API v0.6/DTD

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This article or section may contain out-of-date information. The information may no longer be correct, or may no longer have relevance.
If you know about the current state of affairs, please help keep everyone informed by updating this information. (Discussion)

N.B.: This schema is incomplete!

See also:

  • osmChange root element (with create/delete/modify subelements) for uploads with possible placeholders
  • diffResult root element for the response containing the map of placeholders to effective ids

Note: The ".osm" file storage format used by JOSM is derived from the same XML schema, but:

  • it does not use the api, permissions, user, preferences, gpx_file, and changeset elements
  • it stores additional elements in the root element for tracking the bounding boxes of downloaded areas or the editing viewing box.
  • it stores changes using an additional action attribute to node, way and relation elements instead of the osmChange root element used by the API v0.6.
 <!ELEMENT osm (api|permissions|user|preferences|gpx_file|changeset|(node|way|relation)+)>
 <!ATTLIST osm version            CDATA #FIXED "0.6"><!-- decimal floating point -->
 <!ATTLIST osm generator          CDATA #IMPLIED><!-- UTF-8 encoded, informative -->
 <!-- response to request message api/capabilities -->  
 <!ELEMENT api ((version|area|tracepoints|waynodes|changesets|timeout|status)+)>
 <!ELEMENT version EMPTY>
 <!ATTLIST version minimum        CDATA #REQUIRED><!-- decimal floating point <= "0.6" -->
 <!ATTLIST version maximum        CDATA #REQUIRED><!-- decimal floating point >= "0.6" -->
 <!ATTLIST area maximum           CDATA #REQUIRED><!-- decimal floating point, in square degrees, e.g. "0.25" -->
 <!ELEMENT tracepoints EMPTY>
 <!ATTLIST tracepoints per_page   CDATA #REQUIRED><!-- decimal integer, e.g. "5000" -->
 <!ELEMENT waynodes EMPTY>
 <!ATTLIST waynodes maximum       CDATA #REQUIRED><!-- decimal integer, e.g. "2000" -->
 <!ELEMENT changesets EMPTY>
 <!ATTLIST changesets maximum_elements CDATA #REQUIRED><!-- decimal integer (nodes+ways+relations), e.g. "50000" -->

 <!ELEMENT timeout EMPTY>
 <!ATTLIST timeout seconds        CDATA #REQUIRED><!-- decimal integer, e.g. "300" -->

 <!ELEMENT status EMPTY>
 <!ATTLIST status api             CDATA #REQUIRED><!-- UTF-8 encoded, e.g. "online", "readonly" or "offline" -->
 <!ATTLIST status database        CDATA #IMPLIED><!-- UTF-8 encoded, e.g. "online", "readonly" or "offline" -->
 <!ATTLIST status gpx             CDATA #IMPLIED><!-- UTF-8 encoded, e.g. "online", "readonly" or "offline" -->

 <!-- response to request message api/0.6/permissions -->  
 <!ELEMENT permissions (permission*)>

 <!ELEMENT permission EMPTY>
 <!ATTLIST permission name       CDATA #REQUIRED><!-- UTF-8 encoded, e.g. "allow_read_prefs" -->

 <!-- response to request message api/0.6/user/details -->
 <!ELEMENT user (home?)>
 <!ATTLIST user display_name      CDATA #REQUIRED><!-- UTF-8 encoded -->
 <!ATTLIST user account_created   CDATA #REQUIRED><!-- ISO 8601 format -->
 <!ELEMENT home EMPTY><!-- informative only, most users don't publicly define their home -->
 <!ATTLIST home lat               CDATA #REQUIRED><!-- decimal floating point, in [-90 .. 90] degrees on the WGS84 spheroid -->
 <!ATTLIST home lon               CDATA #REQUIRED><!-- decimal floating point, in [-180 .. 180] degrees on the WGS84 spheroid -->
 <!ATTLIST home zoom              CDATA #REQUIRED><!-- decimal integer -->
 <!-- response to request message api/0.6/user/preferences -->  
 <!ELEMENT preferences (tag*)>
 <!-- response to request message api/0.6/user/gpx -->  
 <!ELEMENT gpx_file EMPTY>
 <!ATTLIST gpx_file id            CDATA #REQUIRED>
 <!ATTLIST gpx_file name          CDATA #REQUIRED><!-- UTF-8 encoded -->
 <!ATTLIST gpx_file lat           CDATA #REQUIRED><!-- decimal floating point, in [-90 .. 90] degrees on the WGS84 spheroid -->
 <!ATTLIST gpx_file lon           CDATA #REQUIRED><!-- decimal floating point, in [-180 .. 180] degrees on the WGS84 spheroid -->
 <!ATTLIST gpx_file user          CDATA #REQUIRED>
 <!ATTLIST gpx_file public        (true|false) "false">
 <!ATTLIST gpx_file pending       (true|false) "false">
 <!ATTLIST gpx_file timestamp     CDATA #REQUIRED>
 <!-- response to request message api/0.6/changeset/ -->   
 <!ELEMENT changeset (tag* discussion?)>
 <!ATTLIST changeset id           CDATA #REQUIRED><!-- 64-bit decimal integer -->
 <!ATTLIST changeset uid          CDATA #IMPLIED><!-- decimal integer -->
 <!ATTLIST changeset user         CDATA #IMPLIED><!-- UTF-8 encoded -->
 <!ATTLIST changeset created_at   CDATA #IMPLIED><!-- ISO 8601 format -->
 <!ATTLIST changeset open         (false|true) #REQUIRED>
 <!ATTLIST changeset min_lat      CDATA #IMPLIED><!-- decimal floating point, in [-90 .. 90] degrees on the WGS84 spheroid -->
 <!ATTLIST changeset min_lon      CDATA #IMPLIED><!-- decimal floating point, in [-180 .. 180] degrees on the WGS84 spheroid -->
 <!ATTLIST changeset max_lat      CDATA #IMPLIED><!-- decimal floating point, in [-90 .. 90] degrees on the WGS84 spheroid -->
 <!ATTLIST changeset max_lon      CDATA #IMPLIED><!-- decimal floating point, in [-180 .. 180] degrees on the WGS84 spheroid -->
 <!ELEMENT discussion (comment*)>
 <!ELEMENT comment (text*)>
 <!ATTLIST comment date           CDATA #REQUIRED><!-- ISO 8601 format -->
 <!ATTLIST comment uid            CDATA #IMPLIED><!-- decimal integer -->
 <!ATTLIST comment user           CDATA #IMPLIED><!-- UTF-8 encoded -->

