
ne String not equality "2" ne "02" => "true", "3" ne "2" => "true", "a" ne "a" => "false" - +
&& Logical and ("a" == "a") && ("2" == "3") => "false" + +
|| Logical or ("a" == "a") || ("2" == "3") => "true" + +
! Logical not !("a" == "a") => "false + +

General functions

Function Description Example JOSM pgm
tag(key:string) returns value of a tag, described by key. In the case there's no such tag, returns none tag("amenity") => "restaurant" + +
prop(key:string) returns value of a property, described by key. In the case there's no such property, returns none prop("color") => "#ff0000" + +
cond(expr, if, else) returns if if expr is true, else otherwise. cond("true", "yes", "no") => "yes" + +
any(k1, k2, ...) returns first k that's not none any("", "foo", "bar") => "foo" +[1] +
  1. before 7164: use coalesce() instead

"Type check / conversion" functions

Function Description Example JOSM pgm
num(value) Returns the parsed value as number or none num("4.5 ") => 4.5 - +
str(value) convert to string (actually does nothing, as any number is a string) str(4.5) => "4.5" - +
boolean(value) turn value to canonical form; "0", "no", "false", "" => "false"; every other value => "true" boolean("something") => "true" - +

Numeric functions

Function Description Example JOSM pgm
int(value) integer part is returned using int() (ceil/floor/round? - no, what it says – integer part) function int(-5.6) => -5 - +
max(x1, x2, ...) returns maximum max(3, 5, "") => 5 + +
min(x1, x2, ...) returns minimum min(3, 5, "") => 3 + +
metric(value:string) Convert parsed (metric) length in map units (pixels) metric("3m") => 1.5 (when scale is 2m = 1px) - +[1]
sqrt(value:float) returns square root of value sqrt(4) => 2 + +
  1. not geodesic, using 900913 projection as coordinate system

String functions

Function Description Example JOSM pgm
concat(value, value, ...) concatenate strings together concat("amenity: ", tag("amenity")) => "amenity: restaurant" + +
value . value . ... concatenate strings together "amenity: " . tag("amenity") => "amenity: restaurant" - +