Minnesota/Minnesota highway classification/Highway inventory

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This page contains a detailed inventory about some of the major highway types in Minnesota (Motorway/Expressway/Trunk). This page may be updated in the future if it is felt that a refresh is needed, but it may also just become a reference page. The following text was removed from the main page on 1/26/2022.


This section contains several inventories of all the motorways in Minnesota. The first section is a length chart showing the lengths of motorways. The subsequent sections analyze the motorways by their connectivity.

Motorway lengths

In late December 2021 the lengths of all motorways in Minnesota were determined using overpass turbo queries. The results are summarized below. It is anticipated that several times in the future this chart will be updated to provide a progress report.

Lengths of individual highway motorway segments (Kilometers) Collapse
network ref December 2021
US:I 35 705.8
35E 125.2
3tW 120.6
535 4.8
90 883.2
94 833.7
394 29.6
494 132.8
694 94.6
US:US 2 41.6
8 4.6
10 190.7
12 137.7
14 242.1
52 952.2
53 8.9
59 34.1
61 66.3
63 20.6
71 37.4
169 201.9
212 55.2
US:US:Business US 169 Business 3.6
US:MN 5 49.8
7 10.2
13 8.8
15 25.8
23 68.9
30 9.5
36 51.7
37 .2
47 28.1
51 8.2
55 68.7
60 66.3
62 47.2
65 21.4
77 33.9
100 49.1
101 21.1
252 2.2
280 8.0
371 48.3
610 36.2
US:MN:Hennepin 34 1.6
US:MN:Scott 21 1.5
101 8.4


  1. length in kilometers is based on membership in relationships
  2. duplication is expected because some highway segments are part of more than one route relation
  3. because motorways all have two carriageways, the total length of motorways is approximately half of the number indicated

Fully connected motorways

  1. I-35/I-35E/I-35W* [Duluth-Des Moines]
  2. I-90 [Sioux Falls-La Crosse]
  3. I-94 [Fargo-Eau Claire]
  4. I-394 [Minnetonka-Minneapolis]
  5. I-494 [Maple Grove-Woodbury]
  6. I-535* [Duluth-Superior]
  7. I-694 [Maple Grove-Oakdale]
  8. MN-100 [Brooklyn Center-Bloomington]
  9. MN-610 [Maple Grove-Blaine]

Roads in Bold cross state/country lines.

* I-35 and I-535 by extension easily qualify as motorways on their own as high-trafficked Interstate Highways, but technically are only connected to the rest of the motorway system on one side, as they both terminate at Lake Superior. Similarly, the southern end of I-35 terminates at the Mexican border.

Motorway stubs (unconnected on one end)

  1. (2) US-2 [Duluth] [2.5 miles, 1 interchange]
  2. (5) US-10 [Anoka-Coon Rapids] [8.7 miles, 7 interchanges]
  3. US-12 [Orono-Minnetonka] [8.8 miles, 6 interchanges]
  4. (6) US-14 [Rochester]** [3.4 miles, 1 interchange]
  5. (1) US-52 [Inver Grove Heights-Rosemount] [8.2 miles, 5 Interchanges]
  6. (6) US-52 [Rochester] [26.8 miles, 18 interchanges]
  7. US-63 [Rochester]** [2.3 miles, 2 interchanges]
  8. US-212 [Carver-Eden Prairie] [14 miles, 11 interchanges]
  9. (3) MN-36 [Oak Park Heights]* [1.3 miles, 1 interchange]
  10. MN-47 [Coon Rapids] [1 mile, 1 interchange]
  11. (1) MN-55 [Minneapolis] [1 mile, 1 interchange]
  12. (2) MN-55 [Inver Grove Heights] [2.3 miles, 2 interchanges]
  13. (1) MN-62 [Eden Prairie] [1.7 miles, 1 interchange]
  14. (2) MN-62 [Sunfish Lake] [1 mile, 1 interchange]
  15. MN-77 [Apple Valley] [1.9 miles, 2 interchanges]
  16. MN-280 [Lauderdale-Saint Paul] [2.8 miles, 5 interchange]
  17. CR-21 [Shakopee] [0.9 miles, 1 interchange]

* Wisconsin side does not connect back to motorway network

** Connected to another stub

Motorway islands (unconnected on both ends)

