Proposal:Opening hours open until

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opening time without opening time
Proposal status: Rejected (inactive)
Proposed by: Ypid
Tagging: opening_hours, lit, service_times, collection_times=-
Applies to: database type - node, way, area
Definition: Extend the opening_hours=* syntax to support open until times without opening time.

Rendered as: Not rendered on the map. Can be evaluated by software.
Draft started: 2014-02-09
RFC start: 2014-02-24
Vote start: 2014-03-13
Vote end: 2014-03-27


As there are some facilities in OSM (and also in the real world) that don’t have a opening time I would like to discuses this here. The syntax used for this is something like opening_hours=Mo-Fr -17:00. So it is the opposed of open end.

It is used around 14 times[1]. Some of them use the opening_hours=-17:00 in quotes like this opening_hours="-17:00".

Do we need a special syntax for this? It could also be expressed with comments and unknown: opening_hours=Mo-Fr 08:00-17:00 "Opening time not specified. Only closing time is fix."

Example & Description

Real world examples

Zum Fürstengrund

Supported by software

Explained here.

The evaluation would be probably something like the already implemented open end hours explained here. If you have a better idea about this please discuses this.

Alternate tagging Suggestions?


There where no votes. Changed status to rejected.


Please leave comments on the discussion page or write to the tagging list to this tread.


  1. Regex: [^0-9a-z ?.]\s*?-\s*?\d{1,2}:\d{2}\s*?[^+] (there are probably more which are not fully covert by the regex)