Project of the week/2010/Oct 06
They are the literal markers along a way; we can go three blocks then turn north. Crossroads are also the metaphorical points of decision in our lives; we can come to a fork in the road in deciding between two job offers. Crossroads are all about decisions; left or right; hold, raise or fold; ketchup or mustard. This week we map our decisions.
Feel free to map your literal or metaphorical crossroads.
Literal crossroad mapping
Let's map our nearest and dearest crossroads.
How well mapped are the crossroads near you? Have you included sidewalks / pavements, pedestrian crossings, traffic_signals, turn restrictions, accessibility details of the crossings, like tactile pavement and audible beacons? Have you included block addressing or spot addressing for the Points of Interest near the intersection?
Tagging suggestions
Physical characteristics of the intersection
- highway=traffic_signals
- Turn_restrictions relations
Pedestrian / cycle crossing Crossing
Accessibility appliances
Crossroad Points of Interest
With addressing information
Map the locations or objects that relate to decisions in your life. Have you added the community centre where you took that great art class and decided to become a sculptor? How about the business location of the company who's offer you declined? The park where you met the love of your life. The hill where you learned that you aren't a very good skate boarder. The high school you didn't attend. The rival college of your alma mater.