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levels=* for other type of features than buildings

Apparently some contributors have been using this key to express the number of levels for a building, this page suggests so but "building:levels" has been adopted. Nevertheless, this key could be used for other type of features, some or most might be special features. In a OSM BE chat, someone has shown a bench with 2 levels. Other examples I'm thinking of not being buildings: bridges, caves...--SHARCRASH (talk) 12:25, 9 February 2024 (UTC)

Basically, it is possible to use the key with features different from buildings, I think, if it makes sense. However, I can imagine very few examples. – Perhaps with amenities like a cafe that stretches over 2 or more levels in a building that has further levels and units: E.g. amenity=cafe + levels=2, or amenity:levels=2 ? – With bridges it is different, IMO. First of all they are properties of highways that have to be routable. So every level or layer of a bridge has to be a seperate way with a layer=* set. It might be a use-case with bridges mapped as areas in addition. – The current wiki page doesn't exclude further usage. But to extent the documentation in that direction there should be examples of usage with some amount, more than just singularities. --Chris2map (talk) 18:19, 9 February 2024 (UTC)