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Unroll logo.png
Author: Jungle Bus
License: GNU General Public License v3 (free of charge)
Platform: Web
Languages: French, English, Czech, German, Spanish, Hungarian, Italian, and Polish
Website: https://jungle-bus.github.io/unroll/
Source code: https://github.com/Jungle-Bus/unroll
Programming language: JavaScript

Unroll is a tool for viewing transport routes in OpenStreetMap. It allows you to search for transport routes and to display their details: attributes, trips, timetables, stops, shapes, etc.

Unroll is an open source tool for viewing transport routes in OpenStreetMap. It allows you to search for transport routes and to display their details: attributes, trips, timetables, stops, shapes, etc.

To use on OSM wiki, use the Unroll template to generate a link: [U]Metro 6

a metro line
a metro line