Tiles@home/Install Guide/Fedora 7

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To run Tiles@home we have some prerequisite:


standard packages

Starting with a clean installation, you should perform this tasks:

note: Perl should be installed by default, but the inkscape installations will install missing perl components.

yum install inkscape xmlstarlet subversion 


Since revision 7250 of the client, you can use optipng instead of pngcrush. You can install optipng in Fedora with

yum install optipng

You only need to adjust your config to use optipng instead of pngcrush, just search for optipng (case insensitive) in the example config file (tilesAtHome.conf.linux).

In case you still want to use pngcrush, do the following:

Now you have to download pngcrush from sourceforge as sources or use the packaged

wget http://ftp.belnet.be/packages/dries.ulyssis.org/fedora/fc3/i386/RPMS.dries/pngcrush-1.6.4-1.fc3.rf.i386.rpm
rpm -Uvh pngcrush-1.6.4-1.fc3.rf.i386.rpm
rm -f pngcrush-1.6.4-1.fc3.rf.i386.rpm

Perl components

Then you have to install some perl components (Math::Complex e Math::Trig should be installed by default):

yum install perl-Math-Vec perl-GD perl-Error

then you have to check if other modules are up to date. Run CPAN from command line and try to install the missing modules. (if you start cpan for the first time, you get some question: standard answer is ok)

install LWP::Simple
install File::Copy
install Math::Trig
install Math::Complex
install AppConfig

Since client version Quickborn you may have to add further perl components

install XML::Parser::PerlSAX
install XML::XPath
install Set::Object
install AppConfig


DejaVu fonts should be installed by the standard Fedora installation


now you can install tiles@home. go to your home directory


create a folder to host OpenStreetMap files

mkdir osm
cd osm

now you can download the files

svn co http://svn.openstreetmap.org/applications/rendering/tilesAtHome/ 

when the download process ends, edit the configuration files to add the username and password obtained from User:ojw (like described in the Passwords Required section)

go to the tilesAtHome folder

cd tilesAtHome
cp tilesAtHome.conf.linux tilesAtHome.conf
cp authentication.conf.example authentication.conf

Edit authentication.conf and insert your OSM username and password and your upload username and password

  • Use %40 in place of @ in your OSM username

Updating tiles@home

to manually update t@h you have to go to the t@h folder and type

svn up

to have an automatically updated t@h you can add a cron job scheduled every 30 minutes

crontab -e

This command probably opens VI editor. Press < i > key, and insert the following string:

*/30 * * * * /usr/bin/svn update PATH_TO_/tilesAtHome

Press <esc> and <shift>+<z><z> keys to save and exit.