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Public-images-osm logo.svg harassment_prevention = ask_angela
a harassment prevention service
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What is this service

A harassment prevention service one can ask for at a place mentionning it.

Launched in 2016 in England by a feminist collective, this initiative proposes that all businesses sign up to offer an anti-harassment drop-in center to anyone who requests one. https://askforangela.co.uk

The City of Lyon is committed to combating street harassment by developing the Angela scheme throughout the city. Businesses wishing to offer a place of refuge to victims of street harassment can easily join the scheme. What is a drop-in center?

How does it work? When someone is harassed in the public space, whether sexually, in relation to identity, gender, religious beliefs or disability, they spot the “Ask Angela” stickers in the windows of participating businesses. She pushes open the door and “asks for Angela” to be taken to safety. Offering a chair, a glass of water, a flyer to let her know where to turn: the shopkeeper's role is simple and fully human. The City of Lyon supports volunteer retailers in their efforts. They are made aware of the need to combat street harassment, and trained to take a victim's word for it in a caring, non-judgmental and non-discriminatory way, thanks to regular training sessions run by the CIDFF (Centre d'information sur les Droits des femmes et des familles). They also receive a communication kit and a sticker for their shop window. Open to all businesses.

It is also adopted by many other places, like the city of Lyon in France or places in Spain.

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See also