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Northamptonshire, East Midlands England

latitude: 52.307, longitude: -0.841
Browse map of Northamptonshire 52°18′25.20″ N, 0°50′27.60″ W
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Northamptonshire is a county in East Midlands England at latitude 52°18′25.20″ North, longitude 0°50′27.60″ West.

Northamptonshire relation 63375 is a ceremonial county and non-metropolitan county in the East Midlands region of England. It borders with the ceremonial counties of Warwickshire, Leicestershire, Rutland, Cambridgeshire, Bedfordshire, Buckinghamshire, Oxfordshire and Lincolnshire.


The non-metropolitain county of Northamptonshire is divided into seven districts:

Number complete
Area Cities Towns Villages Notes Boundary Relation
Corby [1] relation 310064
Daventry [2] relation 1637109
East Northamptonshire [3] relation 310066
Kettering [4] relation 310065
Northampton [5] relation 394021
South Northamptonshire [6] relation 58368
Wellingborough [7] relation 1637026


All 16 towns are listed here, please filled in details if a town has been worked on/is currently being worked on.

%age complete
Postal Area Town Name Tracks Mapped Labelled Notes
Brackley 98% 40% needs some labelling work but otherwise looks pretty much complete
Burton Latimer 0% 0% only a couple of road covered, but very small, would be a morning's job for a local.
Corby 0% 0% Needs someone to get it started.
Daventry 10% 10% Skeleton done, good base to pick individual areas from.
Desborough ? 10% 10% Skeleton done, good base to pick individual areas from. Small town, wouldn't take long.
Higham Ferrers ? 1% 1% Small town, wouldn't take long.
Irthlingborough 0% 0% Small town, wouldn't take long.
Kettering 20% 5% 3 areas mapped, needs some labelling work.
Northampton 2% 2% The largest town and needs the most work, so need volunteers!
Oundle 20% 20% Small town, wouldn't take long.
Raunds 0% 0% Small town, wouldn't take long.
Rothwell ? 80% 40% Good coverage, some minor roads missing and some labels needed.
NN10 Rushden ? ?% ?% Roads basically complete, new housing development is ongoing so a few new roads may be missing. Most footpaths within the town are mapped. Few shops and buildings are mapped.
Towcester ?% 99% 85% Very good coverage, just a few labels missing
Thrapston 0% 0% 0% Small job, but not started
Wellingborough ? 2% 2% Large job and some of the existing streets look incorrect.