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Public-images-osm logo.svg bicycle_road = yes
Zeichen 244 - Beginn der Fahrradstraße, StVO 1997.svg
A bicycle road is a road designated for bicycles. Show/edit corresponding data item.
Group: cycleways
Used on these elements
should not be used on nodesmay be used on waysshould not be used on areasshould not be used on relations (except multipolygon relations)
See also
Status: de facto

The concept of a street designated primarily for cyclists is referred to in English usually as a bicycle boulevard, bicycle road, cycle street and some other names. Whether this concept exists at all in legislation or what exactly this dedication encompasses differs somewhat in any one country. In some countries the legislation goes so far to forbid motor vehicle traffic unless signed otherwise outright (Germany, Estonia, ...), yet on the other end of the spectrum, it comes down to merely a request to car drivers to consider themselves as "guests" (Netherlands, Switzerland, ...). Most legislation have in common that at least cyclists are allowed to use the entire lane width, i.e. do not need to stay at the right edge of the roadway to allow motor vehicles to pass.

Note: In some countries, where this concept is used for mixed-use roads with car drivers as guests, like Belgium, Luxembourg and the Netherlands, the tag cyclestreet=yes is used instead of bicycle_road=yes. See #Relation to cyclestreet=yes.

More details in the table below.


A signed bicycle road is tagged with bicycle_road=yes. The tag should only be used in places where it is actually signed, not any road that appears bike-friendly or has some facilities that make cycling safer, as actual physical bike-friendly infrastructure can be mapped with other tags.

It is recommended to add the access restriction tags explicitly for the sake of clarification and to guarantee correct routing instructions for other vehicle classes. This is especially important if there is an extra sign below the sign which modifies which vehicles may use this road with which restrictions.

Type of highway

For considering the tag highway=* legal status of bicycle road is not important. The value is rather determined by the state of development of the road and its importance in the traffic system:

  • highway=residential - for bicycle roads which do not differ much from other streets in the residential area, e.g. with wide asphalt lane(s) and sidewalks
  • highway=cycleway or highway=path - for roads which tend to look like a regular cycleway or bike path rather than a road

Alternatively, highway=service or highway=unclassified can be used.

Signs and legislation around the world

Country Sign / Name Implied restrictions unless signed otherwise[1] Maximum legal speed[2]
Austria[3] Hinweiszeichen 26.svg


  • vehicle=destination
  • bicycle=designated
  • Street-cleaning, garbage collection, public transportation, police, firefighters, ambulance, etc. vehicles are explicitly allowed
  • Access to other vehicles can be granted via extra signs below this sign ("Zusatztafeln")
30 km/h
Belgium[4] Belgian road sign F111 nl-2023.jpg Belgian road sign F111 fr-2023.jpg

Fietszone / Zone cyclable

No access restriction for motor vehicles

These roads in Belgium are tagged with cyclestreet=yes, don't use bicycle_road=yes.

30 km/h


Vélorue / Bicycle boulevard
  • Cyclists may use the entire lane width
30 km/h
the Czech Republic[6] CZ-IZ 9a Zóna pro cyklisty (2016).jpg CZ-IZ 9a Zóna pro cyklisty (povolen vjezd jiných vozidel) (2016).jpg


  • Cyclists may use the entire lane width
  • parking=street_side (No parking outside of marked spaces)
30 km/h
Denmark[7] Denmark road sign E47.svg


  • vehicle=no
  • bicycle=designated (Cyclists may use the entire lane width)
  • mofa=designated[8]
  • parking=street_side (No parking outside of marked spaces)
  • The access by other vehicles can be granted (by having a sign saying "Kørsel Tilladt" underneath) and optionally restricted to certain times with an additional sign.
30 km/h
Estonia[9] Estonia road sign 385.svg

Jalgrattasõidu ala

Finland[10] Finland road sign E28.svg


  • No parking outside of marked spaces (except for the disabled)
France[11] Vélorue - (no legal status) -
Germany[12] Zeichen 244.1 - Beginn einer Fahrradstraße, StVO 2013.svgZeichen 244.3 - Beginn einer Fahrradzone, StVO 2020.svg

Fahrradstraße / Fahrradzone

30 km/h
Luxembourg[13][14] Luxembourg road sign diagram E,18a (2018).svg

Rue cyclable

These roads in Luxembourg are tagged with cyclestreet=yes, don't use bicycle_road=yes.

