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Since I didn't want to write into Grevs design notes I use the talk page. Toralf 21:01, 14 January 2008 (UTC)
From "New UI Design (by Gerv) - version 2"
"It is possible to select the nodes within a way without selecting the way itself; clicking the nodes selects them, clicking an area of way between nodes selects the way."
- How should JOSM distinguish between a selection of a single node or all nodes of a way? Toralf 18:36, 8 January 2008 (UTC)
- Sorry, the text was ambiguous - I've fixed it. It's not possible to select all of the nodes in a way in a single click, because no-one has explained to me why you would want to do such a thing. Gerv 22:51, 22 January 2008 (UTC)
Addition "The addition interface is spring-loaded. You use Alt-click to make the first addition, and after that, all clicks are "additive" until you double-click to end the adding operation."
- This behavior is pretty uncommon in professional drawing software that I know of. IMHO there are two reasons:
- double-clicks are not very precise in location
- I assume currently the most often used action in JOSM is adding ways/nodes, thus it adds a lot of clicks to the user
- What does the drawing software you are familiar with do? Gerv 22:51, 22 January 2008 (UTC)
- This brings me to suggest a new concept:
- Zoom: MWheel
- Select: LMB
- Add to selection: Shift + LMB
- Deselect: Shift + Ctrl + RMB
- Are you sure you mean Right mouse button here? It seems inconsistent... Gerv 22:51, 22 January 2008 (UTC)
- Add node: Alt + LMB
- You mean hold down Alt as you add a series of nodes? Gerv 22:51, 22 January 2008 (UTC)
- Add node w\o reuse: Alt + Ctrl + LMB
- Pan: RMB (and additionally arrow keys)
- Select all nodes of a way: Shift + RMB on one node of a way
- Deselect all nodes of a way: Shift + Ctrl + RMB on one node of a way
- Select a segment of a way: Shift + RMB on segment
- OSM no longer has the concept of segments. All you have are ways. You can't work with part of a way. So I'm not sure what you mean here. Gerv 22:51, 22 January 2008 (UTC)
- Deselect a segment of a way: Shift + Ctrl + RMB on segment
Toralf 21:01, 14 January 2008 (UTC)