Proposal:Finance agent

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Finance agent
Proposal status: Abandoned (inactive)
Proposed by: DSMap
Tagging: finance agent=*
Applies to: node
Definition: Like banks, local businesses can perform financial activities such as transfers and payments services.

Draft started: 2016-10-27
RFC start: 2016-11-11


The idea is to know the corresponsal agences, services with limited financial activities. In Peru, these activities are similar to bank and they are operating in kiosk or convenience stores. In addition, businesses can be transferred to other accounts and make payments of public and private services. Agencies can not receive or send too much money for security reasons.

This should not be confused with Merchant bank.

Documents and videos

Illustrative Videos:



Provide more freedom for local bussines and more human interaction then ATMs. This option will be in "Finance" section in the Map Features. This node is different for shop=*.


Tagging scheme for finance_agent=*
Tag Description Example
Finance_agent=yes Basic tag
Finance_agent:name of network=yes Name of the network the agent is part of. Note that different banks can share the same bank network. For example Kasnet, Multired, BCP. Finance_agent:Kasnet=yes
fee:finance_agent=yes/no It is applied with fee=yes to specify if a cash commission is applied. fee:finance_agent=yes
Tagging scheme for payment=*
Tag Description Example
prepayment:XXX=yes To pay mobile recharges and anticiped services ("prepago") or electronic money. See ES:Key:prepayment prepayment:Bitel=yes


payment:XXX=yes To pay for basic services and institutional entities ("pospago"). It is recommended instead of finance agent tag. payment:Sedapal=yes

Tags to use in combination

  • addr=* - the address of this feature
  • opening_hours=* - hours of opening
  • brand=* the brand of the bank (e.g. "Multired")
  • operator=* to define which company the branch belongs to (e.g., "Banco de la Nación").
  • wheelchair=no/yes/limited - suitable for wheelchairs

Aditional tags:

Applies to


  • Not yet

External Discussions


Please comment on the discussion page.