Proposal:Clarify status definition

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Clarify status definition
Proposal status: Draft (under way)
Proposed by: Overflorian
Applies to:
Definition: Define more precisely "in use", "de facto" and "deprecated" status
Draft started: 2022-01-04

This is a collective proposal from 2 French contributors following our last aborted proposalː

Current situation

Over the most used 9858 tags, the status areː

The count methodology is more than approximateː it only gives a rough size.

Current status.png


Proposed status.png

We propose thatː

  • All status should have a dedicated, simple and clear color
  • All status should have a dedicated icon
  • in use status should be precisely defined
  • de facto status should be precisely defined
  • deprecated status should be splitted apart in 2 precisely defined statusː de facto deprecated and approved deprecated.


"In use" and "de facto" definition

The current in use definition is vagueː "in use status has a wide range of meaning. Some feature and attribute tags with in use status are fairly widely used, but are too new or not yet common enough to be tagged as de facto. However, they may change to de facto after another year or two of frequent use."

The separation with de facto isn't clearː The definition of de facto is "the tag is in widespread use" with no more details.

Therefore, de facto status is used for amenity=shelter with an occurrence of 382 128 objects

"De facto deprecated" and "Approved deprecated" definition

The approved deprecated status should only apply to tags explicitly mentioned as deprecated in a properly voted proposal. Therefore it does not apply toː

  • implicitly deprecated tags while a new tag is approved
  • explicitly deprecated tags on the wiki (or elsewhere) without a proper community vote

Tags that meets the "approved deprecated" criteria

List of main tags that meet all criteria to be elected as approved deprecated:

Deprecated tag Approved tag URL of approved deprecation vote Trend
amenity=register_office office=government + government=register_office Proposed features/Government offices comparison 1100 vs 4800 objects
amenity=public_building office=government Proposed features/Government offices comparison 50k VS 200k objects
office=administrative office=government Proposed features/Government offices comparison 10k vs 190k objects
office=tax office=government + government=tax Proposed features/Government offices comparison 200 vs 4700 objects
amenity=shop shop=* Proposed features/Shop (rather than amenity=shoptype above) amenity=shop

shop deprecation must be manual -> shop=butcher, shop=bakery, ...

bridge=suspension bridge=yes + bridgeːstructure=suspension Proposed features/Bridge types bridge=suspension -> 374 objects

bridge:structure=suspension -> 3614 objects

escalator=* highway=steps + conveying=* Proposed features/Escalators and Moving Walkways escalator -> 300 objects

overpass : node+way[highway=steps][conveying] gives 16300 objects

hazard=air_traffic hazard=low_flying_aircraft Proposed features/hazard#Features.2FPages affected comparison deprecation not really done 100 vs 30 objects
hazard=dangerous_turn hazard=turn Proposed features/hazard#Features.2FPages affected comparison deprecation not really done 450 vs 130 objects
hazard=deer hazard=animal_crossing + hazard:animal=moose Proposed features/hazard#Features.2FPages affected comparison deprecation process started
hazard=reindeer hazard=animal_crossing + hazard:animal=reindeer Proposed features/hazard#Features.2FPages affected comparison deprecation process not really started
hazard=rockfall hazard=falling_rocks Proposed features/hazard#Features.2FPages affected comparison 150 vs 180 objects. Acceptation under way
hazard=rock_slide hazard=landslide Proposed features/hazard#Features.2FPages affected comparison 400 vs 5000
hazard=slippery_road hazard=slippery Proposed features/hazard#Features.2FPages affected comparison 220 vs 570 objects
hazard=wild_animal hazard=animal_crossing + hazard:animal=wild_animal Proposed features/hazard#Features.2FPages affected comparison acceptation not yet obvious
hazard=wild_animals hazard=animal_crossing + hazard:animal=wild_animal Proposed features/hazard#Features.2FPages affected comparison deprecation process under way
landuse=pond natural=water + water=pond Proposed features/Water details#Deprecation comparison 400 vs 1 400 000 objects
landuse=reservoir natural=water + water=reservoir Proposed features/Water details#Deprecation comparison in a good way but still many 320k vs 440k
landuse=school landuse=education Proposed features/Multiple schools on one ground comparison in a good way 4000 vs 7000 objects
post_office:type=* post_office=* Proposed features/shop as post-partner post_office:type decreases but still 13000
waterway=riverbank natural=water + water=river Proposed features/Water details#Deprecation waterway=riverbank from 330k to 30k within 3 years but is it automatisable ?

Deprecated tags with occurrence under 100 worldwide are not listed below. For exampleː bridge=arch, bridge=beam, bridge=humpback, hazard=crosswinds