Talk:Key:parking space

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Deleting parameters from "Description" infobox

The parameters were completely deleted, but IMHO this should not be done at the English page. English page should be the basic source for information to the community and the basis in case of changes. Everything else (translations and data items) should be adapted to this basic source. I also posted at User_talk:Airon90#Deleting parameters from "Description" infoboxes and am waiting for a reply. -- regards, Chris2map (talk) 07:44, 11 April 2021 (UTC)

parking_space=normal ?

In french, the opposite of normal is abnormal. Disabled peoples don't appreciate

There needs to be something to show that a parking space has no markings/restrictions as to its use, what do you suggest instead? Confusedbuffalo (talk) 20:07, 20 September 2021 (UTC)
How about parking_space=no_restriction or parking_space=without_restriction? Or just no value at all (for key parking_space) in such a case? I also find the value normal very inappropriate (meaningless) – it's always the same question: what does normal mean? What is normal and not normal? I would remove this value or mark it as deprecated. Goodidea (talk) 05:06, 26 January 2023 (UTC)

Additional tags for parking spaces needed, as several groups of disabled people exist.

On this page Von über Behindertenparkplätze (about parking spaces for disabled people), which is sadly german (sorry, I did not search for a english page yet) there one can read that several groups of disabled people with different easements for parking exist.

The most known group are diasbled people who have a blue parking pass. These are mostly people which have heavy physical walking impairments or are blind. But there is also a group who can have a orange parking pass and have less impairments. And there is a group, who can not get a parking pass and have a bit less impairments, but have parking easements (for example people with 70 degree and an physical walking impairment but without impairment in functions of heart or lung.

The marking for parking space for disabled people can be only 'disabled' (I think this is meant only for disabled people with a blue parking pass). For marking parking places which are for disabled with orange parking pass or disabled people without parking pass but easements (allowance for parking although no parking pass but has 70 degrees and is physically impaired in walking - this is often written next to the blue sign with symbolic wheelchair), it would be great to add labels in the database like 'disabled_orange' and 'disabled_with_at_least_walking_impairment' or 'something_similar'. Else it is impossible to mark these parking places on the map. And OSM would benefit in the future as surely only good source for disabled people.

(I know some of these 'special' places, but only from viewing. If a disabled one with orange parking pass or only physical walking impairment is new in the city or works in a unknown new part of the city, then it is not easy to find these places.)

(I hope my English as native German is good enough. If not, please ask and I will try to explain what I meant.)

I would suggest to use a subkey instead (like wheelchair:description for the wheelchair tag), maybe something like disabled:condition or disabled:type? --Confusedbuffalo (talk) 09:19, 23 January 2022 (UTC)
I did not know that a subkey is possible. Sorry, I have no knowledge how to edit OSM maps yet. This sounds more logical and I am sure this benefits OSM. I like this idea, thank you! :) --MW (talk) 21:56, 23 January 2022 (UTC+1)

Access diferrentiation

I see the value parking_space=private

would it be better to use




--SherbetS (talk) 01:03, 26 January 2023 (UTC)

Yes I would think it's best to use the access=* key to specify who can access the space. --Aharvey (talk) 03:54, 28 August 2024 (UTC)