  1. (1) US-2 [Bemidji]
  2. (1) US-10 [Perham]
  3. (2) US-10 [Little Falls]
  4. (3) US-10 [Saint Cloud]
  5. (4) US-10 [Ramsey]
  6. (1) US-14 [Mankato]
  7. (2) US-14 [Janesville]
  8. (3) US-14 [Waseca-Havana]
  9. (4) US-14 [Havana-Dodge Center]
  10. (5) US-14 [Kasson]
  11. (2) US-52 [Hampton]
  12. (3) US-52 [N of Cannon Falls]
  13. (4) US-52 [Cannon Falls]
  14. (5) US-52 [Zumbrota]
  15. US-53 [Eveleth]
  16. US-61 [Saint Paul-Cottage Grove]
  17. (1) US-169 [Milaca]
  18. (2) US-169 [Princeton]
  19. (3) US-169 [Princeton]
  20. (4) US-169 [Elk River]
  21. (5) US-169 [Brooklyn Park-Shakopee]
  22. (6) US-169 [Belle Plaine]
  23. (7) US-169 [Le Sueur]
  24. (8) US-169 [Le Sueur]
  25. (9) US-169 [Mankato]
  26. MN-15 [Saint Cloud]
  27. (1) MN-23 [Willmar]
  28. (2) MN-23 [Paynesville]
  29. (3) MN-36 [Stillwater]
  30. (1) MN-60 [Saint James]
  31. (2) MN-60 [MN-15/MN-60 Interchange]
  32. (3) MN-60 [Madelia]
  33. (1) MN-65 [Cambridge]
  34. (2) MN-65 [Blaine]
  35. MN-101 [Elk River-Rogers]
  36. (1) MN-371 [Pequot Lakes]
  37. (2) MN-371 [Brainerd]
  38. (3) MN-371 [Little Falls]

Motorway gaps (connected on both ends with gaps)

  1. (6) US-10 [Arden Hills] [0.1 miles of trunk out of 2 miles of motorway]
  2. MN-7 [Minnetonka-Saint Louis Park] [2.4 of 5.4 miles]
  3. MN-13 [Shakopee-Burnsville] [2.1 of 6.1 miles]
  4. (1) MN-36 [Little Canada-North Saint Paul] [0.2 of 6.7 miles]
  5. MN-51 [Arden Hills-Roseville] [1.1 of 3.8 miles]


This section contains an inventory of the current expressways and potential expressways. Current expressways have the tag expressway=yes. Potential expressways were determined as follows.

A careful review was done of all highways that are tagged highway=trunk or highway=primary or MN_to_trunk=*. The latter tagging is part of the trunk highway proposal as discussed in the Slack #local-minnesota channel discussion. (See Helper keys for a discussion of the key.)

To be considered as a candidate segment it must:

  • be a dual carriageway
  • have at least one grade-separated interchange

The section of highway is considered to end at the first at-grade intersection with any type of highway=* (including minor highways such as service roads or driveways). This is the same criteria for determining an "end" as described in the Motorway islands section below.

The following table includes all highway segments in Minnesota that meet the above criteria.

network ref type location interchanges length tag
US:US 10 trunk Elk River @ MN 101 1 1 maybe
Frazee @ MN 87 1 2 maybe
N of St Cloud @ CR 33 1 2 maybe
14 trunk Nicollet (W of Mankato) 1 3 maybe
52 trunk S of St Paul @ CR 42 1 2 maybe
59 expressway part of MN 60 0 10 now
63 trunk Rochester at MN 30/CR 16 1 1 maybe
US:MN 13 trunk Eagan at MN 77 1 2 maybe
23 trunk N of Wilmar 2 3 maybe
60 expressway Iowa to Worthington 0 20 now


  1. Network and ref identify the highway route relation
  2. Type trunk means the highway is tagged highway=trunk
  3. Type expressway means that the highway is tagged expressway=yes (the highway=* tag is ignored)
  4. Location provides information about where this segment is
  5. Interchanges is the number of grade separated interchanges in the segment
  6. length is the approximate length in kilometers of the segment. This length is measured along only one of the carriageways, not both.
  7. tag meanings: "now" applies to the segments currently tagged as expressways; "maybe" means that they might be in the future

In the inventory process there were no primary highways found that met the qualification criteria. Also, none of the highways proposed as future trunk highways qualified. The two segments that did not meet the grade-separated interchange requirement were already tagged as expressways but would not have been candidates if they had not already been tagged that way.

Trunk Highways

Fully connected Trunks

  1. I-35 BUS [Faribault]
  2. (2) MN-13 [Burnsville-Mendota Heights]
  3. MN-61 [Duluth-Thunder Bay]
  4. MN-62 [Mendota Heights-Sunfish Lake]
  5. MN-252 [Brooklyn Park-Brooklyn Center]
  6. (1) CR-10 [Coon Rapids-Mounds View]

Mixed full trunks (connected to a fully connected motorway/trunk on one end, and a partially connected motorway/trunk on the other)

  1. (1) US-2 [Grand Forks-Bemidji]
  2. (10) US-10 [Arden Hills]
  3. (11) US-10 [Saint Paul]
  4. (2) US-53 [Eveleth-Duluth]
  5. (1) US-61 [Cottage Grove-Dakota]
  6. MN-33 [Independence-Cloquet]
  7. (2) MN-36 [Lake Elmo]
  8. (2) MN-55 [Minneapolis]
  9. (3) MN-55 [Mendota Heights-Inver Grove Heights]
  10. (3) MN-65 [Blaine-Fridley]
  11. MN-101 [Rogers]
  12. MN-149 [Eagan]
  13. MN-194 [Duluth]
  14. MN-280 [Roseville]
  15. MN-336 [Dilworth]
  16. (2) CR-10 [Arden Hills]
  17. CR-36/37 [Saint Paul]

