New Zealand/High Country Stations

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 High Country farming stations occupy a significant portion of New Zealand's land, particularly in the South Island. Some stations are bigger than a city. Many of these are owned by  the Crown, and leased to runholders, while others are situated entirely on private land.


This was discussed on the talk-nz mailing list in 2021. The current tags used are:


Stations that consist partially or entirely of crown-owned pastoral lease land were imported between 2021 and 2022. A significant number of stations went through the Tenure Review process before 2021, and are therefore not mapped in OSM.

The full list is here


  • If a station consists of some privately-owned land, and some crown-owned land, the boundary in OSM should reflect the total extent of the station, not just the crown-owned land. For example, the relation Glenthorne Station consists of the Glenthorne pastoral lease, the Mount Olympus pastoral lease, and a large area of private land. The OSM area covered the entire station.
  • If a station has an outstation, it should be included in the multipolygon. relation Example
  • The  Tenure review process means that crown-owned stations are sometimes split into private farmland and public conservation land. When this happens the extent of the station in OSM needs to be updated.
  • The pastoral lease data from LINZ has gaps for  Paper Roads, easements, and other features like QEII covenants. In OpenStreetMap, the boundary should follow the On the ground principle.
  • The pastoral lease data from LINZ, and the land parcel data from LINZ sometimes doesn't line up with the real world. In this example[1], the public road is technically built on private land, while the public road parcel is part of a private farm. In rare cases this has resulted in disputes. As always, the boundary in OpenStreetMap should follow the On the ground principle, i.e. it should be traced along the real fenceline.
  • If the boundary of a station follows a district or region boundary, you should re-use the ways (way example).


  1. You cannot use google maps as a source in OSM, this link is just an easy way to view the land parcel data from LINZ