 <!ELEMENT text #PCDATA><!-- UTF-8 encoded -->

 <!-- response to core data request messages api/0.6/(create|delete|update)/ -->
 <!ELEMENT node (tag*)>
 <!ATTLIST node id                CDATA #IMPLIED><!-- 64-bit decimal integer, negative when creating a new node with a placeholder -->
 <!ATTLIST node lat               CDATA #REQUIRED><!-- decimal floating point, in [-90 .. 90] degrees on the WGS84 spheroid -->
 <!ATTLIST node lon               CDATA #REQUIRED><!-- decimal floating point, in [-180 .. 180] degrees on the WGS84 spheroid -->
 <!ATTLIST node version           CDATA #IMPLIED><!-- decimal integer, required when id > 0 -->
 <!ATTLIST node changeset         CDATA #IMPLIED><!-- 64-bit decimal integer -->
 <!ATTLIST node visible           (true|false) #REQUIRED><!-- false requires a request by a user with permission -->
 <!ATTLIST node uid               CDATA #IMPLIED><!-- decimal integer -->
 <!ATTLIST node user              CDATA #IMPLIED><!-- UTF-8 encoded -->
 <!ATTLIST node timestamp         CDATA #IMPLIED><!-- ISO 8601 format -->
 <!ELEMENT way ((tag|nd)*)><!-- should contain at least two nd elements -->
 <!ATTLIST way id                 CDATA #IMPLIED><!-- 64-bit decimal integer, negative when creating a new way with a placeholder -->
 <!ATTLIST way version            CDATA #IMPLIED><!-- decimal integer, required when id > 0 -->
 <!ATTLIST way changeset          CDATA #IMPLIED><!-- 64-bit decimal integer -->
 <!ATTLIST way visible            (true|false) #REQUIRED><!-- false requires a request by a user with permission -->
 <!ATTLIST way uid                CDATA #IMPLIED><!-- decimal integer -->
 <!ATTLIST way user               CDATA #IMPLIED><!-- UTF-8 encoded -->
 <!ATTLIST way timestamp          CDATA #IMPLIED><!-- ISO 8601 format -->
 <!ATTLIST nd ref                 CDATA #REQUIRED><!-- 64-bit decimal integer, must match the id of an existing node element -->
 <!ELEMENT relation ((tag|member)*)><!-- should contain at least one member element -->
 <!ATTLIST relation id            CDATA #IMPLIED><!-- 64-bit decimal integer, negative when creating a new relation -->
 <!ATTLIST relation version       CDATA #IMPLIED><!-- decimal integer, required when id > 0 -->
 <!ATTLIST relation changeset     CDATA #IMPLIED><!-- 64-bit decimal integer -->
 <!ATTLIST relation visible       (true|false) #REQUIRED><!-- false requires a request by a user with permission -->
 <!ATTLIST relation uid           CDATA #IMPLIED><!-- decimal integer -->
 <!ATTLIST relation user          CDATA #IMPLIED><!-- UTF-8 encoded -->
 <!ATTLIST relation timestamp     CDATA #IMPLIED><!-- ISO 8601 format -->
 <!ELEMENT member EMPTY>
 <!ATTLIST member type            (way|node|relation) #REQUIRED>
 <!ATTLIST member ref             CDATA #REQUIRED><!-- 64-bit decimal integer, must match the id of an existing element of this type -->
 <!ATTLIST member role            CDATA #IMPLIED><!-- UTF-8 encoded, shorter than 256 characters, should be documented on the OSM wiki -->

 <!-- complements to various request messages api/0.6/(user/preferences|changeset|create|delete|update)/ -->
 <!ATTLIST tag k                  CDATA #REQUIRED><!-- UTF-8 encoded, shorter than 256 characters, should be documented on the OSM wiki -->
 <!ATTLIST tag v                  CDATA #REQUIRED><!-- UTF-8 encoded, shorter than 256 characters -->