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Public-images-osm logo.svg leisure = golf_course
View of golf hole course.jpg
Miejsce lub obszar, na którym można grać w golfa. Show/edit corresponding data item.
Odwzorowanie w OSM Carto
Odwzorowanie w OSM Carto obszar
Area golf minigolf.png
Grupa: Wypoczynek
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Status: w rzeczywistościPage for proposal

leisure=golf_course – stosowany do oznaczania miejsca lub obszaru na którym można grać w golfa.


Rysujemy linię zamkniętą do utworzenia obszaru obszar wokół obrysu pola golfowego, lub alternatywnie wystarczy umieścić węzeł węzeł centralnie w środku pola golfowego lub na szczególnej centralnej lokalizacji, np blisko wejścia lub klubu.

Aby zobaczyć demo wideo patrz Mapowanie pola golfowego.

Podobne tagi

leisure=miniature_golf – minigolf.

Szczegóły w obrębie pola golfowego

Dla ścieżek dla wózków golfowych, zobacz Talk:Key:access#Golf_cart.

Data Klucz Wartość Opis
golf tee Area where play begins on a golf hole. Be aware there may be up to 4 tee boxes on a given hole, often with significant displacement from each other, and sometimes approaching the green from different directions. These are usually denoted by colours (most commonly blue, white and red, but may also be green, yellow, black) and names (Championship, Members, Womens).
linia golf hole For the way to the hole.
obszar golf hole For the entire part of the golf course which is in play for the hole. Usually this will encompass, the tee boxes, fairways, bunkers and the green. This is to be preferred to use of the way as it is a genuine mappable feature and is far more relevant to all classes of golfer than a single line showing the notional direct line to the green. NOTE: See questions at Talk:Tag:leisure=golf_course#Hole_as_way_or_area.3F.
węzeł golf pin For the location of the hole. Since this does change over time (as often as daily) to keep wear on the green even, it is not recommended to map it. Use golf=green and map the area.
golf green The area of short grass on smooth ground surrounding a hole, short for the 'putting green'.
obszar golf bunker A type of hazard, also known as a sand trap, which is a depression in the ground filled with sand. Recommended to also tag with surface=sand or natural=sand. Do not use natural=beach--it's not a beach! (Tagging for the renderer)
obszar golf fairway The area between the tee and green where the grass is cut even and short. Do not use the tag landuse=grass is to make the rendering more appealing. Use surface=grass
obszar golf rough Areas within bounds which have longer length of grass.
golf water_hazard Usually defined by yellow stakes or lines (Rule 26) - Always tag natural=water for the parts of the hazard that are filled with water.
golf lateral_water_hazard Usually defined by red stakes or lines (Rule 26) - Always tag natural=water for the water areas if they exist.
obszar golf driving_range A driving range is an area where golfers can practice their golf swing.
linia golf out_of_bounds Usually defined by white stakes or lines.
golf ground_under_repair Ground under repair (GUR) is any part of the course so marked by order of the Committee or so declared by its authorised representative.
obszar golf clubhouse The building dedicated as a clubhouse. Always tag building=yes for the building itself.


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