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Kyiv/Kiev project is visible here.

Project Goal

Demonstrate urban morphology evolution of Kyiv/Kiev, capital of Ukraine, especially from 1800 on.


The aim is to map the evolution of the city of Kyiv/Kiev. Accuracy of map becomes precise from 1803 with Melensky map, general architect and urbanist of the city. From this map on, a precise picture of the city urban morphology can be drawn, with the precision of a cadastral plan. The goal is to understand how the main part of the city of Kyiv, Podil, became a simple part of a far vaster imperial city, Kyiv. The plan of 1803 became soon invalid, as the whole Podil was destroyed in 1811 in a great fire. The area is reshaped with orthogonal streets, with only the churches (build of stone) remaining. The political centre was moved out of Podil, and only a part of the population living there was resettled: Podil, concentrating 3/4 of Kyiv city before 1811 became a simple neighborhood of the city. XIXth century saw Podil becoming the trade center of Kyiv (with an important annual fair) with an industrial district growing in the west. XXth century, with the preservation of the old centre and the creation if typical soviet residential areas around, gives a landscape with multiple layers: before 1800, 1830's, 1870's, 1950's and 1980's, which makes Podil a witness in memorial history of Ukraine.

Data Sources

  • a 2019 project by Kiev Polytechnic Institute gathering around 40 geolocated maps of Kiev since 1780. The precision of the geolocation is very helpful for mapping. This site is by far the main source of OHM for Kiev.
  • Kyiv.Lviv center. a 2020 scholar project (NaUkma, European University Institute etc.). On a 1923 cadastral plan, many buildings are spotted and defined for their function (shop, jewish school, restaurant etc) as they were in 1916. This site is a good source of knowledge (with precise geolocation) for Kyiv/Kiev urban life, but is limited to a precise period.
  • Kyivbuildingwithyears An interactive map with the years of construction of the actual building in Kyiv/Kiev. The mapping is not finished and limited to the existing buildings, but gives an average construction year by decade for the majority of them, based on real estate agencies informations.

Tagging Conventions

  • Tags of date=* are using mainly decade dates (1800, 1810, 1820 etc) for beginning or end date. More precise dates are generally linked to an article (wikipedia) stating the exact date. For very vague date, century or halves of century are used: 1000, 1100, 1200, 1600; 1700, 1800, 1850, 1900, 1950. For actual building, enddate is 01/01/2100.
