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Public-images-osm logo.svg restriction = no_right_turn_on_red
WTMP A-trio e8 2.JPG
A turn restriction corresponding to 'no right turn on red' signage at intersections Show/edit corresponding data item.
Group: restrictions
Used on these elements
should not be used on nodesshould not be used on waysshould not be used on areasmay be used on relations
Status: in use

restriction=no_right_turn_on_red is one of a few tags in use for mapping turn restrictions which indicate drivers are not permitted to turn right at an intersection while a traffic signal displays red.

This tag conforms with the format of other turn restriction relations. Other tags listed at no turn on red were developed due to a common bug in routers treating all restrictions starting with "no" in them, but as of July 2023 this has been fixed in all of them.

"Turn on red" rules can be quite variable between regions and jurisdictions, as can the prevalence of intersections where these rules apply. Some local knowledge may be required to interpret signage and intersection features appropriately.

Many jurisdictions have "default" restrictions that may or may not make sense to map. Some editors are critical of the practice of mapping implicit restrictions, but at the time of writing there is no known database or data user capable of representing the nuances of turn restriction laws well enough to fall back to a default behavior.

"No turn on red" restrictions commonly occur in areas with heavy pedestrian traffic, such as in a city's central business district. Around a school, these restrictions are often limited to times surrounding the school day but otherwise are not in effect. Use restriction:conditional=no_right_turn_on_red for any restriction that does not apply 24/7.

In regions that drive on the left, a "no turn on red" sign would typically mean restriction=no_left_turn_on_red instead. However, this also applies at some intersections in regions that drive on the right, specifically at an intersection between two one-way streets where local laws would otherwise allow a left turn on red.

See also