30 km/h
Netherlands[15] Fietsstraat auto te gast sign, Haren (2020) 01.jpg


- (no legal status)

These roads in the Netherlands are tagged with cyclestreet=yes, don't use bicycle_road=yes. See NL:Fietsstraat for more information.

Netherlands Fietsstraat Delft Zoom.jpgFietspad / Fietsstraat

Regular roads that are legally designated exclusively for cyclists do exist in the Netherlands, but they are signed the same as any other bike path unless otherwise signed, as seen in the picture to the left.

The Dutch community mostly prefers to tag such roads with highway=cycleway, i.e. even if it is functionally like a normal road. Especially of course when there are no exceptions and the road is reserved exclusively for cyclists.

See NL:Fietsstraat for more information.

Russian Federation[16] RU road sign 5.39.svg

Велосипедная зона

  • bicycle=designated
  • Cyclists may use entire lane width
Spain[17] Ciclo calle / Ciclo carril - (no legal status) -
Sweden[18] SE road sign E33.svg


  • bicycle=designated
  • priority_road=yes (Motor vehicles entering a cycle street must yield to traffic on the cycle street)
  • No parking outside of marked spaces
30 km/h
Switzerland[19] CH-Hinweissignal-Velostrasse.svg


30 km/h
United States Bicycle boulevard /

neighborhood greenway /


- (no legal status) -


Rendering and Editor support

OSM Carto and the OpenCycleMap do not render bicycle roads. CyclOSM shows them in blue.

JOSM supports bicycle_road=yes as a preset.

StreetComplete displays and allows to edit bicycle_road=yes (and cyclestreet=yes, see below) in the cycleway overlay since version 50.

Relation to cyclestreet=yes

The reason why two tags for about the same concept exist is likely because this page was initially just describing the German Fahrradstraße when it was created in 2010. When Belgian mappers documented cyclestreet=yes for the Belgian Fietsstraat in 2018, they either did not find this tag in the wiki or discarded it as too specific to the German legislation:

It has been documented that cyclestreet=yes should be used in countries where other vehicles than bicycles are allowed on bicycle roads by default while bicycle_road=yes is used in countries where only bicycles are allowed by default. However, the documentation has been out of line with the actual usage of the tags.. As of December 2022, the community in Belgium, the Netherlands and Luxembourg rather consistently uses cyclestreet=yes while bicycle_road=yes is used more overall. In most other countries, both tags are in use.

As the exact legal restrictions differ somewhat and may change in the different countries, trying to group them into two different tags is not a meaningful endeavor, as in no country, both the less restrictive and the more restrictive variants exist at the same time. Also, for example in Luxembourg, the law initially forbade general motor vehicle traffic on cycle streets. Only end of 2020, the law was watered down to be similar to the legislation in Belgium.

Hence, data consumers should treat cyclestreet=yes as synonymous to bicycle_road=yes and rather look at the actual access restrictions tagged, optionally fall back to the tags listed in the table above if nothing is set, for better accuracy.

