Talk:West Bank
There will be upload of datas from FreeMap West Bank to OSM ? --Esperanza 18:26, 18 January 2009 (UTC)
At the moment, FreeMap WestBank is operating in parallel to OSM. We restrict registration in order to protect the participants from harassment in the West Bank. I can potentially open up registration, but would need to consult with JumpStart. It would be great to have some experienced OSM-ers helping out remotely. One complication at the moment is that they have been operating offline for a couple weeks, internet has gone out at our facilities, so there's quite a lot of data that hasn't been uploaded yet.
I am planning to upload from FreeMap WestBank as soon as it makes sense -- which I reckon would be after the project ceases funding data collection there this spring. I could upload earlier, but there would then be the problem of re-sync'ing the data again later on. I don't think this is ideal, but I'm not going to have the time to do this twice. If someone was willing to resync periodically, by manual inspection of differences in the "branches", then I'd support it.
You're probably aware of this already .. but the reason we're operating a seperate server for the time being is because JumpStart wishes the results of their funded work to be public domain. In the long run, I expect maintenance of the data to happen in OpenStreetMap.
--Mikel 22:17, 18 January 2009 (UTC)
Mosques rendered as churches shouldn't be a problem anymore, at least with Mapnik. --Ipofanes 07:55, 7 August 2009 (UTC)