Proposal:Parking lane

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Revision as of 02:51, 28 April 2010 by Nighto (talk | contribs) (dropping in favor of parking:lane)
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After talking to User:Kay_D I decided to drop this and use Proposed_features/parking:lane. --Nighto 02:51, 28 April 2010 (UTC)

Proposal status: Draft (under way)
Proposed by: Nighto
Tagging: parking_lane=left;right;both
Applies to: way
Definition: In most streets, there are lanes specific for parking, in one or both sides.

Rendered as: tagged together with highway=* but with a border marking the parking. Viewable at high zoom levels.


I propose we should mark whether or not the streets have parking, and in which side.

It should not be required or even encouraged that the ways would be split for short implicit parking prohibitions; that is just before and after a junction or a driveway.


Quoting Wikipedia:

"Many streets, especially side streets in residential areas, have an extra lane's width on either or both sides for parallel parking. Most minor side streets allowing free parallel parking do not have pavement markings designating the parking lane. Main streets more often have parking lanes marked. Some streets are too busy or narrow for parking on the side. Sometimes parking on the sides of streets is allowed only at certain times. Curbside signs often state regulations about parking. Some streets, particularly in business areas, may have parking meters into which coins must be paid to allow parking in the adjacent space for a limited time. Other parking meters work on a credit card and ticket basis or pay and display. Parking lane markings on the pavement may designate the meter corresponding to a parking space. Some wide streets with light traffic allow angle parking."

How to Map

parking_lane=left, parking_lane=right or parking_lane=both together with highway=*. other forms could be: parking_lane:left=inline, parking_lane:right=diagonal, parking_lane:left=orthogonal.

Maybe we should use tags from amenity=parking, such as: fee=*, capacity=*, disabled_spaces=*. And maybe some way to tag if the parallel to the way of street, angled (45° or 60°?) or at 90°.

Comments? Head to the discussion page.