Microgrants/Microgrants 2020/Proposal/Vulnerable Area for COVID-19 in Tanzania

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Vulnerable Areas for COVID-19 in Tanzania
Mapping and identifying vulnerable areas for Covid-19 and health centers which, will help community in Tanzania to keep more attention in planning and control the spread covid-19.
budget (Euro)3585 €
granteeShabani Magawila
contact(s)• shabanimagawila@gmail.com, irdpyouthmappers@gmail.comhttps://irdpyouthmappers.wixsite.com/website

About your Mapping Community

Tell us a little bit about your mapping community at the moment, some examples of details to include are below, but please provide us with any information you think is relevant. Please write 100-200 words IRDP YouthMappers is the Mapping community established since 2017 under the support of the Institute of Rural Development Planning and Crow2Map. It includes two chapters one from Mwanza and another from Dodoma. This community was created so as to ensure students are being able to get and adopt knowledge, skills, and technology concerning mapping issues.

By the support from crowd2map, IRDP YouthMappers managed to support its community through attending and preparing different events, with the purpose of introducing the prerequisite and effects of mapping to their development. But also to help other YouthMappers Community to built-up their chapter here in Tanzania. The following are some of the events and contribution of IRDP YouthMappers: Such as

  • Contributing to the Women Connect Project

What do you need the grant money for?

We want to understand what you plan to buy, how much you plan to buy, and why this will help you to scale your community mapping efforts. There are two tables for you to fill in your response, and you may add more rows as needed. Some examples are in the table for your reference. You are welcome to use a different format in your response, but please make sure to include these details. This grant will support us in our daily activities during project time. Various equipment will be required to facilitate the completion of this project. But also webinar and training will be prepared so as to ensure our team works fine as a purpose of focusing on effective achievement.

This project will be operated remotely, but to some extent we will have to travel to a particular area of interest if it is applicable. To ensure the success of our project, IRDP YouthMappers will work out on 4 stages.

1. Preparation stage

- Identify members and volunteers

- Identify other stakeholders (health and government officers)

- Identifying data going to be collected

- Training and webinar

- Purchasing of devices and tools required

2. Execution Stage

- Data collection (includes: Vulnerable areas, health facilities e.t.c)

- Data validation and analysis

- Website designing and publication

3. Monitoring stage

- Reviewing on challenges facing the project

- Reviewing the cost value-effective

- Value of money with relation to project success

- The efficiency of the Project

- Success and failure

4. Closure stage

- Report writing and documentation

Project Planning

Stages and Activities 1st Month 2nd Month 3rd Month 4th Month 5th Month 6th Month
Preparation Stage 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4
- Identifying type of data to be collected
- Identifying stakeholders and supporters (Government, Health Officers, and NGOs)
- Purchasing of devices and tools required
- Training and Webinar
Execution Stage
- Data Collection
- Data validation and cleaning
- Map designing
- Web designing and Publication
Monitoring Stage
- Challenges facing the project
- Cost value
- Value of money with relation to the project success
- Efficiency of the project
- Success and failure
Closure Stage
- Data analysis and representation
- Data compile and processing
- Report Writing and submission

Budget breakdown

Give your budget breakdown here. If you would like to present your budget in a tabular format, you can use this tool to convert your spreadsheet into a wikitable and paste the code below here


Expenses Description Unit Cost Per Item (€) Total (€)
Tools and Equipment needed
- Smart Phone We will need 10 smartphone to support our volunteers during remotely data collection. ODK app will be installed on those phones. 10 60 600
- Laptop Three laptops will be needed to accomplish with validation activities and mapping. 3 257 771
- Camera 1 camera for taking videos and images during the project time. Also,it will be used in recording various interviews with community members and stakeholders 1 600 600
- Working T-shirt Group tshirt which will introduce as to the community during data collection 10 6 60
- Other Stationeries Including realm paper 6, photocopy and printing, 6 5 30
Operational Expenses
- Website Designing Website will be used to share open-data we collected during project time. Wix site will be used 1 504 504
- Internet and phone bill This will help to get in touch with our team and other stakeholders during remotely data collection 10 14 x 6= 84 840
- Training and Webinar 4 webinars and training will be held so as to ensure awareness of participant into our project. We will use zoom platform 4 40 160
- Certificate of volunteering 10 2 20
Total 3585 €

If you receive a grant, what do you aim to achieve?

It is recommended that this supports the mission of the OSM Foundation and your local community. Please provide us with any information you think is relevant including the metrics you expect to achieve. Please write 100-200 words.

Our starting area will be Dodoma and then we will cover other regions. Received grant will help in achieving the following:

  • Mapping and Identifying vulnerable areas for Covid-19

- This will make community and government aware of how to control the spread Covid-19

  • Mapping and identifying health facilities available in a particular area

- By using remote mapping and government data, we will be able to identify health facilities and health centers that will help to perform analysis and showing the relation between population and health centers available.

  • Creation of website for sharing of data collected

- Data collected will be published on our website. Also, the web map and other relevant materials will be created as the result of making data open for all.

- But also we will create a web platform that will show analysis results.

Do you receive funding from any other sources at the moment?

If you receive funding from other organizations currently, please state how much this is, whether the donations are regular or one off, and how these funds have been raised. Please write no more than 300 words. If you have any sources of co-funding for this grant application, please provide details. Examples of this might be if you have any partners who would be willing to match grant funding if you receive it, or if your project has existing funding. Please provide as much detail as possible.

Currently, IRDP YouthMappers do not receive any funds from any source. But, I used to get a small fund in previous years to prepare a small open data day in Mwanza.

Is there anything you would like OSMF to support you with?

If there is anything which you would like OSMF to support you with in order to strengthen your project, please let us know. For example, this could include building relationships with OSM communities, sourcing updated imagery for mapping projects, or guidance on how to use some of the tools we have created. We want to do our best to support OSM communities, so please let us know what you need. Please write no more than 150 words.

  • Supporting in creating projects in Task Manager and remote mapping.
  • Supporting and advising in best web map platform


By submitting this form to the OpenStreetMap Foundation, you certify the information contained in this application is correct, and that if you are awarded a grant, you will use it only for the purposes described above. You will provide written documentation and receipts for all of your expenses to the OSM Foundation to demonstrate this. You understand that the decisions made by the OSM Foundation Microgrants committee are final.

Shabani Magawila, SHABANI MAGAWILA


Community members are encouraged to endorse your project request here!

I, Shabani Magawila, agree to follow the above declaration

Craig Allan : It would be very good to build mapping capacity and enthusiasm among the youth in Tanzania. For that to happen you need a youth focused programme with large scale participation over a long period. This seems to be a fairly short data gathering project focused on delivering data with little discussion of the way it will support, enlarge and enhance the OSM community. With some small support from the OSMF this could be re-organised to have a wider impact and to involve more people.

Thanks Craig Allan for your advice and support, we currently need more support from OSM also. Because as youth mappers here in Tanzania it would be better for us to stimulate other working groups and youthmapper chapters to be active as we do. Since 2017, we do volunteering work while it's our hope that one day the OSM community will see our struggling. So, this is the starting while on the other hand, your support will be a vital tool to ensure we move on.