Sample driving instructions/da DK
These are Danish translations of the texts in Sample driving instructions.
This section contains the basic english phrases. The bold names are identifying the phrase, so that it's translations can be found.
please keep the structure intact to allow automatic parsing of this wiki-page
destination_reached "Du har nået din destination." You have reached your destination.
destination_reached_DISTANCE "Om (distance) (unit) har du nået din destination." In 50 meters you have reached your destination.
"Vend om når det er muligt"
Please turn around when possible!
turn_around_DISTANCE "Om (distance) (unit) foretag lovlig u-vending!" In 200 meters turn around!
turn_DIRECTION "Drej mod (direction)!" Please turn left!
turn_DIRECTION_SIGNPOST "Hold til (direction) mod (destinations)!" Please turn left towards CityA, CityB, Motorway5!
turn_DIRECTION_NAME "Hold til (direction) på (streetname)!" Please turn left into 5th Avenue!
turn_DIRECTION_DISTANCE "Om(distance) (unit) drej til (direction)!" In 2Km turn left!
turn_DIRECTION_DISTANCE_NAME "Om (distance) (unit) drej til (direction) på (streetname)!" In 2Km turn left into 5th Avenue!
turn_DIRECTION_DISTANCE_SIGNPOST "Om (distance) (unit) drej til (direction) mod (destinations)!" In 2Km turn left towards CityA, CityB, Motorway5!
"Tag afkørsel (numbers)"
Please take the first exit!
take_SIGNPOST "Tag afkørslen mod (destinations)!" Please take the exit towards CityA, CityB!
take_EXIT_SIGNPOST "Please take the (numbers) towards (destinations)!" Tag den første afkørsel mod CityA, CityB!
take_EXIT_KEEP_SIGNPOST "Tag afkørsel (numbers), derefter hold til (direction) mod (destinations)!" Please take the first exit, then keep left towards CityA!
take_KEEP_SIGNPOST "Tag afkørslen, derefter hold til (direction) mod (destinations)!" Please take the exit, then keep left towards CityA!
"Kør ind i rundkørslen"
Please enter the roundabout!
enter_roundabout_EXIT "Kør ind i rundkørslen, tag derefter (numbers) afkørsel" Then take the second exit!
enter_roundabout_EXIT_DISTANCE "Om (distance) (unit) kør ind i rundkørslen. Tag den (numbers) afkørsel!" In 1.2 Km enter the roundabout. Then take the second exit!
over_roundabout_EXIT "Kør gennem rundkørslen" Please cross the roundabout, third exit.
over_roundabout_EXIT_DISTANCE "Om (distance) (unit) kør gennem rundkørslen, (numbers) afkørsel." In 1.2 Km cross the roundabout, third exit.
over_roundabout_DIRECTION_EXIT "Drej til (direction) i rundkørslen, (numbers) afkørsel" Please turn left in the roundabout, third exit..'
over_roundabout_DIRECTION_EXIT_DISTANCE "Om (distance) (unit) drej til (direction) ind i rundkørslen, (numbers) afkørsel." In 1.2 Km turn left in the roundabout, third exit.
"Følg (name)!"
follow_NAME_DISTANCE "Følg (name) i (distance) (unit)!"
please keep the structure intact to allow automatic parsing of this wiki-page
direction/left "venstre"
direction/right "højre"
direction/left/hard "skarpt venstre"
direction/right/hard "skarpt højre"
direction/left/slight "lidt venstre"
direction/right/slight "lidt højre"
numbers/first_exit "første"
numbers/second_exit "anden"
numbers/third_exit "tredje"
numbers/fourth_exit "fjerde"
numbers/fifths_exit "femte"
time/day/singular "dag"
time/day/plural "dage"
time/hour/singular "time"
time/hour/plural "timer"
time/minute/singular "minut"
time/minute/plural "minutter"
time/second/singular "sekund"
time/second/plural "sekunder"
units/kph "km/t"
units/ms "m/s"
units/km "kilometer"
units/m "meter"
places/start "Start"
places/destination/singular "mål"
places/destination/plural "målene"
places/home "hjemme"
places/poi "interesse punkt"
places/poi/trainstation "togstation"
places/poi/toilet "toilet"
places/poi/phone "telefon"
places/poi/gas "benzin station"
metric/fastest "hurtigste vej"
metric/shortest "korteste vej"
metric/fuelefficient "mest økonomiske vej"
common labels
labels/search "søg"
labels/vehicle "køretøj"
labels/fullscreen "Fuld skærm"
labels/exit "afslut"
labels/comport "kommunikationsport"
labels/baudrate "baud rate"
labels/time "tid"
labels/destination_time "Ankomst"
labels/route_me "beregn rute"
labels/help "hjælp"
labels/abort "afbryd"
labels/ok "OK"
labels/map "kort"
labels/open_map "hent kort"
labels/import_map "importer kort"
labels/download_map "download kort"
Translation of routing applications
These pages are collecting translations for Danish.
Please contact the developers of the following applications if you have missing or improved translations for the linked documents that go beyond what we have here on these pages.
Routing applications:
- Translations of Traveling Salesman
- routing all languages and (Danish)
- GUI all languages and Danish
- contact for new translations: Marcus Wolschon or forum
- Translations of Navit
- *.po (all languages)
- da.po (Danish)
- contact for new translations: translation-tool
- Translations of ORS
- OpenRouteService/Instructions (all languages)
- OpenRouteService/Instructions/da_DK (Danish)
- contact for new translations: Pascal Neis