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Een goede manier om met het OpenStreetMap project te beginnen is door GPS track logs te uploaden. Deze worden dan toegevoegd aan de achtergrond van de edit kaart als dunne lijntjes of puntjes. Deze lijntjes of puntjes zijn de basis van met de hand getekende lijnen. Als je problemen met het uploaden hebt kan deze pagina of de FAQ je helpen. Welke formaten worden ondersteund?Bestanden moeten in GPX formaat zijn. De server accepteert standaard GPX versie 1.0 and 1.1, behalve dat de tag Het geografische datumformat van OpenStreetMap WGS-84, dus zorg ervoor dat je tracks in WGS-84 lat/lon zijn. GPX zijn normaal gesproken altijd in WGS-84 formaat, maar je moet oppassen als je tracks van andere format (en mogelijk andere formaten) converteert naar GPX. Voor meet informatie over GPX en het maken van GPX bestanden, zie Making GPX Tracks en Editing GPX Tracks. Ingepakte bestandenA single file may also be uploaded after being compressed by gzip, having a .gpx.gz extension. If you have multiple files to upload, you may compress them into a zip archive and upload it. It will then be treated as one big gpx file (that is, only one entry in your trace list is created). How to upload a file
The file will be uploaded to the OSM server, where it will join the queue of files waiting to be inserted into the database. You will see the following message:
Please note: On weekend and Monday this duration time normally extends to 8..24 hours. A list of your traces and their current status will be shown below the upload form. If you are searching a way to automatically upload GPX files to OSM, you can have a look a this Batch Upload Perl script. In the future the OSM API may support a better approach. TaggingTags are a simple way of describing your file, with single word, which will allows you to group the file alongside other similar traces. For example all the traces tagged 'Melbourne' are listed at You may have seen the same idea around the web, e.g. for tagging photos, bookmarks, blog entries, etc. Each file can have many tags. Usually tags are the country and the cities, that your trace concerns. You have to separate tags by spaces, not commas (,). If you have any comma in the tags field, the upload will fail! This also means, you have to use underscore (_) in tags instead of spaces! What happens to my file after it has been uploaded?Your GPX file is parsed by the OSM server and points are extracted and inserted into the database. Note that this operation can be delayed. Requests go into a queue on the server, and occasionally there is a backlog. Once completed however, you should be able to...
You will not see any streets drawn in over your tracks, until you (or somebody else) uses an editor to draw the streets as nodes and ways with tags. Applications supporting direct upload of GPS track logsThe following applications support direct upload to OpenStreetMap:
Upload WaypointsGPS waypoints cannot be uploaded to the OSM database directly. However, they can be converted to tracks and then being uploaded temporarily. So they can be displayed as background objects in Potlatch. See Upload Waypoints. |