Mixed half trunks (connected between two partially connected motorway/trunks)

  1. (8) US-10 [St. Cloud-Ramsey]
  2. (9) US-10 [Ramsey-Anoka]
  3. (1) US-52 [Rosemount-Hampton]
  4. (2) US-52 [Hampton-Cannon Falls]
  5. (3) US-52 [Cannon Falls]
  6. (4) US-52 [Cannon Falls-Zumbrota]
  7. (5) US-52 [Zumbrota-Pine Island]
  8. (6) US-169 [Milaca-Princeton]
  9. (7) US-169 [Princeton]
  10. (8) US-169 [Zimmerman-Elk River]
  11. (10) US-169 [Shakopee-Belle Plaine]
  12. (11) US-169 [Belle Plaine-Le Sueur]
  13. (12) US-169 [Le Sueur]
  14. (13) US-169 [Le Sueur-Mankato]
  15. (2) MN-7 [Minnetonka-Saint Louis Park]
  16. (1) MN-13 [Savage-Burnsville]
  17. MN-15 [St. Cloud]
  18. (1) MN-36 [North Saint Paul]
  19. (3) MN-36 [Stillwater]
  20. MN-51 [Roseville]
  21. (3) MN-60 [Saint-James-MN-15/MN-60 Interchange]
  22. (4) MN-60 [MN-15/MN-60 Interchange-Madelia]
  23. (5) MN-60 [Madelia-Mankato]
  24. (2) MN-65 [Cambridge-Blaine]
  25. (2) MN-371 [Pequot Lakes-Brainerd]
  26. (3) MN-371 [Brainerd-Little Falls]

Trunk full stubs (connected on only one end to a fully connected motorway/trunk)

  1. I-35 ALT [Owatonna]
  2. I-90 ALT [Austin]
  3. (1) US-71 [International Falls]
  4. (3) US-2 [Proctor]
  5. (1) US-10 [Dilworth-Detroit Lakes]
  6. (2) US-61 [La Crescent-La Crosse]
  7. US-65 [Albert Lea]
  8. US-218 [Austin]
  9. (1) MN-7 [Shorewood-Minnetonka]
  10. (1) MN-55 [Medina-Golden Valley]
  11. CR-75 [St. Joseph-St. Cloud]
  12. CR-81 [Maple Grove-Robbinsdale]

Trunk half stubs (connected on only one end to a partially connected motorway/trunk)

  1. (2) US-10 [Detroit Lakes-Perham]
  2. (3) US-10 [Perham-Wadena]
  3. (5) US-10 [Motley-Little Falls]
  4. (6) US-10 [Little Falls-Royalton]
  5. (7) US-10 [Royalton-Sartell]
  6. (1) US-14 [Nicollet-North Mankato]
  7. (2) US-14 [Mankato-Janesville]
  8. (3) US-14 [Janesville-Waseca]
  9. (4) US-14 [Havana] *******************
  10. (5) US-14 [Dodge Center-Kasson]
  11. (6) US-14 [Kasson-Rochester]
  12. (7) US-14 [Rochester]
  13. (6) US-52 [Marion]
  14. (1) US-53 [Cook-Eveleth]
  15. US-63 [Rochester-Stewartville]
  16. (2) US-71 [Bemidji]
  17. (4) US-71 [Willmar]
  18. (1) US-169 [Virginia-Hibbing]
  19. (5) US-169 [Onamia-Milaca]
  20. (9) US-169 [Champlin]
  21. (2) US-212 [Cologne-Carver]
  22. MN-1 [Angora]
  23. MN-5 [Chanhassen-Eden Prairie]
  24. MN-15 [MN-15/MN-60 Interchange]
  25. MN-16 [La Crescent]
  26. (3) MN-23 [Willmar]
  27. (5) MN-23 [Willmar-New London]
  28. (6) MN-23 [Paynesville]
  29. (7) MN-23 [Paynesville]
  30. MN-47 [Fridley-Minneapolis]
  31. (1) MN-60 [Sibley-Windom]
  32. (2) MN-60 [Windom-Saint James]
  33. (1) MN-65 [McGregor-Cambridge]
  34. MN-210 [Brainerd-Aitkin]
  35. (1) MN-371 [Pequot Lakes]
  36. CR-101 [Shakopee]
  37. Belgrade Avenue [Mankato]
  38. South Broadway Avenue [Rochester]

Trunk islands (unconnected on both ends)

  1. (2) US-2 [Deer River]
  2. (4) US-10 [Wadena-Motley]
  3. (2) US-169 [Grand Rapids]
  4. (3) US-169 [Aitkin]
  5. (4) US-169 [Garrison]
  6. (1) US-212 [Glencoe-Norwood Young America]
  7. (1) MN-23 [Marshall]
  8. (2) MN-23 [Granite Falls]
  9. (8) MN-23 [Richmond-St. Cloud]
  10. (9) MN-23 [St. Cloud-Foley]