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Public-images-osm logo.svg highway = street_lamp
2014 Kłodzko, ul. Grottgera 14.JPG
Окремий стовп з одним або кількома вогнями для освітлення вулиці. Show/edit corresponding data item.
Група: highways
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Теґ highway=street_lamp використовується для позначення вуличного ліхтаря, вуличного світильника, ліхтарного стовпа : вертикального джерела світла над дорогою, що вмикається чи світить вночі.

Як позначати

Додайте точку у місці, де фактично розміщено джерело світла (наприклад, поруч до освітленої дороги).

Теґ highway=street_lamp використовується лише на node точках.

  • node highway=street_lamp
  • node ref=* якщо на ліхтарі є номер, що дозволяє допомогти ідентифікувати точки на дорозі. Зокрема, у деяких місцях ви можете викликати поліцію і сказати, що трапилася дорожньо-транспортна пригода на Big Street, південніше ліхтарного стовпа 35, і поліція буде точно знати, де це є. Ці ідентифікатори також можуть використовуватися для повідомлення про розбиті лампи чи розміщення реклами.
  • node lamp_ref_swd=* теґ використовується лише у місті Дюссельдорф для ліхтарів, що не використовуються у навігації (див. нижче).

Використовуйте також lit=yes на вулицях та інших об'єктах, що освітлені вуличним ліхтарем. Якщо ліхтар не є прожектором чи юпітером буває складно визначити наскільки розповсюджується світло, щоб вважати вулицю неосвітленою, тому використовуйте lit=yes для тих сегментів, де розташовано ліхтарі. lit_by_gaslight=yes також використовується деякими містами, щоб позначити, що дорога освітлюється саме газовими ліхтарями.

Typical attributes

Note these attributes have not been voted on, but have been used

Key Values
support=* How the light element is placed.
  • catenary – Suspended over road/etc. and held by cables, the latter of which are attached somewhere (poles/walls).
  • ceiling – Direct attachment to a ceiling (common locations: pedestrian tunnels)
  • ground – The lamp is in a fixture installed right in the ground (common locations: event venues or parks)
  • pedestal – Something like a bollard, seldomly larger than 1.5 meter.
  • pole – Most common wooden/metal pole, almost always higher than 2 meters.
  • wall – Direct attachment to a wall
  • wall_mounted – Attached to a wall by way of a metal bar
lamp_mount=* If support=pole, then
  • straight_mast – The light sits atop a mast
  • bent_mast – The light is at the end of a bent mast
  • electric – undetailed electric
    • LED – Light-emitting diode(s). Be wary that a tightly-spaced LED array behind a matte screen may appear the same as a fluorescent tube behind a matte screen.
    • incandescent – Electric light with a wire filament heated until it glows
      • (key not defined) – Tungsten filament
      • halogen – Tungsten halogen
    • discharge – Unspecified discharge lamp
      • mercury – High pressure mercury vapour lamp
      • metal-halide – High pressure metal-halide vapour lamp
      • fluorescent – Low pressure mercury fluorescent tubes (includes CFL/Compact Fluorescent Light)
      • sodium – Unspecified sodium vapour lamp
        • low_pressure_sodium – Monochrome orange light
        • high_pressure_sodium - Orange with a bit of white
  • gas
light:colour=* Unless a lamp is specifically a decorative light, municipal street lighting will present itself almost exclusively to be either orange (sodium) or white (everything else) and any discolorations are either due to lamp aging, dirt buildup, or variations in chosen color temperature.
light:count=* Number of lights on a pole. (As for LED lamps, the modules are counted, not the individual diodes.)
light:lit=* Time of day that the light is turned on.
  • 24/7 – all the time
  • dusk-dawn – automatic based on clock or outdoor brightness sensed at some central location
  • motion – controlled by a motion sensor
  • demand – manually operated
  • or opening_hours-style syntax thereof
  • spherical – light shines in all directions (usually implies absence of light:direction)
  • cylindrical – light shines in all directions except into the sky
light:tilt=* -90 for pointing onto the street/pavement, 0 for sideways, 90 for pointing upwards, and anything inbetween
light:direction=* Numerical map direction (0=north, 90=east, etc.) the light points to
lamp_model=* Type or make/model of the lamp (enclosure)
light:model=* Type (make/model) of the “bulb”
ref=* The reference number used by the operator (such as the county council), typically indicated by a sign stuck to the support

Variations (not currently tagged)

The suspending is commonly done by placing the lamp on top of a pole at the edge of a road or between lanes. Lamps may be mounted on the middle of a roadside power pole instead of a dedicated pole, although the latter may support low voltage power lines (power=minor_line) for electricity supply for the lamps. Another common scheme is to have the poles hold up a suspended carrying wire from which the lamp(s) hang.

In cities, the existing buildings sometimes replace the poles in either scheme. Occasionally, street lamps are attached to other structures of convenient height, such as bridges or road signs.

The mechanism and procedures for turning off and on street lamps vary a lot. Common schemes include turning them on/off at fixed times using a clock, turning them on/off a fixed interval from sunset/sunrise using a more complex clock, turning them on based on a light sensor (which tends to also turn them on in some weather conditions) and turning them off again late at night when there is less traffic. Some schemes also involve only turning on every second street lamp some of the time.


Street lighting in Göttingen differentiated by lamp type (sodium, CFL, LED and other)

Regional variations

Some cities have unique street lighting systems. See their respective pages for local tagging suggestions:

  • Cincinnati (traffic island lights or turtle lamps)


Currently there is a project to map all gaslighted way streets and all gaslight node lanterns in the town of Düsseldorf. See: Düsseldorf/Projekte/Gaslaternen

(Many of these tags may also be applicable to electrical lamps, though no general scheme has been defined)

Possible tagging mistakes

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See also

  • tower:type=lighting - Poles for lighting, flood lighting columns
  • Proposed features/lamp - more flexible tagging of lamps, including street lamps
  • operator=*: "If the vast majority of a certain object in an area is operated by a certain organization and only very few by others then it may be sufficient to only tag the exceptions."