
From OpenStreetMap Wiki
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Public-images-osm logo.svg message = funding
European Union funding sign.jpg
A board informing about funding.
Group: advertising
Used on these elements
may be used on nodesshould not be used on waysshould not be used on areasshould not be used on relations (except multipolygon relations)
Useful combination
See also
Status: in use

Add the tag message=funding to advertising=board when board informs us about co-financing from a project. As usual this signs should be mapped only when present long-term. This is typical for signs declaring that "something was funded from funds distributed by European Union.

How to map

Draw tag advertising=board as a node and add message=funding.

Related tags

Tag Description Recommendation
advertising=board Main tags ! Required
message=funding ! Required
funder=* Organization from which the project is financed  Important
funding=* Fund from which the project is financed  Important
beneficiary=* Beneficiary of the grant  Important
grant=* The amount of the grant ? Optional
full_cost=* Full cost of project ? Optional
start_date=* The start date of the project ? Optional
direction=* Sign directions ? Optional
support=* Sign support ? Optional


Image Tablica dofinansowania - Unia Europejska 01.jpg Tablica dofinansowania - budżet Dolnego Śląska.jpg Tablica dofinansowania - Państwowy Fundusz Celowy.jpg
Image Tablica dofinansowania - Narodowy Program Przebudowy Dróg Lokalnych.jpg Arcoseu.JPG Hochwasserschutz Bad Kissingen 2003 - 2007 - Schild.JPG

See also