State of the Map 2013/Minutes/2013-03-06 Meeting

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2nd SotM13 meeting March 6th, 2013 @ 9pm GMT

Present - Henk (deputy chair) - Floris - Rob - Gregory - Andrew - Brian (chair) - Stuart - Mike Duffy - Shuan - Mary - Jonathan - Deb

Appologies Andy Robinson (not available until 9:30pm)


1.Sponsorship: Stuart Private google spreadsheet has been setup, based on Tokyo, with suggestions on companies. Access is with Stuart and Debs, Rob and Greg to be added. Immediate task is to populate with details of companies. Academic sponsors? Not a big focus for sponsorship, but good for promotion. Deb will be able to get a sponsorship pdf made tonight. Website and press conferences need to be done first (later points). ITO World promise to sponsorship? Is time & publicity, Shaun asked to check sponsorship so we can hopefully get the first one.

2.Promotion: Brian Thanks to everyones efforts on the press release. Need it to be reworked for national focus. Draft global one to work on and send to CWG (Communications Working Group). Regular moments to write press release when we have news (e.g. when bookings open). Twitter & blogging also to be used for updates. Communications timetable suggested. If we haven’t had an news posted in X time, we make a post.

       Need someone then to be incharge of shouting when we haven’t. -> Florian.
       Time scale? Upto Florian to say when we’ve been quiet for too long.

Press release contact?

       Henk available as contact from the OSM foundation.
       Brian as frontman and conference info.


       Great, but avoid diluting our message and fighting for delegates.
       Really a worry?
       Just make sure we have enough information out there about SotM and what it is.
       Emphasis our character - participation, not so much an industry or techy geeky.
       Kate Chapman (HOT) is planning a lot of stuff which brings a lot of connections. Stuart will take a watch, and forward on relevant e-mails. US SotM, in San Francisco in June.

       Discount price for attendees of both?

(hardly any used SotM EU discount for SotM10, but good for promotion of both OSM events) List of contacts of certain people to be informed?

3.Website: Jonathan We have a website now

       Aston conference accommodation room booking, no direct interfacing with it.
       Conference booking will be with something like Eventbrite, we will get a confirmation, and will then send them a coupon code to book on the Aston website with a discount (if they wish to use the code & their accommodation)

Content needed to fill it out. Info about the theme, details for press. What else? No conference programme yet. Currently needs to be marketed for potential sponsors. Brian has a whole load of photos he snapped of the venue. Space for sponsorship on homepage?

       Jonathan to check sponsorship package details and ensure there is required real estate.

Contact form to collect e-mail addresses, so those interested can now when booking is open. Setup RSS feed & let Shaun now (to add it to Planet OSM). Later idea - slider bar for number of spaces left, to encourage quick bookings.

       Max capacity of great hall is 600, but we’re aiming for 300.
       Henk suggests play with slider idea if we get close to 300, but we don’t want no-shows.
       This point to be discussed at a later meeting.

Other languages?

       Local language at least = English (or Brummy?).
       Girona we tried as many languages as possible.
       Scottish, Welsh, Gaelic, Manx, Geordie, Black Country. - but we would need translators.
       A fun page of “translations” for visitors, as a blog post.

4.Conference Theme/Structure: Brian - this is the tough one and to me is the task on which all the others are currently dependent and I'd like to devote most time to this - so come with plenty of ideas. Controversial speaker - good idea?

       put it sooner, to give it something to talk about?

Organisation - business day then 2 community days?

       It’s a bit of a mix if community attend first day, depends if they can take Friday off work.
       Business is not such a new focus. Might be good to focus on ‘how OSM works’
       Controversial speaker might be better at weekend, less likely to be new OSM-attendees.

Friday public sector track? How are they using OSM. Harry Wood(Placr) interested in a competition for “best OSM app” - encourage apps to attend. Stands/booths doesn’t tend to work. Posters probably work.

       Letterbox below them to send comments

What is the theme we need to recognise and work on? CHANGE

       How OSM has changed.
       In the community. Maintaining not creating.

Saturday for breakout sessions? Friday & Sunday traditional days. Sunday to be positive & energise people to promote OSM more.

Most decided upon? Friday - Introducing(to new people), how is OSM changing the industry. What change has OSM been making. Saturday - Critique of OSM, challenges we face. Sunday - Positive. What progress has OSM made?

Put change in as many languages as possible.

       British/humans don’t like change?
       Better word, Evolve. Growth. Next Generation(like an iPhone?), Progress
       The evolving landscape.
       Andy R likes change - it’s a little bit controversial.
       Shaun: for the strands we could use syonomomoms of ‘change’ as their title.
       Henk: “and now for something completely different”.
       Brian: most of the community technically minded, we embrace change.
       No better word than change, but check it translates okay to other languages.
       Google: “Make or become different"

Workshops better than panel discussions . Summary from that day, presented on Sunday.

       Nice to do at the conference.
       Will encourage groups to publish their notes.
       On Sunday, panel of group-chairs to summarise each group?

Suggestion for lighting talks showing Before and After we mapped. State of the $country talks?

       People don’t like too many, they can get boring.

Historical change?

       steer for this on the call of papers

Woman’s group at conference?

Before next meeting, let’s all have a serious think on who could be the controversial speaker?

       IRC suggestion: ask for Sir Tim-Berners Lee (big fan).
               He was asked for Girona/Denver?
       Nigel Shadbolt (Tim’s representative)
       Shaun has helped him with
       Best approach would be made from Simon.
       Does he like speaking? He might do a pre-recorded thing.
       He could come on stage and edit the map.
       Henk to approach Simon Poole to approach Sir Tim B-L.

5.Call for Papers: Mary has volunteered for this so I'm sure she'd like to know the schedule. (Floris/Henk do you have the timetable from previous years?)

       Florian: submissions last year, started in April. Deadline April 30th (got 30), 22 on April 30th, extended it for a month and then got the same effect. We finished with 60 papers last year, but expected it.
       Get a team to read through them.
       Not call for submissions, but calls for people to do a presentation.
               Should call it that, so it’s not so scary.
       Make a request not for repeat presentations.
       We want the title of talk, summary of talk, info about the speaker.
       Mention the streams in the call? We will probably have to adjust the streams based on what we get.
       Submission form, or google spreadsheet, to be put on the website?
       Last years form:

6.Anything else that any of you feel is a burning issue


Next meeting:

       Wednesday 20th March 2013. (2 weeks time).