See also


  1. The legislation of pretty much all countries in which bicycle boulevards exists prohibit "impeding or endangering cycle traffic", which is really kind of a given but expressed as bicycle=designated in the below table.
  2. 2.0 2.1 The legislation of pretty much all countries in which bicycle boulevards exist as a concept mention something like "the maximum speed is as fast as the bicycle traffic is, but not more than..."
  3. Straßenverkehrsordnung 1960, §67 (2022-10-01) (retrieved 2022-11-27)
  4. Koninklijk besluit van 1 december 1975 houdende algemeen reglement op de politie van het wegverkeer en van het gebruik van de openbare weg, Titel II. Regels voor het gebruik van de openbare weg, Artikel 22novies. Verkeer in fietsstraten (2022-11-22) (retrieved 2022-11-27)
  5. Règles pour circuler sur une vélorue (retrieved 2022-11-24), see also The Highway Safety Code
  6. Zákon č. 361/2000 Sb., HLAVA II. PROVOZ NA POZEMNÍCH KOMUNIKACÍCH, Díl 3. Pravidla provozu na pozemních komunikacích, Oddíl 2. Jízda vozidly ve zvláštních případech, Provoz v obytné, pěší a cyklistické zóně, § 39a (2022-08-01) (retrieved 2022-11-27)
  7. Bekendtgørelse om vejafmærkning, Kapitel 2. Færdselstavler, E. Oplysningstavler og områdetavler, § 27., E47 (2021-12-09) (retrieved 2022-11-27)
  8. "to- eller trehjulet køretøj med en forbrændingsmotor med et slagvolumen på ikke over 50 cm3 eller med elmotor og med en konstruktivt bestemt maksimal hastighed på højst 45 km i timen. Knallerter inddeles i stor knallert med en konstruktivt bestemt maksimal hastighed på over 30 km i timen og lille knallert med en konstruktivt bestemt maksimal hastighed på højst 30 km i timen." - Bekendtgørelse af færdselsloven, Kapitel 1. Lovens område m.v., Definitioner m.v. 7. Knallert (2017-05-01) (retrieved 2022-11-27)
  9. Liiklusmärkide ja teemärgiste tähendused ning nõuded fooridele, Mõjualamärgid, § 11. Mõjualamärgid ja nende tähendused, Märk 385. Jalgrattasõidu ala (2017-07-23) (retrieved 2022-11-27)
  10. Tieliikennelaki, 3 luku. Liikennesäännöt, 45 §. Liikennemerkillä osoitetulla pyöräkadulla ajaminen, pysäyttäminen ja pysäköinti (2018-08-10) (retrieved 2022-11-27)
  11. There are a number of pilot projects with Vélorues but it did not lead to any change in legislation yet. Hence, the signage used and restrictions are all not official yet. See article about a cycle street in Strasbourg (retrieved 2022-11-27)
  12. Straßenverkehrs-Ordnung (StVO), Anlage 2 (zu § 41 Absatz 1). Vorschriftzeichen, Abschnitt 5. Sonderwege, 23 (2013-06-03) (retrieved 2022-11-27)
  13. CODE DE LA ROUTE, CIRCULATION SUR TOUTES LES VOIES PUBLIQUES, V SIGNAUX D’INDICATION, 17bis Rue cyclable (2022-10-23) (retrieved 2022-11-27)
  14. The Luxembourg law on Rue cyclable was watered down in a revision in December 2020. The initial law only allowed access to Rue cyclable for bicycles. Motor vehicles of residents, delivery vehicles and vehicles carrying a special distinctive sign issued for them were also allowed, but could be restricted to certain times. Compare the original legislation from 2018 with the current one.
  15. Even though it is in use and a consistent sign is used, the sign itself has no legal status. The concept is that car drivers should behave like they are "guests" on this kind of road. See this article. (retrieved 2022-11-27)
  16. Правила дорожного движения 2021 РФ., 24. Дополнительные требования к движению велосипедистов и водителей мопедов, 24.11 В велосипедной зоне
  17. Ciclo calles do not have any legal status in Spain (yet). Hence, there is no official sign for it (yet). It is also unclear if this is how it is going to stay or if the cycle streets that exist are pilot projects that eventually lead to a legislation. See for example this article (retrieved 2022-11-27)
  18. Trafikförordning (1998:1276), 8 kap. Bestämmelser för trafik på gågata, cykelgata och i gångfartsområde m.m., 1 a § (2022) (retrieved 2022-11-27)
  19. Bundesrat verabschiedet neue Verkehrsregeln und Signalisationsvorschriften, Weitere Änderungen per 1. Januar 2021(retrieved 2022-11-27) Other than the mentioned status alike a priority road, the Velostrasse has no legal status in Switzerland, yet, as the pilot projects seem to still be ongoing. See also this article and its associated links. (retrieved 2022-11-27)