Torino/GTT GTFS Import

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GTT Turin GTFS import is an import of Gruppo Torinese Trasporti S.p.A's public GTFS dataset which includes new public transport stops and routes covering Turin, Italy.

The import is currently (as of 15/2/2024) at the planning stage.


This import aims to bring all the latest changes to Turin's public transport into OSM.

All currently present bus/tram/metro stops and routes in Turin, Italy managed by Gruppo Torinese Trasporti S.p.A. (GTT, in short) will be scanned and updated with the latest GTFS data published by GTT.

Stops that are no longer present will be marked as disused, and new stops will be added to the map.

All routes of the Formula network will be removed and imported again with updated GTFS data. This will ensure a much easier data-matching process for future updates.

Main Schedule

0) Wait for Proposal:GTFS Tagging Standard approval [approved]

1) Adapt gtfs-osm-import to the new GTFS standard [ongoing]

2) Discussion on talk-it mailing list [to do]

2) Discussion on talk-it-piemonte mailing list [to do]

3) Discussion on imports mailing list [to do]

4) Creation of the <username>_Import OSM account [to do]

5) Ask for the importer role to the Data Working Group at [to do]

6) Import the data (follow The Plan) [to do]

Import Data

GTFS Data Sources

GTFS data source site:
Data license: CC BY 4.0
Type of license: CC BY 4.0
Link to permission: Granted permission PDF + request email
ODbL Compliance verified: yes

OSM Data Files

OSM data files will be generated using the open-source GTFS-OSM-Import tool.

Import Type

This will be a recurring import. The method and schedule are still to be defined.

Data Preparation, Merge & Conflation Workflow


The import will be conducted by the local OSM user gabenarni

The Plan


1) Current OSM stops' data will be analyzed using the open-source GTFS-OSM-Import tool and compared to the GTFS data. The map area of analysis will be calculated based on the GTFS data's bounding box.

2) The tool's stops command will generate three different files:

gtfs_import_matched_with_updated_metadata.osm: This file will contain all the stops (already present on OSM) that were matched to their respective GTFS stop either by the Key:gtfs:stop id or by stop name whithin a specified distance range.

Their tags will be updated according to the PTv2 schema along with the coordinates chosen from the tool's GUI for too-distant or ambiguous stops (if used).

gtfs_import_new_stops_from_gtfs.osm: This file will contain all the new stops not yet present on OSM with tags following the PTv2 schema.

gtfs_import_not_matched_stops.osm: This file will contain all the stops on OSM no longer present in the GTFS data. The tool will mark each of these stops as "disused", but if no longer physically present in reality, the node can be deleted.

3) Each *.osm file will be generated according to the JOSM file format schema, with appropriate action values for each modified/new node ready to be uploaded to OSM.


4) Matching routes' relations to GTFS data is not possible for Turin's case, as no relation of the Formula network has any straightforward hints for matching with GTFS data.

The currently proposed solution is to delete every relation that belongs to the Formula network, and then generate the new relations (using the GTFS-OSM-Import tool) that follow the PTv2 schema (including a master relation for each bus line).

5) The fullrels command will handle everything from matching currently present OSM stops to GTFS data, to matching each GTFS trip shape to their respective ways in OSM for the generation of the relations according to the PTv2 schema.

6) Each relation's ways will be checked manually before uploading to OSM.

7) The new relations' output file gtfs_import_mergedFullRelations.osm will be generated, and ready to be uploaded to OSM.

Changeset Tags

Values the import changesets will use:

Key Value
comment -
import yes
source Turin GTT GTFS import
source:url dataset link
source:date *age of dataset at the time of import*
import:page *link to this wiki page*
source:license CC BY 4.0.

Data Transformation Results


Used Tools



Additional resources

Torino/Trasporti pubblici


List of GTFS feeds (IT-TO-GTFS)

PTv2 schema

Key:gtfs:stop id