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{{RoadState| c=Car | l=Labbelled | ex=Exit | ln=Lane | sp=Speed | cam=Mapillary | fo=Foot | b=Bike | bu=Bus | se=Service Area | rl=Relation | lit=Lit | de=Detours | sn=Sign}}

You can use some of the above status icons by defining the vars you want to use.
The order of the shown icons is fixed, everything else is possible.
See Talk:Landkreis München. Discussions in German.

This template was created, based on Template:State in order to fit it to our requirements on Gl:WikiProject Revisión etiquetado estradas autonómicas, where we wanted to log de state of RAEGA roads. It should be useful for other non-motorway roads like spanish ones.

What you want
What you type
{{RoadState|l=|c=|b=|fo=|d=|tr=|p=|fu=|r=|co=|ho=|t=|n=|w=|f=|h=|tn=|s=|u=| st=|tm=|bu=|sh=|ha=|ex=|se=|ju=|ln=|sp=|de=|tmc=|lit=|ru=|rl=}}
Mapillary (4/4)Foot (2/4)Bike (3/4) {{RoadState|b=3|fo=2|t=1|n=|h=2|cam=4}}
Car (3/4)Labelled (4/4)Foot (1/4)Bike (2/4) {{RoadState|l=4|c=3|b=2|fo=1|tr=1|p=|fu=X|r=|t=|n=}}
Labelled (4/4)Foot (3/4)Bike (2/4) {{RoadState|l=4|b=2|fo=3|tr=2|n=1|h=3}}
LabelledSpeedBike {{RoadState|l=NA|b=NA|sp=NA|fu=NA|sh=NA}}
CarLabelledExitLanesSpeedFootBikeBusService StationRelationLitDetours {{RoadState|l=NA|c=NA|b=NA|fo=NA|d=NA|p=NA|fu=NA|r=NA|ho=NA|co=NA|t=NA|n=NA|w=NA|f=NA|h=NA|pa=NA|tr=NA|tn=NA |s=NA|u=NA|st=NA|tm=NA|bu=NA|sh=NA|ha=NA|ex=NA|se=NA|ju=NA|ln=NA|sp=NA|de=NA|tmc=NA|lit=NA|ru=NA|rl=NA}}

See also

and all other thingsedit from Category:Map status.