- For instructions on using OpenHistoricalMap in your own software project, see Open Historical Map/Reuse.
As an open source project, OpenHistoricalMap encourages you to contribute to its continued technical development. OpenHistoricalMap development is supported by Development Seed and GreenInfo Network.
OpenHistoricalMap has a consolidated issue tracker where you can leave bug reports and feature requests about any aspect of the project. If you need more immediate help, you can also reach out in the General chat channel on the forum or the #openhistoricalmap
channel of either OSMUS Slack or OSM World Discord.
OpenHistoricalMap is largely based on OpenStreetMap software that has been deployed via osm-seed.
Some OSM software components have been forked to accommodate OpenHistoricalMap's specialized needs: [1]
Component | OpenStreetMap | OpenHistoricalMap |
Web front end | openstreetmap/openstreetmap-website GitHub | OpenHistoricalMap/ohm-website GitHub |
iD | openstreetmap/iD GitHub | OpenHistoricalMap/iD GitHub |
Rapid | facebook/Rapid GitHub | OpenHistoricalMap/Rapid GitHub |
Editor Layer Index | osmlab/editor-layer-index GitHub | OpenHistoricalMap/ohm-editor-layer-index GitHub (not yet integrated into iD) |
Presets | openstreetmap/id-tagging-schema GitHub | OpenHistoricalMap/id-tagging-schema GitHub (not actively used) |
Tasking Manager | hotosm/tasking-manager GitHub | OpenHistoricalMap/tasking-manager GitHub |
Overpass turbo | tyrasd/overpass-turbo GitHub | OpenHistoricalMap/overpass-turbo GitHub |
Taginfo/Projects | taginfo/taginfo-projects GitHub | OpenHistoricalMap/taginfo-projects GitHub |
Production environments are for day-to-day interaction with OpenHistoricalMap. Staging environments are for testing new features and diagnosing bugs before deployment to production.
Most OpenHistoricalMap software is translated by translating OpenStreetMap software. As for forks of OSM software, you can contribute to a translation of the OpenHistoricalMap website and Overpass turbo on Other forks are not yet translatable.
See also
Further reading
- Bhangar, Sanjay (April 2, 2022). “A Brief Technical History of Open Historical Map”. State of the Map U.S. 2022. Tucson, Arizona: OpenStreetMap U.S.
- Sinnott, Tim (April 12, 2023). “OHM Cartography – Past, Present, and Future”. Oakland, California: GreenInfo Network .