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Deprecation of gtfs:feed=*

Deprecation of gtfs:feed=* leaves some open questions:

  • requiring usage of gtfs:gtfs-key:feed=value adds a lot of extra work for
    • tagging: add the feed name to each and every GTFS key you want to tag at the object even if there is only one feed
My theory is that most of these tags are added (semi-)automatically, so this is not as much of an issue Spaanse (talk)
Agreed, and: it's a "one-time-task", so once you've done that, there will be maintenance only for the value, not for the key. --ToniE (talk) 11:39, 7 June 2024 (UTC)
      • if you refer to a special version (release_date) of a feed, you have to add gtfs:release_date:feed=date as well although "release_date" is not a valid GTFS key as suggested here
I think treating release_date as a GTFS key is fine. Spaanse (talk)
Agreed, just to make sure that others are aware of that also --ToniE (talk) 11:39, 7 June 2024 (UTC)
      • would you prefer then gtfs:gtfs-key:feed:release_date=date?
    • coding (QA, ...) - performance: loop over every key of the object and evaluate if it matches e.g. 'gtfs:route_id:.*' instead of simply checking whether the 'gtfs:route_id' key exists. But the coding of this is a minor issue, I do care about the performance aspects.
  • as mentioned, gtfs:feed=* has priority over network:guid=* and this has priority over operator:guid=*

gtfs:gtfs-key:feed=value should only be used if there is more than one source of GTFS information (=feed)

  • thus replacing the current usage of a colon separated list of feeds, e.g. gtfs:feed=DE-SPNV;CH-Alle and e.g. gtfs:route_id=91-T31-j24-1;91-6-O-j24-1 (just an example)

I see the need of gtfs:gtfs-key:feed=value mostly for "stop" related objects: gtfs:stop_*:feed=value rather than for "routes" or "trips"

We should not deprecate gtfs:feed=* but allow it as a valid tag.

In my view, using gtfs:feed=* with gtfs:key should be discouraged.
"discouraged", yes. "deprecated", after a rather longer time of migration? --ToniE (talk) 11:39, 7 June 2024 (UTC)
Current usage is considered to be semantically the same as gtfs:key:feed Spaanse (talk)
Ack. And the "performance aspect" is valid but has to be accepted if gtfs:gtfs-key:feed=value is allowed for any gtfs-key and has priority over gtfs:feed=* --ToniE (talk) 11:39, 7 June 2024 (UTC)

We should require that gtfs:gtfs-key:feed=value must be used if there is more than one feed.

Agreed Spaanse (talk)