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This is an example of contours using Phyghtmap and CartoCSS, with following characteristics: - different colors of contours according elevation - different style for minor, medium and major contours - medium and major contours have a elevation label - contours at 0m are skipped
Add in carto the file contour.mss:
@contour-below: #886A08; @contour-lowland: #0B3B0B; @contour-highland: #3B240B; @contour-veryhigh: #0B3B39; #contours-minor { line-width: 0.2; [elevation < 0] { line-color: @contour-below; } [elevation > 0][elevation < 2000] { line-color: @contour-lowland; } [elevation >= 2000][elevation < 5000] { line-color: @contour-highland; } [elevation >= 5000] { line-color: @contour-veryhigh; } } #contours-medium { line-width: 0.4; [elevation < 0] { line-color: @contour-below; } [elevation > 0][elevation < 2000] { line-color: @contour-lowland; } [elevation >= 2000][elevation < 5000] { line-color: @contour-highland; } [elevation >= 5000] { line-color: @contour-veryhigh; } } #contours-major { line-width: 0.6; [elevation < 0] { line-color: @contour-below; } [elevation > 0][elevation < 2000] { line-color: @contour-lowland; } [elevation >= 2000][elevation < 5000] { line-color: @contour-highland; } [elevation >= 5000] { line-color: @contour-veryhigh; } } #contours-medium-text { text-name: "[ele]"; text-face-name: @book-fonts; text-placement: line; text-spacing: 500; text-size: 7; text-fill: #FF0000; [elevation < 0] { text-fill: @contour-below; } [elevation > 0][elevation < 2000] { text-fill: @contour-lowland; } [elevation >= 2000][elevation < 5000] { text-fill: @contour-highland; } [elevation >= 5000] { text-fill: @contour-veryhigh; } } #contours-major-text { text-name: "[ele]"; text-face-name: @book-fonts; text-placement: line; text-spacing: 1000; text-size: 8; text-fill: #FF0000; [elevation < 0] { text-fill: @contour-below; } [elevation > 0][elevation < 2000] { text-fill: @contour-lowland; } [elevation >= 2000][elevation < 5000] { text-fill: @contour-highland; } [elevation >= 5000] { text-fill: @contour-veryhigh; } }
Then in project.yaml, we should refer to the new file, in Stylesheet
- "contour.mss"
E.g. after - "ferry-routes.mss"
In the same file, we need to add dabatase access configuration:
osm2pgsql: &contour type: "postgis" user: "osmrender" dbname: "contours" key_field: "" geometry_field: "way" extent: "-20037508,-20037508,20037508,20037508"
After the section osm2pgsql: &osm2pgsql
In the same file: add the Layer section:
- id: "contours-minor" name: "contours-minor" class: "" geometry: "linestring" <<: *extents Datasource: <<: *contour table: |- (SELECT way, CAST (ele AS INTEGER) AS elevation, ele FROM planet_osm_line WHERE contour_ext='elevation_minor' ) AS contours_minor properties: minzoom: 14 advanced: {} - id: "contours-medium" name: "contours-medium" class: "" geometry: "linestring" <<: *extents Datasource: <<: *contour table: |- (SELECT way, CAST (ele AS INTEGER) AS elevation, ele FROM planet_osm_line WHERE contour_ext='elevation_medium' ) AS contours_medium properties: minzoom: 12 advanced: {} - id: "contours-major" name: "contours-major" class: "" geometry: "linestring" <<: *extents Datasource: <<: *contour table: |- (SELECT way, CAST (ele AS INTEGER) AS elevation, ele FROM planet_osm_line WHERE contour_ext='elevation_major' AND ele != '0' ) AS contours_major properties: minzoom: 9 advanced: {} - id: "contours-medium-text" name: "contours-medium-text" class: "" geometry: "linestring" <<: *extents Datasource: <<: *contour table: |- (SELECT way, CAST (ele AS INTEGER) AS elevation, ele FROM planet_osm_line WHERE contour_ext='elevation_medium' ) AS contours_medium_text properties: minzoom: 13 advanced: {} - id: "contours-major-text" name: "contours-major-text" class: "" geometry: "linestring" <<: *extents Datasource: <<: *contour table: |- (SELECT way, CAST (ele AS INTEGER) AS elevation, ele FROM planet_osm_line WHERE contour_ext='elevation_major' AND ele != '0' ) AS contours_major_text properties: minzoom: 9 advanced: {}
A natural place could be just before id: "roads-text-ref"
. Note: Bottom layers are drawn on top of previous layers.