amenity = drinking_water |
Description |
A drinking water source which provides potable water for consumption. |
Rendering in OSM Carto |
Group: Amenities |
Used on these elements |
Implies |
Useful combination |
See also |
Status: approved |
Tools for this tag |
Drinking water is a place where humans can obtain potable water for consumption. Typically, the water is used for only drinking. This includes the drinking fountain or bubbler, water taps, water wells, springs and water points.
If the drinking water is provided for refilling water tanks in boats/motorhomes etc use amenity=water_point. Such objects typically provide large quantities of water.
How to map
Add amenity=drinking_water to an existing object or create a new one.
This tag value should be used on nodes or areas that shows the source of a potable water that humans can drink from. Generally, this feature provides small quantities of water. Usually these features are open to the general public without access restrictions or fees. Tag bottle=yes if it offers an easy way to fill a portable water container. Add dog=yes if it offers an easy way for dogs to drink water from the fountain.
Note that in OSM we are not mapping private objects such as water taps in houses - drinkable water from water supply network is not a valid reason to map amenity=drinking water in every house connected to it.
You can use the key fountain=* to map subtypes of drinking fountains and fountains. Also it is proposed to tag drinking fountains/bubblers with man_made=drinking_fountain.
- Temperature additional tags
- cold_water=yes - for cold water
- hot_water=yes - for hot water
There is also warm_water=yes in use.
Alternative tags
The tag drinking_water=* is used as a indication whether a physical feature provides safe drinking water or potable water for consumption. When mapping with this tag it has a fine level of granularity, it is acceptable to mark the individual water sources as a amenity=drinking_water.
For example when tagging a natural=spring that has potable water for use, one may tag the spring with drinking_water=yes.
Photo examples
drinking water point at a amenity=sanitary_dump_station
Proposal History
- Proposed features/Potable Water – original proposal.
- Proposed features/water network
- Proposed features/Drinking water attributes – proposal for extension of tagging
External links
- www.wetap.org – iOS applications (Android coming soon, it says) for collecting drinking water photos/locations/status.
- OSMBright-drinkingwater – Files to make the OSMBright theme for OpenStreetMaps show drinking water more prominently.
Common/Possible Tagging Mistakes
Multiple tags
amenity=drinking water is not describe feature providing water. Some of typical tags that may be used with it, on the same object, include
- man_made=water_well - is a man made excavation in the ground to gain water from an aquifer.
- man_made=water_tap - may be additionally used for a water tap
- man_made=drinking_fountain - provides a small jet of drinking water.
- natural=spring - is used where water flows naturally out of the ground.
- Theses may have a fountain built around it. For example see Roman Bath in Bath, U.K.
See also
- drinking_water=* - indicates whether a feature provides safe drinking water.
- amenity=fountain - is a fountain for used for cultural, decoration and/or recreational purposes.
- amenity=water_point - is a place to get larger amounts of drinking water, usually for caravans, RV's, or boats.
- amenity=watering_place - is a place where animals drink water
- disused:amenity=drinking_water - may be used as a method of marking fountains requiring minor repair e.g. those without water. This tagging may remove them from most maps.
- abandoned:amenity=drinking_water - may be used as a method of marking fountains requiring expensive repair. Usually these have been left for some time as 'disused' before falling to 'abandoned'. This tagging may remove them from most maps.
- drinking_water:refill=* - For establishments (cafés,bars, etc) participating in a water refill network / scheme.
- bottle=* - can a water bottle be easily filled here?
- fountain=* - for subtypes of drinking water fountains and fountains.
- shop=water - for shops that sell water. Note that amenity=drinking_water, which implies no-fee access to water, is not appropriate for these shops.
- man_made=water_tap + drinking_water=no for publicly accessible water taps supplying water that is not drinkable - e.g. on cemeteries for watering plants and washing graves.