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I was doing some validator fixes on rural house addresses and was wondering if the zip+4 is worth using in the addr:postcode tag since I was looking up the USPS address to figure out what the addr:street was anyways.
With searching in mind, I just don't see how it would be possible to geo-locate an address if you can't figure out where it is.
Each house in rural KS might have has a unique zip+4 -- potentially making a search easier. I'll have to check a few (hundred) to check.
Now that toebee turned me on to the KS wiki -- figured I'd stir the pot. Thoughts?

County FC

I'm wanting a way to keep track of which counties that have the functional classifications done on -- and think a wiki page similar to the state highways project would suffice. It's my first wiki attempt, so any help or advice is appreciated.


#1 - get the paved county routes on the map for navigation purposes. (surface=asphalt seems to be common for Kansas)
#2 - Functional Classification via the DOT's rural system standards and the OSM guidlines.
 highway=primary for US highways
 highway=secondary for KS highways
 highway=tertiary for FC major and minor collectors (some collectors are surface=gravel)
 highway=unclassified for other rural roads. (most rural roads are still default residential from the TIGER import -- gravel is common, but dirt and paved also exist)
 highway=residential for city/town/village/enclave streets. (concentrated residential areas)